free photo shoot

Squirtin Kirstin's Avatar
Hey Mr. photographer. I take all my own photos, too. Its not easy, but thanks to camera and tablet apps. I just have to say cheese. Although, I hate them. If you want to shoot me to build portfolio or practice, then I will allow you to. I am ready when you are.
To the OP...
It's nice of you to offer and although I believe spending money to make money is appropriate and needed. I also know that many ladies can't budget that for a variety of reasons.
I am asked all the time to refer a photographer that is free or inexpensive.
If you are really serious I suggest you post some samples of your photography work you have or a link to a site ect...asap so the ladies can see you have some natural talent for photography. Because even if something is free, if it's not usable or in this doesn't compliment the subject it's not really a bargain.

As for pro versus self taken.....

I did a survey for hobbyist on this board a while back and one of the questions on the survey was if hobbyist prefer professional photos or self pics/or photos taken by a friend with a phone.

I was pleasantly surprised that the majority of hobbyist said professional or they preferred not to see camera phone shots.
When asked why they answered what they answered, the number one reason given from those who chose professional, was that they felt it showed a professionalism and a commitment to the profession the ladies have chosen. HOWEVER They remarked over photo shopped photos were not acceptable.
For the minority that answered phone photos the reason they stated most was that they felt them to be unaltered . But that few could pull it off with any style and most photos done that way often did not do them justice.

All and All the hobbyist are split about this subject much like they are about other subjective subjects such as natural breast or enhanced.
In both cases it really is the ladies choice and will ultimately reflect the ladies' business style and personal style.
poppy71's Avatar
Two points...first the saying is true, you get what you pay for. Second, it is amazing how providers can't budget to do something with professionals yet charge higher and higher rates and make a shit ton more than most of their clients...ijs
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Second, it is amazing how providers can't budget to do something with professionals yet charge higher and higher rates and make a shit ton more than most of their clients...ijs Originally Posted by poppy71
I could answer why many can't "afford" to do that .... but surely it would be breaking board rules.
Dakota123's Avatar
It is a nice gesture from a gentleman.... Maybe you can take some of mine

I agree that phone pics are great... to be completely honest my pics that I took in New Orleans is from a camera phone.....
like this one:

I have had many providers email me and pm me about "Who" took my pics and if they have a number.... etc...

Good luck with your photography
john_deere's Avatar
[B]For the minority that answered phone photos the reason they stated most was that they felt them to be unaltered . But that few could pull it off with any style and most photos done that way often did not do them justice. Originally Posted by MagnificMedia
what a lot of folks don't realize is that the wide angle lens in a phone camera creates a shit ton of distortion. ladies, this may make your ass look bigger than it is. guys...this may make her ass look smaller than it is...
Guest053013-01's Avatar
While it is amazing how well phone cameras work, there is no substitute for a good lense. I hate distorted images. If you must use a phone step back several feet. Or if you really prefer self shots, spend a little on a small camera with a decent lense.