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themystic's Avatar
There are tons of resources available to members. I don't like some of the rhetoric that comes from some members and I and certainly don't approve when politicians play off that rhetoric. However, as far as lobbying to protect 2A, as well as the training and education made available, can't complain. Originally Posted by grean
I have had guns all my life. I will die with guns. The far right is making up fake news to scare people.
The NRA would back a TS advocating hetero sex was illegal as long as it was pro gun. Originally Posted by bamscram
So they responded to YOUR query after all, huh EKIM ! Nice to know that YOU have their support !
bamscram's Avatar
So they responded to YOUR query after all, huh EKIM ! Nice to know that YOU have their support ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Mention a TS and gay(ekim) rey shows up hoping to get a dick in her mouth.
You are a special kind of stupid ekim.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have been a life member for almost 20 years and a regular member before that.
I do not always agree with who they support in elections as they are a single issue organization when it comes to politics and the government. As an example they supported Harry Reid over the TEA party candidate in Nevada because Harry was able to get a 60 some odd million dollar shooting range built in Clark County. Of course Harry had an interest in the land that was sold to build the facility but he had an A rating with the NRA and the TEA Party candidate had no record so they did not give her the endorsement.
themystic's Avatar
I have been a life member for almost 20 years and a regular member before that.
I do not always agree with who they support in elections as they are a single issue organization when it comes to politics and the government. As an example they supported Harry Reid over the TEA party candidate in Nevada because Harry was able to get a 60 some odd million dollar shooting range built in Clark County. Of course Harry had an interest in the land that was sold to build the facility but he had an A rating with the NRA and the TEA Party candidate had no record so they did not give her the endorsement. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
why do people make up so much shit about guns. no one is taking anyones guns away
The more people freak out, the more guns they buy.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Useless org that does nothing but spam you, send junk mail and call you for money.

No thanks.

The liberal retards think they help gun owners lol
Hotrod511's Avatar
The NRA would back a TS advocating hetero sex was illegal as long as it was pro gun. Originally Posted by bamscram
Then you got it made retarded lenny
Cmon LL, that's paranoia at it's finest. Originally Posted by grean
Its not paranoia though, especially when you see states like NY, where idiots DID POST A LIST OF gun owners online for all to see, in clear violation of the law, and NOT ONE PERSON got jailed for it.
bamscram's Avatar
Then you got it made retarded lenny Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Another fag shows up hoping for a dick. Hang in there ekim shot rod you will have to compeat with gay ekim rey for it.
Another fag shows up hoping for a dick. Hang in there ekim shot rod you will have to compeat with gay ekim rey for it. Originally Posted by bamscram
YOU are THE FAG that ALWAYS shows up LOOKING FOR DINGLEBERRIES TO PICK Ekim The Inbred Chimp ! And YOU have NO " competition " when it comes to YOUR MASTERY of YOUR chosen profession, Mr. Junior World Champion Dingleberry Picker !
Hotrod511's Avatar
Another fag shows up hoping for a dick. Hang in there ekim shot rod you will have to compeat with gay ekim rey for it. Originally Posted by bamscram
I'm not Ekim retarded lenny you are

and here is your hero little rocket man
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I have had guns all my life. I will die with guns. The
LEFT is making up fake news to scare people. Originally Posted by themystic

ftfy, missyfag

themystic's Avatar
ftfy, missyfag

Waco you can do better than this

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You probably don't even know how to use a gun.
Here's a little something for the Liberals to wrap their little jello heads around. A gun buy back program in Maryland actually spikes their homicide rate.



For two months in 1974, the Baltimore Police Department ran what is believed to have been the first gun buyback program in the U.S. Police commissioner Donald Pomerleau, not known as an advocate for strict gun control, reportedly came up with the idea while at a funeral for an officer who was shot in the line of duty. Operation PASS (People Against Senseless Shootings) paid a $50 "bounty" for surrendered guns and $100 for tips leading to the confiscation of illegal guns. Some bounty seekers attempted to game the system by buying cheap, new guns that retailed for $21.95 and then trying to turn them in. In all, the police collected 13,500 of firearms - mostly handguns - at a cost of over $660,000. However, the city's already high gun homicide and assault rates actually increased during the program, for which police officials offered no explanation