Trump plots his revenge

LexusLover's Avatar
He is resurfacing already, plotting to campaign against Republican congressmen who were in favor of impeachment. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Good! They should be removed and hopefully the voters will.

What a fucking waste of valuable time on the taxpayers' dime!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...This two-party ball passing has to stop. We need REAL third, fourth and fifth parties. Originally Posted by SecretE
You vote as you see fit, but I don't see a 3rd or 4th tier thingy working. Technically, we do have a third tier, but they always affiliate somewhere. Rightly or wrongly. Frankly, honest declaration of where they identify, like the pronouns bullshit, would help. We all know Bernie Sanders is a socialist.

Maybe a good starting point is to accept actual reality? So what if Hillary just sucks? She didn't win. Trump did not collude with Russia even after the great expense of trying to frame him. Yet we spent years, massive taxpayer dollars and political energy to try to prove her false narrative was not so - when in actual reality, it was all Ridiculous Bullshit. We should send her the bill for all of it.

<thinking cap on mode...> A brutally honest question to ask is: What would be our perception of Trump and our reality be if - Hillary and her cohorts writ large just said: Oh well, good luck to Trump and God speed and we had never even heard a peep about Muh-Russia,Russia,Russia the whole time??

What a different reality we would all be living in today. Better? Worse? Dunno, but it would absolutely be different than where we are now. Well... that's how bad she sucks. She distorted reality at the risk and expense of America just because of her vanity and the simple fact that she just sucks.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...What a great leader.....what a great example for kids... Originally Posted by VitaMan
Your very own Baba Yaga who creeps around in your empty and restless soul when you are asleep at night.


Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It is not Trump's revenge - It's America's revenge, with Trump riding point!

So if there is a unifying message to be heard:

Luckily we do have leader who may not be perfect, but at least IS concentrated on doing his job, as opposed to holding pointless rallies every month just for the sole purpose of feeding his ego. Originally Posted by Little Monster
You're right Biden is definitely imperfect and he is doing the job as President but he's doing it poorly.
bambino's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
It is not Trump's revenge - It's America's revenge, with Trump riding point!

So if there is a unifying message to be heard:

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I think it's about 70% now. And when the images of Ukrainian women and children being raped and slaughtered by Bitten's Russian FRIENDS begin to arrive on the media the numbers will get worse.

Oh ... the Dumboracts just posted their fake pre-election "economic" numbers in an effort to thwart the tailspin downward spiral of Bitten & Cackle, but they made a mistake ...

... just like they did with the Covid "numbers" by the CDC!

At least Clinton-Gore had enough sense to wait until October 2000 to post the fake job numbers, because, even though it didn't work, there wasn't a lot of time to challenge them. The AFL-CIO blasted them post-election for their fake numbers and in 2001 the informed economists announced THEIR RECESSION began in March 2000 contrary to their lies.

"Jobs"? You mean the ones requiring masks and vaccines?

Get passed the Demented/Cackle headlines from the BLS:

The number of persons not in the labor force who currently want a job declined by 349,000 to 5.4 million in February. This measure is above its February 2020 level of 5.0 million. These individuals were not counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the 4 weeks preceding the survey or were unavailable to take a job.
(See table A-1.)

Among those not in the labor force who wanted a job, the number of persons marginally
attached to the labor force, at 1.5 million, changed little in February. These
individuals wanted and were available for work and had looked for a job sometime in
the prior 12 months but had not looked for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey.
The number of discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached who believed
that no jobs were available for them, was little changed over the month at 391,000.
(See Summary table A.)

CDC: "reported" ....
BLS" ....
This news release presents statistics from two monthly surveys.
Look for a "correction" in BOTH!
... Surely GLAD that I bumped this thread.

Because Why_Yes_I_Do makes some EXCELLENT points.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Because Why_Yes_I_Do makes some EXCELLENT points. Originally Posted by Salty Again

Trumpy wants revenge because he's a whiney little biotch that got his fat ass kicked and loves splitting the gop between the somewhat decent people and the clueless classless dumbfucks.

I thought you trumpy worshipers would be on the lying social network by now lol n omg n wtf
what a loser...again...bigger than Twitter
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trumpy wants revenge because he's a whiney little biotch that got his fat ass kicked and loves splitting the gop between the somewhat decent people and the clueless classless dumbfucks.

I thought you trumpy worshipers would be on the lying social network by now lol n omg n wtf
what a loser...again...bigger than Twitter Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so

Trumpy 2024 lol n omg n wtf. He will be even more stupid and ignorant and won't have putin around to prop him up and interfere AGAIN if you don't believe me just watch

Yes I d o. S a y. So. N k n o w. s o....for you people that are a little slow🐌

Do you ever wonder if trumpy puts googles on and sprays his whole body and hair orange to accent the whites around his eyes...or to just look like a baffoon lol n omg such an insecure fake
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... On sale at a conservative retailer near you.

#### Salty