Encounter: New Girl in Town

Originally Posted by Scoot642
Originally Posted by Scoot642
Originally Posted by Southgate18
Originally Posted by ForgotMyWallet
Hey George,

If you comment on something that is mentioned in ROS - you are supposed to comment in private. Since this is an anonymous online forum - I am not sure where courage comes into any of this. I am just following the rules.

Personally, I do not judge what/who makes anyone happy. But I do think, based on many ROS - not particularly this one - the great disservice to the folks without PA is giving questionable yes recommendations. But I agree - he did enjoy himself and his review seems honest and his yes reccomendation sincere. For the benefit of those without PA - I think questioning the yes based on details in the ROS is fair.

Since perhaps my private comment was a bit obtuse - let me restate it here without speaking directly to the ROS.

I speak only for myself, but I don't care how big any of you guys think your joint is, how good you are at eating pussy, how great a lover you are or how good you are at making her cum. I want to know if she looks like the pictures, if the place is safe/clean, was she timely, was she nice, was she attentive and responsive, what she allowed, and was she good at making YOU cum.

Oddly, I am not interested in seeing any of you, I am here to learn about the ladies, not hear any of you bragging about your perceived prowess.

This thread has gotten way too long and out of control. My apologies for any role I played in that.

Hortical - thanks for the review and valuable info. Keep up the good work.
Hey George,

If you comment on something that is mentioned in ROS - you are supposed to comment in private. Since this is an anonymous online forum - I am not sure where courage comes into any of this. I am just following the rules.

Personally, I do not judge what/who makes anyone happy. But I do think, based on many ROS - not particularly this one - the great disservice to the folks without PA is giving questionable yes recommendations. But I agree - he did enjoy himself and his review seems honest and his yes reccomendation sincere. For the benefit of those without PA - I think questioning the yes based on details in the ROS is fair.

Since perhaps my private comment was a bit obtuse - let me restate it here without speaking directly to the ROS.

I speak only for myself, but I don't care how big any of you guys think your joint is, how good you are at eating pussy, how great a lover you are or how good you are at making her cum. I want to know if she looks like the pictures, if the place is safe/clean, was she timely, was she nice, was she attentive and responsive, what she allowed, and was she good at making YOU cum.

Oddly, I am not interested in seeing any of you, I am here to learn about the ladies, not hear any of you bragging about your perceived prowess.

This thread has gotten way too long and out of control. My apologies for any role I played in that.

Hortical - thanks for the review and valuable info. Keep up the good work. Originally Posted by Southgate18
Southgate. Your reviews are fair and useful. But when you give a yes 46/47 reviews, just F-OFF. That’s a bunch of BS. 46/47 yeses? NO ONE has that good a run. I read so many people who say YES to horrible providers and they act like they’re some ECCIE royalty. They’re mongers just like any of us. But if it’s a yes for them, that’s a yes. This isn’t a place where a yes for one is a yes for all. This review stated as much very directly.

Here’s what I know, I’m not going anywhere knowing someone can come knocking. That’s USEFUL. Some people are willing to tolerate that some aren’t. When a guy nuts or doesn’t nuts doesn’t mean that determines or defines value. I don’t do CBJ. Some people don’t care. But don’t be a dick because a monger has a personal like or dislike.

As for the “rules,” they’re stupid when they’re not followed or applied consistently. Ask Holden Caulfield.
Originally Posted by hortical
This has gotta be the most ridiculous encounter thread I’ve ever seen. It’s still a No for me, regardless of what has been said, how you justify it, or spin it. Not that my opinion matters, nobody gives 2 fucks what I have to say, lol.

Originally Posted by Scoot642
This has gotta be the most ridiculous encounter thread I’ve ever seen. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
And yet, here you are, STILL

It’s still a No for me, regardless of what has been said, how you justify it, or spin it. Not that my opinion matters, nobody gives 2 fucks what I have to say, lol.
You're wrong, there are MANY who think just like you. And that's fine, all I was trying to understand WHY you said no, since you gave literally no reason at the onset. I'm not telling you to go see her, or anyone else. But there are some who have the same tastes like me.

Either way, I just happen to be a horse of a different color, a maverick, a person of my own opinion who really doesn't give 2 flying fucks about how you or anyone else feels about me, or my opinion.

I'm going to give it, and you have the right to disagree, state that and why. If you care to.

What I will not accept is someone dismissing my review as illegitimate. I know it wasn't you, but the point is by saying this, he is saying my opinions are not legitimate which might be okay. My writing style is not legitimate. My expressions are not legitimate. This was blanket, wholesale. Fuck him.

I will respect other people's opinions, but I don't take disrespect from anyone. I'll take a ban or have the admin shut down a thread before I take disrespect.