Happy New Year has real meaning

Ho ho... happy new year hoes n fellow tards
surcher's Avatar
did surcher make it?? Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I think so. Let me check and I'll get back to you.

A couple of things, surcher, glad all is well and you're in good health sir. Happy New Year.

And damn this place was a lot different in 2010.

Originally Posted by Island_Gent
Thank you, same to you. Yes, this place was very different. Being an asshole wasn't in vogue. Many of us were friends and actually got together semi-regularly, both men and women. Socials weren't looked down upon and to have 70 to 100 people show up throughout the night was not uncommon. Women would meet for drinks, or dinner and charging for getting together never entered their mind. A woman actually came and took me to dinner. She even came here, picked me up and we spent New Years Eve together. I spent the night at her house and, try as I might, we didn't ring in the new year with BCD activities. I spent the day with her and her kids. We were friends.

I met MLisa as she was a birthday gift from fellow hobbyists and Italia. We got along so well she followed that with a gift of herself as a Christmas gift. She brought along Lil Red Robin for a double, as long as I took care of Robin. I bought Lisa some lingerie for Christmas. She's come out a couple of times just to catch up over dinner. If she lived closer, she said she would have just been a friend with benefits.

While we still have some of the women still with us from then, it's mostly a new generation of women. Socials are a thing of the past and I might as well be a newbie, as I've been turned down for not having enough references and for them not being recent enough. Most of the women I've seen have retired. It seems like "off the clock" things, such as meeting for dinner, are heading in the direction of socials.
Glad to have you around for another year surcher. Maybe things can return somewhat to once they were. I've always tried to lead by example, you would be a good example to follow as far as behaving like the way things used to be.
I'm new here and still learning, but an old hat like yourself would bee a good trail blazer.
Thank you, same to you. Yes, this place was very different. Being an asshole wasn't in vogue. Many of us were friends and actually got together semi-regularly, both men and women. Socials weren't looked down upon and to have 70 to 100 people show up throughout the night was not uncommon. Women would meet for drinks, or dinner and charging for getting together never entered their mind. A woman actually came and took me to dinner. She even came here, picked me up and we spent New Years Eve together. I spent the night at her house and, try as I might, we didn't ring in the new year with BCD activities. I spent the day with her and her kids. We were friends.

I met MLisa as she was a birthday gift from fellow hobbyists and Italia. We got along so well she followed that with a gift of herself as a Christmas gift. She brought along Lil Red Robin for a double, as long as I took care of Robin. I bought Lisa some lingerie for Christmas. She's come out a couple of times just to catch up over dinner. If she lived closer, she said she would have just been a friend with benefits.

While we still have some of the women still with us from then, it's mostly a new generation of women. Socials are a thing of the past and I might as well be a newbie, as I've been turned down for not having enough references and for them not being recent enough. Most of the women I've seen have retired. It seems like "off the clock" things, such as meeting for dinner, are heading in the direction of socials. Originally Posted by surcher
The site was still in its infancy then, providers and tricks migrating from ASPD I imagine. Smaller community, closer knit.

The larger society has gotten coarser and more disagreeable, eccie just reflects that, regrettably.

Despite all that I've been fortunate to have made some pretty cool friends here as well.

All the best to you sir, and continued good health.

I think so. Let me check and I'll get back to you.

. Originally Posted by surcher
whew! glad your still here......memorials suck.......
ck1942's Avatar
Bro. Surcher, happy new year! to you and this thread and the referenced one past brought up some great memories, mostly of social times past, of course, but also perhaps a few more others.

Sorry about the lack of fellowship in H-town, but some folks there know we are still carrying on in other parts of Tejas; through make regular pilgrimages to SA and Austin and elsewhere, too, for some conviviality and fellowship.

Take care out there and Happy Hobbying!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 01-05-2016, 07:30 AM
Happy New Year, surcher! Hang in there, buddy.
boardman's Avatar
A couple of things, surcher, glad all is well and you're in good health sir. Happy New Year.

And damn this place was a lot different in 2010.

Originally Posted by Island_Gent
^^^^^What IG said...

And yes, that post that the real TG made in 2010 would get you an infraction in 2016.
^^^^^What IG said...

And yes, that post that the real TG made in 2010 would get you an infraction in 2016. Originally Posted by boardman
That's unfortunate, it was well intentioned and a very considerate gesture. I liked that.

citizen44's Avatar
The larger society has gotten coarser and more disagreeable, eccie just reflects that, regrettably. Originally Posted by Island_Gent
It's not society, it's the owners of Eccie. They state the rules and make the call on what gets enforced. If you started banning trolls, you might actually get some of the lurkers who want to participate to do so. Most people don't want to post because it's stupid to do so if you are going to get cut to pieces.

Another sign that it's the owners is the allowing of the private forums. If your general member on here knew what went on in there, all the ones who could even spell the word "privacy" would be posting "delete my account" threads in droves. Not only did they set them up, they put some of the worst trolls in charge.

I think who ever owns Eccie has a Larry Flint complex
dearhunter's Avatar
Champagne Brown's Avatar
It's not society, it's the owners of Eccie. They state the rules and make the call on what gets enforced. If you started banning trolls, you might actually get some of the lurkers who want to participate to do so. Most people don't want to post because it's stupid to do so if you are going to get cut to pieces.

Another sign that it's the owners is the allowing of the private forums. If your general member on here knew what went on in there, all the ones who could even spell the word "privacy" would be posting "delete my account" threads in droves. Not only did they set them up, they put some of the worst trolls in charge.

I think who ever owns Eccie has a Larry Flint complex Originally Posted by citizen44
Wakeup's Avatar
Champagne Brown's Avatar
It's not society, it's the owners of Eccie. They state the rules and make the call on what gets enforced. If you started banning trolls, you might actually get some of the lurkers who want to participate to do so. Most people don't want to post because it's stupid to do so if you are going to get cut to pieces.

Another sign that it's the owners is the allowing of the private forums. If your general member on here knew what went on in there, all the ones who could even spell the word "privacy" would be posting "delete my account" threads in droves. Not only did they set them up, they put some of the worst trolls in charge.

I think who ever owns Eccie has a Larry Flint complex Originally Posted by citizen44

Oh and I caught something today on the "BOARD"

The "2" Trolls that they left in charge, can't even do Moding correctly.

This is awesome sauce!

My lips are sealed on this one .

I'll save yall from the embarrassment, and not put yall on blast on your mistake. I don't hate yall that much to embarrass yall, like yall try to do me

So put the hard on's away, and get to work..
dearhunter's Avatar
For a potty mouth outing whore, you try too hard. Let it come to you.