What is sin and mans relation to God?

bojulay's Avatar
I am quite clear. You are aware as a Christian you are breaking three of the main tenants of I Am. Thou shalt take no Gods before me. And that Christianity is a polytheist religion that is riddled with graven images and images of their Gods. What do you care anyway? Are you bored today?

I get emails and texts like this from Christians trying to save me all the time. I had one guy telling me he loved me bla-bla-bla and in the end he was calling me the breath of hell. Personally, I think it should have been capitalized (Breath of Hell), but that's a matter of opinion. Kinda like what God / s is / are most powerful. I wish you luck on your crusade. Though I'm not sure you'll find many takers especially since you aren't even aware what Commandments you may or may not be breaking. And that you have to start at the beginning not on some lonely road to Damascus where the father of the Church, a tax collecting, power thirsty, misogynist who never met Jesus, decided enough was enough and he needed some to dig into into some juicy pork ribs.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

You have an interesting life.

All the greater truths about God are paradoxical, concepts like,
dying to live, first will be last, father, son, holy spirit, separate
but as one, etc.

If one has enough of a mind to understand the paradox.

Your description of Paul is a worn one although you've added
a little color to it. It is interesting that he was on his way to
seeing that more Christians were killed or imprisoned when
that happened to him, his one purpose in life to try and
wipe Christianity from the face of the earth.

Truth is what it is, outside of anything else, I always look
for the truth in things and all sides should be examined.

Truth would be my Crusade if I have one.
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  • 02-28-2013, 03:45 PM
Truth would be my Crusade if I have one. Originally Posted by bojulay
And you complicate your crusade badly by pursuing it on a SHMB....
I don't know that dieing to live is any closer to God and Godesk concepts than Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You're Dieing". I do not find too much overly complicated about God / s. They exist for us and vice versa. The difference is it's their rules because they were here first.

I more think of him as his mother named him - Saul. He was a horiffic little man that is quite concievably the worst human being to ever have lived given Christianity has killed more people than both world wars combined to say nothing of how Christianity has enslaved our minds. Truth has nothing to do with it.
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  • 02-28-2013, 04:57 PM
Thou shalt take no Gods before me. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

I've always wondered why the only God out there would feel the need to make that demand.

I've always wondered why the only God out there would feel the need to make that demand.
Originally Posted by Doove
I'ya know, but it's his sandbox; his rules.

Personally, I think there are multiple Gods. Some weaker than others. Some more benevolent than others. Some with stronger followers than others. Some with better spin doctors than others. It runs the gambit. I'm confident my God is the one and only, but then again so are those that worship a different God. Who knows.
joe bloe's Avatar
I'ya know, but it's his sandbox; his rules.

Personally, I think there are multiple Gods. Some weaker than others. Some more benevolent than others. Some with stronger followers than others. Some with better spin doctors than others. It runs the gambit. I'm confident my God is the one and only, but then again so are those that worship a different God. Who knows. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

There's not that many polytheists out there these days. Monotheism has been all the rage for a few thousand years. Do you have any particular favorites? I always thought Neptune was pretty cool.

Personally, I consider Christianity a polythiest religion. I've been turned off by their worship of Jesus and fear of the Holy Ghost since I was 11 years olf. I considered myself an athiest at that age. I've been a miliant Zionist all my life. It only madre sense that at 11 I jumped the gun on the no God thing.

Neptune's cule, but I like Zeus and his daughter Athenia. She wasn't born of a Godess, but rather sprang from her father Zeus' head.
I more think of him as his mother named him - Saul. He was a horiffic little man that is quite concievably the worst human being to ever have lived. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I suggest you get hold of a bible and open your mind and read all his writings.

Don't accept what others say about him.

Why the 'little'? Isn't that rather catty and bitchy and misandric? I dare not imagine how you would react to my tiny size. Open mouthed in astonishment, no doubt.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, accept what THE church says about him...
No, accept what THE church says about him... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I suggest you get hold of a bible and open your mind and read all his writings.

Don't accept what others say about him. Originally Posted by essence
He was a pig. The world would have been much better off without him making Jesus of Nazareth a God.

I would suggest a book, "The Closing of the Westerm Mind", to you. I've read the Bible. Which one do you read and follow out of curoisity?

No, accept what THE church says about him... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know RIGHT!!
bojulay's Avatar
I don't know that dieing to live is any closer to God and Godesk concepts than Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You're Dieing". I do not find too much overly complicated about God / s. They exist for us and vice versa. The difference is it's their rules because they were here first.

I more think of him as his mother named him - Saul. He was a horiffic little man that is quite concievably the worst human being to ever have lived given Christianity has killed more people than both world wars combined to say nothing of how Christianity has enslaved our minds. Truth has nothing to do with it. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Personally I think death has killed more people than anyone.

You're right though, it is unfortunate about all those scriptures
where Paul is talking about how being a Christian involves
the killing of anyone who gets in your way, Uhm which ones
were those again I tend to forget.

Be specific and include Chapter and Verse if you will please.

And that Jesus guy the murdering bastard, he got his.
I've read the Bible.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Most people who say 'I've read the Bible' have never actually read the bible cover to cover.

What they mean is that they have been to church and heard some verses, or listened to some writer who has used some selective verses to push their viewpoint.

We tend to read fragments. It was interesting when I had to read the complete gospel of John from start to end for homework at school. Gives a very different impression compared to the quotes from the pulpit.

Same with Paul. You have to read and study the entire letters.

So, again, when did you read at least the new testament cover to cover?

People also forget how, as depicted in the gospels, angry Jesus could get, throwing out money lenders, and was quite fire and brimstone. Not the sweet and gentle Jesus people seem to think.
Personally I think death has killed more people than anyone. Originally Posted by bojulay
You'll find your audience here is a little to sophisticated for this.

PYou're right though, it is unfortunate about all those scriptures
where Paul is talking about how being a Christian involves
the killing of anyone who gets in your way, Uhm which ones
were those again I tend to forget.

Be specific and include Chapter and Verse if you will please. Originally Posted by bojulay
Same question. Which Bible do you read?

Saul never knew Jesus, and Saul didn't speak Aramaic.

I believe I said Christianity killed people not that any one man said go kill people. What are your thoughts on Islamic theology on this topic.

And that Jesus guy the murdering bastard, he got his. Originally Posted by bojulay
Spoke Aramaic. What scripture have you read that is translationlated from it? None?

Never said Jesus was a bad man. I said he wasn't a God. I said Saul was a bad man - in fact I said he was a pig that the world would have much better off without.
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  • 02-28-2013, 07:08 PM
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin is seriously considering throwing out the Christmas holiday. Seems she found out about Jesus' arrest record.