WTF! I got proposition for sounding.

Slow Hand's Avatar

Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
To each his own. Why don't you just go get a catheter inserted if you want that kind of sensation.
Hell to the no. Who ever even thought about doing that the first time? “Hey, I feeling weird for the night lets stick a rod ........”
Russ38's Avatar
In the nicest possible way to say "I'm cool if we don't see each other again/ you're average/not that interesting" just make up some crazy impossible type shit that will turn him the fuck off but pretend you're really interested.

If he bites, set up a private meet at your place of selection.
Blackmail the guy
loveitdou's Avatar
WHAT???????????????????????? NO!
winn dixie's Avatar
Sounds like a good way to pee in a bag for the rest of your life ! Who comes up with this shit??
Just nasty.

There's no way I would ever do this. Ever.
ICU 812's Avatar
So then, "sounding" is like having a urinary catheter inserted into your urethra . . .right?

Anyone here ever had that done in a health-care setting? Gents? Ladies? Was it FUN?

3Sum: do a little research and think it over. If it is a go, try to get ahold of STERILE catheters from some where: maybe an understanding urologist. Then look into how to self catheterize your self the way some pazra pelgics do. The term I have heard used for using a shorter catheter without a tube and leg bag is "straight stick".

Lety us all know how that works out.

ICU 812's Avatar
Dear Penthouse, I usually don't have this kinda thing happen to me... Originally Posted by WARHEAD
Yeah . . .I was thinking that too by the third paragraph ….but so what?

Maybe he will get it done just to see.
doc_nasty123's Avatar
milagro1970's Avatar
That's a hard pass, buddy.
jojodancer15's Avatar
If you enjoy the feeling you get when you get your STD check up? I imagine this feels the same way, just more intense...
I knew a girl that would do this with her S.O. and try to have sex in that hole after sticking a thermometer in her. Lol I was like stick it in him and see if he likes it. She said she has, then I didn't care to know anymore. Maybe she wants to fuck you in your pee hole then be like thanks for that it was great and leaves lol.
Hopefully she will be as proud of you as you are of yourself Originally Posted by tbone2u