...This two-party ball passing has to stop. We need REAL third, fourth and fifth parties.
Originally Posted by SecretE
You vote as you see fit, but I don't see a 3rd or 4th tier thingy working. Technically, we do have a third tier, but they always affiliate somewhere. Rightly or wrongly. Frankly, honest declaration of where they identify, like the pronouns bullshit, would help. We all know Bernie Sanders is a socialist.
Maybe a good starting point is to accept actual reality? So what if Hillary just sucks? She didn't win. Trump did not collude with Russia even after the great expense of trying to frame him. Yet we spent years, massive taxpayer dollars and political energy to try to prove her false narrative was not so - when in actual reality, it was all Ridiculous Bullshit. We should send her the bill for all of it.
thinking cap on mode...> A brutally honest question to ask is: What would be our perception of Trump and our reality be if - Hillary and her cohorts writ large just said: Oh well, good luck to Trump and God speed and we had never even heard a peep about Muh-Russia,Russia,Russia the whole time??
What a different reality we would all be living in today. Better? Worse? Dunno, but it would absolutely be different than where we are now. Well... that's how bad she sucks. She distorted reality at the risk and expense of America just because of her vanity and the simple fact that she just sucks.