"Affluenza Teen" in Custody.. What Should His Punishment Be?

Lemme smother your face in my tits and we can forget all about that little shit and his "sickness". Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Hell, throw in some russian and I'll forget about all this conflict in the middle east as well.

( . Y . )
Chung Tran's Avatar
Hell, throw in some russian and I'll forget about all this conflict in the middle east as well.

( . Y . ) Originally Posted by Hellion437
drip a little oil from that pussy, and we can return an Embargo on Middle East oil..

okay, getting carried away now

this little Shit also severely injured one passenger and crippled another for life.. after having stolen the beer he consumed to wreak his havoc.. there's a parallel with O.J. here.. O.J. got away with double homicide, only to be jailed later on another charge.. we have a chance to "get it right" with this Punk, let's do it!
Ankle grabbing is definitely in his future . . .
hawkweed's Avatar
He will probably only get the 10 years in jail that matched his probation. I believe juvenile court ruling still applies unfortunately.
Update: 120 days jail time max, still in the Juvenile system. Mom, however, is staring at 2 - 10 for her role.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Update: 120 days jail time max, still in the Juvenile system. Mom, however, is staring at 2 - 10 for her role. Originally Posted by MooneyFlyer
what about that Court decision coming in March, after he turns 19?.. something about changing him to Adult status.. can that change anything? I was thinking the 10 years jail time was still possible.
pyramider's Avatar
Mexico does not have extradite. They could stay there.
Punishment? Easy choice.....

Make him sit through a non-stop replay of the entire 2015 Dallas Cowboy football season.

That said....it could be thrown out by the courts and deemed "cruel and unusual" punishment.....


remember, the guy who killed 4 people while drunk at age 16? he is now 18, fled probation authorities some 3 weeks ago, after being filmed at a beer party.. just found in Puerto Vallarta.

considering his very light sentence before, and his casual attitude, his sense of entitlement.. 10 years would be a proper sentence, I think.. and one for Momma as well, for harboring a fugitive. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
feetnstuff187's Avatar
4 dead, something like 9 injured and the laundry list of additional charges for the fleeing and stuff? Drop that little fucker off in my backyard and they'll never find all of the pieces.

A life for a life. And we can't even kill him enough times to even the score.
Boltfan's Avatar
A Mexican pokey would just about do it
doug_dfw's Avatar
Leave him and Mama in Mexico; both in jail preferable; but if only him, nuff. Make a note in someone's files in fading ink to take a look again at extradition in a couple decades. Our Liberal justice here even in Texas does not mete out Justice. Mexico will do us the favor. Partial payment for the the hundreds of thousands and even millions of their jerks that run our streets. No longer in jail thanks to benevolent DJ.
dallasfan's Avatar
El chapo paid his way out of the mexican jails....it's all about the money there.
He should get the max but he'll get the 120 days just cause he on probation from the first time and the rich lawyers. It's sad and upsetting that mom condoning his action by helping him flee. At least their will be some type of justice on the mother I hope.
plove35's Avatar
I think it's a terrible message to send too. I agree with you though, it must be nice to be so rich that the law doesn't even apply to you.

Lemme smother your face in my tits and we can forget all about that little shit and his "sickness". Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Damn you and those wonderful beautiful tits!
They been missin some BBC. js