facts about the 2020 election Trump supporters need to read

... Really? ... Did YOU miss Raffensberger in court??
Mark Meadows hearing.

Fani Willis is playin' jackstraws here and has no case.

Raffensberger explained that "the phone call" has been
MISCONSTREWED by the media.

Too Right it has!
... Blimey! .. . So much for the bullshit belief that
Trump asked them to cheat...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
As Hillery Clinton once so famously said, "What difference, at this point does it mattwer?"

The 2020 election is three years away now. Suppose it was now discovered thst the 2020 election actually had been egregiously stolen for the Democrsts through ballot stuffing, voter fraud and election night manipulations . . . .so what?

Maybe some folks would go to jail in a few years. Would the clock get ro;;ed back with Mr. Trump in office and the House and Senate in Republican control? Would there be a do-over on tha Afghan withdrawal? Would the border wall get magically completed or all those illegal aleans returned to their various world wide homelands?


What must be done now is to see to it that thr Republicans legitimately win in November of 2024 and work on ways to institutionalize fair elections nationally and in the states.
ICU 812's Avatar
Election Reforme should include positive voter ID at the polling place. Voter registration and the rolls of registered voters should be current with deceased voters expunged. There should be very limited mail-in balloting and absentee voting. I am in favor of making it easier to vote in person by changing election dsy to a weekend and declaring a holiday. We shut down for Covid, we can shuit down for an election.

I am sure that there are better ideas on this, but I am out of breath right now.