Bid Daddy

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do you read a daily newspaper?
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  • 04-13-2010, 04:05 PM

Who established this? Most of this bull comes from people who would like prostitution to go away and feel that by painting every women involved as a helpless victim they will further their cause.

Amanda Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
  • 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96)
  • 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96)
  • 1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the internet. (30, 87)
  • Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under. (76)
  • An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today. (1)
More than 75% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused.

So 25% of girls are abused before 18 and that figure jumps to 75% of teenage prostitutes. It seems to me that Mr Bull may be on to something.
  • 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96)
  • 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96)
  • 1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the internet. (30, 87)
  • Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under. (76)
  • An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today. (1)
More than 75% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused.

So 25% of girls are abused before 18 and that figure jumps to 75% of teenage prostitutes. It seems to me that Mr Bull may be on to something. Originally Posted by WTF
I think that if they surveyed prostitutes of all ages the percentage would be lower than 75% but still more than likely higher than women in other professions.If you fall into that 25% you learn at a young age that sex can at times equal survival.This is something that a woman who has never been abused can not undestand as easily.

This will always be a touchy subject,and I am sure that there are many escorts who have never been abused.People make an abusive past far more negative than is has to be.I think that the things that happen to us when we are young help to make us who we are as adults.I am happy for both the good, and bad because it has made me who I am now,and overall I know that life is good

As far as the daddy issue goes.I doubt very many men want me calling them daddy anymore than I want them calling me mom
I can categorically state that, other than my children, I have never asked anyone to call me Daddy. I guess I'm just twisted that way.
I expected some flack over my statement but it will stand because the literature is full of examples Originally Posted by John Bull
Moving the subject away entirely from the concept of abuse. Clinicians consider the act or even the toughts of it as a disorder and here is why.

The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR), which the the prevailing resource for diagnostic criteria of incest, describes the essential feature of incest as recurrent, intense, sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies generally involving opposite sex or same sex.

The essential features of this disorder (yes it is a disorder) as described by the DSM-IV-TR include the following:

  • The patient reports recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with immediate family member.
  • The patient at least 5 years older than the victim.
  • The disorder causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
  • The clinician should specify if the person is attracted to males, females, or both; if the acts are limited to incest; and if the patient is attracted to immediate family member only (exclusive type) or both family member or non-family member “fantasy” (nonexclusive type).
Using stats about teenage/underage prostitutes and believing that it applies to the escort world at large is a little simplistic, particularly when the stats are taken from an anti-abuse website.
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  • 04-13-2010, 06:50 PM
Using stats about teenage/underage prostitutes and believing that it applies to the escort world at large is a little simplistic, particularly when the stats are taken from an anti-abuse website. Originally Posted by Natalie
Yes I would agree....but it does have a more scientific slant than just stating one's own life experience or belief's.

Every person has a story but you have to gather stats somewhere and then break them down into usable theories.

Its like saying that all the 9/11 terrorist were Muslim but not all Muslims are terrorist.

Abuse plays a large role in this industry as much as we would all like to think it does not.

btw I agree with Becky. Lemonaide is better than Lemons.Hi Bec
atlcomedy's Avatar
is there a smilie for "pot calling kettle black"???
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  • 04-13-2010, 07:05 PM
is there a smilie for "pot calling kettle black"??? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
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As far as the daddy issue goes.I doubt very many men want me calling them daddy anymore than I want them calling me mom Originally Posted by Becky
Wouldn't bet on that. Ever hear of those guys who look for "cougars"?
I remember hearing the 1 in 3 stat years ago (now it seems to be raised to 1 in 4). I applied that stat to what I knew of the strippers I were friends with and it held true. I've applied that to the other sex workers I know and it holds true. Which means that sex workers have the exact same abuse rates as the rest of the population.

As for the teen sex worker-abuse stat, I believe it simply because runaway teens are almost always running away from abusive homes. Are they abused more than non-runaway teens? I'm not entirely sure about that, they simply took different action. Someone needs to survey non-runaway teens.

Jo Weldon once wrote a paper in which she opined that the economic environment someone grew up in was a much bigger factor in becoming a sex worker than sexual abuse. Just because sex work deals with sex doesn't mean that the motivation has anything to do with sex.

I personally would love it if someone would survey the people who gather these stats and study sex workers to see if there is any sexual abuse in their past in order to explain their fascination with sex workers.

I remember hearing the 1 in 3 stat years ago (now it seems to be raised to 1 in 4). Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
Wouldn't that be lowering? 1 in 3 = 33% > 1 in 4 = 25%
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  • 04-14-2010, 07:57 AM
Wouldn't that be lowering? 1 in 3 = 33% > 1 in 4 = 25% Originally Posted by pjorourke

I applied that stat to what I knew of the strippers I were friends with and it held true. I've applied that to the other sex workers I know and it holds true. Which means that sex workers have the exact same abuse rates as the rest of the population.

Amanda Originally Posted by texasgoldengirl
Amanda...not sure if this is the scientific method that would pass peer review!
I thought this was relative to the thread.

*The statistics are 1 in 4 girls have been sexually abused before age 18, 1 in 7 boys before age 18.
*Typically children will not tell for an array of fears (85% Not Reported)...
*Typically the abusers are male, but can be female
*Typically they are someone close to the child, more often than not....very very close (85% of the time they know the abuser)
*Typically it is not violence, but years of grooming a child leading to sexual abuse by any way, gentle coercion, shown a lot of attention, they prey on the week & easily taken advantage of
*Children rarely/almost never Lie about sexual abuse if they report it
*Sexual abuse to a child has behavioral signs & symptoms when they are children
*BUT worse yet are the Long Term Adult Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse
*A lot of girls who have been sexually abused as children wind up in jobs related to the sex industry (porn stars, prostitutes, strippers) and will also be abusers of alcohol and/or drugs and will have a lot of abusive/codependent relationships
*A lot of girls who have been sexually abused as children will somehow inadvertently attract a predator who will re-victimize them over and over again as well as going as far as that predator seeking out single moms so he can abuse their children
*A LOT of the time, it is their dad, the very person that is supposed to set the ground work & foundation for a daughter to learn, know and trust the world in an appropriate way, but when a father steals that from a daughter more often than not her trust in men as well as just any adult person goes from about 0 to -10 leaving her unable to trust anyone because there was no concrete foundation slab poured & set early on in her upbringing. The world is a very cold place when you only know to trust yourself!
*Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: When a child is sexually abused they never feel or learn how to achieve that need for SAFETY, leaving that child almost defenseless to the world as they grow into adulthood.
*Their lives are very chaotic, always in ruins, one catastrophe after another, unmeasurable amounts of disappointments and continual abuse by others, not happy, not peaceful, drug/alcohol/sex addictions helps them escape, very sad world filled with a lot of anger and hatred to the world, men or anything or anyone that resurfaces an old memory of the abuse
*Most will have little to no memories until they reach into their 30s-40s, where the mind some how kind of deprograms itself allowing the person to remember details.
*Without proper treatment, nothing will ever get better for them.
*Treatment is hard work, very painful, super uncomfortable, extremely sad, brings up a lot of unwanted/uncomfortable feelings, brings up a lot of anger and resentment, a time where you weed through the people in your life deciphering who stays & who goes, it is a Healing Journey.
*It is the ONLY way to HEAL!!!
*I suggest finding a place that offers your 1st stage of therapy with a 7 month class called "Dialectical Behavior Therapy".
**If that person is ready for that life they have always day dreamed about, then they are finally strong enough and courageous enough to embark on one of the most difficult journeys of their entire lives, but the rewards are sooo very very SWEET!!!
***If anyone out there is in need of help (guy or girl sexually abused as a child), is finally ready to get help and willing to do whatever it takes to make their LIFE Peaceful and Happy....then please feel free to PM me anytime. I have resources to get you headed in the right direction (I do not need to know any personal info about you, so you can remain anonymous if you prefer). Someone out there may read this, and because of this thread, they will finally get the opportunity to HEAL!! Sometimes it is just the right time to go from Victim to SURVIVOR!!! ***

On A Side Note: Please know I am not saying change your life completely. I am not saying quit your job, get rid of everyone in your life, become a completely different person than you know, nothing so radical that you are completely overwhelmed. This is just about facing and dealing with your feelings and issues of the abuse. Making a lot of little changes as well as some big changes in your life that help you to become a better You! Fine tweaking of some things that allow you to be the person you were always meant to be, as well as experiencing the awesome benefits of Peace and Happiness.