CBC?? WHO Are AUSTIN's cheapest providers?

Urban Dictionary defines it about as well as anyone else:

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect. A troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread.

A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.

Originally Posted by Mia Christine
Very well put...
sixxbach's Avatar
Now that we have defined troll, can we get back on topic please?


Lol hijacked by cheap ho's SMFH
Thread stalkers galore this week!
I publicly ask to stop the bs so they hijack my threads get a life!

YES SO WHO ELSE IS A CHeap provider again??

Any more CBC approved??
Define =Troll? lol, I still don't get that. And as far as being attractive or not, I disagree, how good looking a provider is, no matter how much you want to delude yourself, its the way it it. lol. I know I'm no where near attractive as other ladies on here, that's why I can't charge as much. Originally Posted by brittany1980

Finally an honest person


It's delusional to think the hottest provider is the cheapest SMH it's the opposite!
Just to let you know brit that look in other threads and see how she feels about trannys, shes got issues.

Have you noticed even the men are starting to let you know they dont like you and you have issues, and I was thinking you are 30 and have 17 year old twins or what have you, so either you got too much attention from someone (which explains alot) Or your the biggest ho here and been one from the start lol wow........ Becareful how you lie on this one !!!! lol
And talk about thread jacking, you are the biggest hijacker on here.
Seems like the only problems you have are with the girls that get attention on here and are open on the board, you have issues young lady.
And you have ran off some awesome ladys that you couldnt even match up to on your good days, sad really. Well that wont happen to me little girl, and I love this cause it just makes people see you how you really are and soon aint no one gonna wanna deal with you when you get here, the smart, nice, respectful gents anyways.
KinkyFreedMan's Avatar
Back to topic...why cheap? why not 'best value?'

I don't mind paying for a stellar BBBJ. I don't like paying for an expensive crappy BBBJ.
Define =Troll? lol, I still don't get that. And as far as being attractive or not, I disagree, how good looking a provider is, no matter how much you want to delude yourself, its the way it it. lol. I know I'm no where near attractive as other ladies on here, that's why I can't charge as much.

I would also have to agree with another poster who said, if I'm gonna pay for it, I want a good looking girl who knows what she's doing. Sorry to say, even me boing totally into girls, wouldn't go with an ugly girl. (Not to be confused with fatty), cause there are SERVERAL girls who people call fatties, that are also hotties. There are also fatties who are ugly. Or fuglies, but I totally stay away from the fuglies. lol How ever, Just because another man may think another girl is hot, when another guy thinks she's ugly, IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, CHANGES THE FACT WEATHER OR NOT SHE'S ATTRACTIVE. Some chick doesn't suddenly get sexier just because someone thinks she is. That's called being delusional. some of these posts crack me up. I can not believe so many stupid people manage to survive! Damned modern medicine. Let nature prune the idiots for itself. That's why nature invented STD's, to get rid of stupid people. Originally Posted by brittany1980
It kind of does, hon. Where do you imagine an objective idea of attractiveness lies? Come on, that's just Twilight Zone 101. To degrees of course, we all have similar perceptions and have grown up with much of the same cultural images of what can be deemed "attractive", so it would make sense many people would agree on a woman's or a man's level of attractiveness. But, that still doesn't make it exist outside of the eye of the beholder.

So, if a chick doesn't get sexier because someone else things she is, when does she? Put another way, if a sexy chick is in the forest, but there is no one there to see her, is she sexy at all?
fun2come's Avatar
Put another way, if a sexy chick is in the forest, but there is no one there to see her, is she sexy at all? Originally Posted by chelseabean
I LOVE Schrödinger's Cat paradox !!!
Back to topic...why cheap? why not 'best value?'

I don't mind paying for a stellar BBBJ. I don't like paying for an expensive crappy BBBJ. Originally Posted by KinkyFreedMan

Let's do the cheapest best value then???

I mean if you pay 70 for a bj from a NOT SO HOT provider is it really a good value??

And thanks for staying on topic
Pitfall's Avatar
I LOVE Schrödinger's Cat paradox !!! Originally Posted by fun2come
She is both sexy and not sexy until someone sees her.
fun2come's Avatar
If you want cheapest best value from both sexy and not sexy then I maintain your friend should consider a Glory Hole.
He can envision all he wants and should get a decent BJ from him/her/it.

So where are the BEST value Glory Holes in ATX ???
If you want cheapest best value from both sexy and not sexy then I maintain your friend should consider a Glory Hole.
He can envision all he wants and should get a decent BJ from him/her/it.

So where are the BEST value Glory Holes in ATX ??? Originally Posted by fun2come
Now there is a good one! A glory hole

... but AUSTIN HAS the cheapest bj providers I've ever heard of @70 bucks
Well cheaper minus streetwalkers!!

A cheap/value glory hole now there is an idea for them!!!

Lmao he said - him/her/it
Beagle's Avatar
She is both sexy and not sexy until someone sees her. Originally Posted by CatPee
She is both sexy and not sexy until someone sees her. Originally Posted by CatPee
Perfect. I love your avatar by the way. Allright, allright, allright!
nuglet's Avatar
Aren't they all better looking about closing time? Last call brings out the beauty..