Mike Pence states the obvious, Trump is wrong

LexusLover's Avatar
Is this another tom brady retires thread? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Actually, it's a thread concluding what Pence stated that what Pence said he was asked to do he couldn't do, since in the U.S. ONLY ONE PERSON cannot elect the President of the United States!

DUH! Pence is a genius.

It's one of those false statements stated so he can look correct.

It could probably be called: An Eccie Moment.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Ignorant people posting about things that they are ignorant of. Just because Pence comes out and says that he opposes Trump makes it worthy of talking about. All this happened a year ago and nothing has changed. If you read the Constitution and do some study of history, Pence is in charge of the joint session of the Senate and the House. The joint session receives all the electoral slates which could include duplicates. Any problems with those votes are delivered in writing and that includes challenges for whatever reason including alleged fraud or irregularities. The two chambers divide to consider the complaints separately. Once all the haggling is done the two houses return. If a complaint is has been accepted, and two slates of electors have been presented then the joint session has to decide which slate to accept. The VP cannot enforce or select the outcome. However, using the elections of 1876 and 1960 as a guide, deals have been struck to sway members to vote one way or another. They should make a movie about 1876 since that is how most people get their history lessons today.

Trump was wrong in saying that Pence could change the outcome. He was wrong a year ago and he is wrong today. The only reason that the dems have drug out the dead horse to beat is that they have nothing else to talk about except Russia, Russia, and Russia.
LexusLover's Avatar
Ignorant people posting about things that they are ignorant of. Just because Pence comes out and says that he opposes Trump makes it worthy of talking about. All this happened a year ago and nothing has changed. If you read the Constitution and do some study of history, Pence is in charge of the joint session of the Senate and the House. The joint session receives all the electoral slates which could include duplicates. Any problems with those votes are delivered in writing and that includes challenges for whatever reason including alleged fraud or irregularities. The two chambers divide to consider the complaints separately. Once all the haggling is done the two houses return. If a complaint is has been accepted, and two slates of electors have been presented then the joint session has to decide which slate to accept. The VP cannot enforce or select the outcome. However, using the elections of 1876 and 1960 as a guide, deals have been struck to sway members to vote one way or another. They should make a movie about 1876 since that is how most people get their history lessons today.

Trump was wrong in saying that Pence could change the outcome. He was wrong a year ago and he is wrong today. The only reason that the dems have drug out the dead horse to beat is that they have nothing else to talk about except Russia, Russia, and Russia. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Bitten just recently made a remark about Kumola making the decision with respect to the alleged "infrastructure" bill. The statement could just as easily been construed erroneously as meaning she could pass the bill by her vote alone.

If Pence is "overseeing" the process and a "tie" must be broken and/or a process must be strcken that would alter the final decision then in effect Pence could be making the final result decision. Judge's in jury cases do that frequently by their decisions, which include setting aside the jury's decision and rendering their own in the case. That does not deprive one of a "jury trial" if the Judge is correcting an erroneous decision.

Election scholar Edward Foley wrote in a Washington Post op-ed in early December about the act’s language issues. “I have spent much of my academic career trying to parse its meaning, and I still find it impenetrable or, at the very least, indeterminate,” he admitted. Various problems Foley pointed to included unclear roles of state governors and other state officials as “certifiers” and what role the vice president can play in the process.

Under the federal statute, the vice president’s role is “to preserve order” at the joint meeting. “This authority may be interpreted as encompassing the authority to decide questions of order, but the statute is not explicit on this point,” said the CRS. In past meetings, the vice president has ruled on questions about how the session should be conducted in compliance with federal statutes, which limit motions and almost all debate at the joint session. The vice president is also allowed to call for objections when electoral votes are announced and to state the results of those objections after the House and Senate meet separately to consider them.

The discussion with respect to the VP's role and authority seems open for "interpretive" expansion of that authority, when procedural rulings affect the substantive outcome. It seems more subtle in legislative operations, but unfortunately the "subtleness" suppresses public awareness of the outcome determination by a procedural ruling and/or decision....which is made customarily in legislatures along Party lines.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Apples and oranges.
I support America, I support whoever's is best for our nation. Which would mean I support whoever runs against Biden, I will vote for Donald Duck before I ever vote for the stupidest man to ever screw up a nation, a world, in such a short period of time.

I do not like what I read about Donald Trump, his treatment of women, his business practices and more, but his policies and running of our country was excellent. Our nation was in a very good place, gas prices reasonable, inflation not at record highs, our enemies too fearful to move, our borders secure, and more. So, I do not like the man, Trump, if what i have read over and over was true which highly likely it was, but as my President i have to admit he did a great job. Would i vote for him if he ran against Buden? You betcha. I already know my vote on 2024, and whoever runs against Biden as he sucks. I do not think anyone can do worse. So anyone else is an improvement. I just hope the Reps are smart enough to put someone up that does good for America.

I tend to not care whether a candidate has a R or D next to their name, thus I am a free thinker and make my own decision. I do not let party lines decide for me as soooooo many in this nation do.

Most of you like a person because of the D or the R, which just let's others decide for you what is best for you.
  • Tiny
  • 02-05-2022, 09:39 AM
Pieces of shit attracts flies;

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EwVRqKhM9Gg Originally Posted by bambino
Mike Pence is a piece of shit. Did you watch that video? Have you lost your way?
LexusLover's Avatar
Most of you like a person because of the D or the R, which just let's others decide for you what is best for you. Originally Posted by Computerwise
Pence was speaking for Pence when he crafted the statement referenced in the OP and then responded to the statement he created. Pence was "distancing" himself from Trump, in my opinion under the erroneous belief that the philosophy carried into factual events by Trump's efforts were just about Trump. That is simply not the case. As I have stated many times: Trump was a Democrat all his life until he decided to walk down the stairs and announce as a Republican candidate ... so IMO he was and is a Democrat who could no longer represent that party as an individual, but knew he had to run as a Republican if he had any chance of making a difference. He did make a difference and it embarrassed those who have been oppressing the underprivileged with their dictatorial policies and legislation to make the continual dependent on Big Government. That's Pence!
  • Tiny
  • 02-05-2022, 09:57 AM
Pence was speaking for Pence when he crafted the statement referenced in the OP and then responded to the statement he created. Pence was "distancing" himself from Trump, in my opinion under the erroneous belief that the philosophy carried into factual events by Trump's efforts were just about Trump. That is simply not the case. As I have stated many times: Trump was a Democrat all his life until he decided to walk down the stairs and announce as a Republican candidate ... so IMO he was and is a Democrat who could no longer represent that party as an individual, but knew he had to run as a Republican if he had any chance of making a difference. He did make a difference and it embarrassed those who have been oppressing the underprivileged with their dictatorial policies and legislation to make the continual dependent on Big Government. That's Pence! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump’s a lying narcissist who was willing to risk a second Civil War to steal an election. As Barleycorn said, Pence didn’t have a choice. As much as you and I may prefer some of Trump’s positions and policies to Biden’s, Trump had to go. The United States is not a banana Republic.
txdot-guy's Avatar
We're still talking about Trump today because large numbers of the Republican party refuse to send that lying sack of shit packing. If the Republican Senators had done their job and convicted Trump after January 6th we wouldn't still be having these conversations.
VitaMan's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
I support America, I support whoever's is best for our nation. Which would mean I support whoever runs against Biden, I will vote for Donald Duck before I ever vote for the stupidest man to ever screw up a nation, a world, in such a short period of time.

I do not like what I read about Donald Trump, his treatment of women, his business practices and more, but his policies and running of our country was excellent. Our nation was in a very good place, gas prices reasonable, inflation not at record highs, our enemies too fearful to move, our borders secure, and more. So, I do not like the man, Trump, if what i have read over and over was true which highly likely it was, but as my President i have to admit he did a great job. Would i vote for him if he ran against Buden? You betcha. I already know my vote on 2024, and whoever runs against Biden as he sucks. I do not think anyone can do worse. So anyone else is an improvement. I just hope the Reps are smart enough to put someone up that does good for America.

I tend to not care whether a candidate has a R or D next to their name, thus I am a free thinker and make my own decision. I do not let party lines decide for me as soooooo many in this nation do.

Most of you like a person because of the D or the R, which just let's others decide for you what is best for you. Originally Posted by Computerwise

I like the way you think and agree.
Pence was speaking for Pence when he crafted the statement referenced in the OP and then responded to the statement he created. Pence was "distancing" himself from Trump, in my opinion under the erroneous belief that the philosophy carried into factual events by Trump's efforts were just about Trump. That is simply not the case. As I have stated many times: Trump was a Democrat all his life until he decided to walk down the stairs and announce as a Republican candidate ... so IMO he was and is a Democrat who could no longer represent that party as an individual, but knew he had to run as a Republican if he had any chance of making a difference. He did make a difference and it embarrassed those who have been oppressing the underprivileged with their dictatorial policies and legislation to make the continual dependent on Big Government. That's Pence! Originally Posted by LexusLover

... ABSOLUTELY Correct! ... So was your point on
Pence's "overturning election comments"...
He couldn't have "overturned" it, but he could
have pushed for postponement until a quick oversight
investigation could occour.

But he and Trump can surely agree to disagree.
The main point is that Pence wants to be liked, so he'll
need to suck-up to the Washington elites again.

And THAT is what he's doing... Just another political phony
at the end of the day... like W. Bush, who pisses-'bout
with the OBamas like they're all best mates.

And THAT'S why his brother Jeb barely got a notice
from Republican voters in 2016.

### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump’s a lying narcissist who was willing to risk a second Civil War to steal an election. Originally Posted by Tiny
Is that what this thread is about ... your opinion of Trump?
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually, it's a thread concluding what Pence stated that what Pence said he was asked to do he couldn't do, since in the U.S. ONLY ONE PERSON cannot elect the President of the United States!

DUH! Pence is a genius.

It's one of those false statements stated so he can look correct.

It could probably be called: An Eccie Moment. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Trump’s a lying narcissist who was willing to risk a second Civil War to steal an election. As Barleycorn said, Pence didn’t have a choice. As much as you and I may prefer some of Trump’s positions and policies to Biden’s, Trump had to go. The United States is not a banana Republic. Originally Posted by Tiny
Is that what this thread is about ... your opinion of Trump? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Back to the OP!
I guess the Republicans are just much smarter than Democrats. This is the second time I am reading that Dems are still talking about Trump because the Reps are still supporting him. So, the Reps in essence can control what Dems talk about, how smart is that?! I am impressed.

I talk about what it is I prefer to talk about no matter what any one else says. If Dems praise and rally around the Biden touch, I still will say my opinion, again it is called having a mind of my own, not allowing others to direct my opinions or thoughts. It is actions that impress me, not words. No one can make me talk about anything.

Truth be told, Dems talk so much about Trump because they cannot talk about their own party as its leader is a moron. Biden is a joke as a politician, as a President, as a man and in more ways than I will list. Biden has no shot at even coming close to being re elected. Donald Duck will get more votes than him.

The reps do not make you talk about Trump, you talk about him because you cannot talk about Biden because you know as I do he sucks as President. But your talking Trump gets him.closer and closer to a second term. Sometimes silence is the best action and at other times agreeing that voting for Biden was a mistake is an honorable action. It might bring some unity.to our community.