I'm REALLY homesick, which is unusual for me. Any suggestions?

muffin101's Avatar
Woo EW!!

Yelp around your ZipCode!!

Distract yourself with some badass restaurant visits!

Hi Reese!
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-14-2014, 10:02 PM
Hey Elizabeth, If you get lonely, you can always PM me, I will give you my phone number and we can talk. I am a home body myself. PM me I will talk to you even though we have never met.
Woo EW!!

Yelp around your ZipCode!!

Distract yourself with some badass restaurant visits!

Hi Reese! Originally Posted by muffin101

Hi Muffin!

Food is one if the best distractions!!
muffin101's Avatar
Hi Muffin!

Food is one if the best distractions!! Originally Posted by Reese Foster

Explains my 3 miles/day on the treadmill with no visible results

I hope you are feeling better. ((((HUGS))))
planojim's Avatar
Sex isn't a bad distraction either Reese!

Hi Muffin!

Food is one if the best distractions!! Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I get homesick for my real home (socal) all the time it is not a good feeling but i found out that it usually passes over time...

You will be back in a flash but try to enjoy your trip DC is somewhere i have always wanted to visit
After four countries in four weeks, troubled by the little things like poorly aimed rocket attacks (I won't really complain about their aimless..aim), bad food and perpetually sandy floors, I got home to my own pillows/bed last night. Frankly, it was better than sex...(well, damn close!)


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Happens to me, too, but Oz isn't what it used to be since the little people started selling out to the big real estate developers.

Hope you have a productive and safe stay in VA. That really is a great area to visit. Originally Posted by TinMan
Thank you!

I travel all the time and it happens to me a lot. I miss my dog…I don't think theres anything wrong with wanting to go home, beats the heck out of not wanting to be there. I probably means you have a happy healthy life…for whatever thats worth Originally Posted by Indefatigable
That's me. I miss my animals. I miss my family. And my friends. I'm much better today, though!

I travel a lot and in my head I think of the time away as a mini vacation and in my free time there I explore the area and actually sleep a lot.

For someone like you, if a client seems nice ask if he'd like to do dinner - I'm still under the belief many of us are looking for more than sex but not a relationship so the time with a nice person would be good.

Good luck!
Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Actually, I met with a female friend on Wednesday and we had a nice dinner. And I had plans to see a client, off of the clock, on Thursday but he had to do something else.

I also, generally, see this as almost a mini-vacation away from home, etc. But now, for me, well things are going very well on the home and work front. I'm at a good place. And when I found myself AWAY ... for a few days, boy ... I just got REALLY homesick.

These feelings just ended yesterday around lunch!

Elizabeth, I understand. I have moved so much that I can pack a house in one afternoon. The new place is never like the old place and home sickness sets in. I've found that keeping something in my luggage that embodies "home" helps. I have pictures and videos on my laptop.

You're in Arlington Va. and there is so much to see. I'm a military history buff so I'd be pretty busy there. Find something that captures your interest and go do it. Eat where the locals eat and stay away from anything that's a chain. Check Urbanspoon for that.

I know it doesn't look right or smell right where you are. Just try to explore the new. Good luck. Originally Posted by Dharma
Thanks for the good wishes, Dharma! I'm actually at cataclystcon.com

I arrived here a few days early to work and well, play some, too. But I'm super busy with classes and that has helped with the homesick feelings.

Just wanted to write a quick note to thank those who have sent me a PM, and called , and just offered advice.

I SO SO SO SO SO SO appreciate it!

I've traveled quite a but in the past. This is, seriously, one of the few times that I've gotten so homesick that I've (seriously X 10) thought of just coming home. Even yesterday morning, I considered it.

So glad that I didn't, though. This trip is rocking.

More soon. Or later! I wish that I had time to respond to everyone but I have to run to another class!

Happy Sunday!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Woo EW!!

Yelp around your ZipCode!!

Distract yourself with some badass restaurant visits!

Hi Reese! Originally Posted by muffin101
I did that. Thanks for the advice!

Hey Elizabeth, If you get lonely, you can always PM me, I will give you my phone number and we can talk. I am a home body myself. PM me I will talk to you even though we have never met. Originally Posted by motor
I might take you up on that someday. Again, many thanks!

Hi Muffin!

Food is one if the best distractions!! Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Agreed. Food is always good!

I get homesick for my real home (socal) all the time it is not a good feeling but i found out that it usually passes over time...

You will be back in a flash but try to enjoy your trip DC is somewhere i have always wanted to visit Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Next year, let's go to this event together! You can combine it as a working trip! It's been worth it even with some of the mental strife that I've been feeling. Which now ... admittedly, seems a little self indulgent.

You'd love the burlesque ladies here and the classes presented. I've seen some glorious tattoos and people sporting lovely body art.

After four countries in four weeks, troubled by the little things like poorly aimed rocket attacks (I won't really complain about their aimless..aim), bad food and perpetually sandy floors, I got home to my own pillows/bed last night. Frankly, it was better than sex...(well, damn close!)


Originally Posted by SD2011
4 countries in 4 weeks? I'm slightly jealous. Again, many thanks for the good wishes and all of the advice.

I'll be back in MY bed soon enough. Now, I really have to run!

Hope everyone has a great day!!! I'm planning to.
