wash them arm pits good!

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Aww, can't we all get a room? Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
Certainly, as long as "we all" doesn't include me.

I don't do multi-male gatherings (no MMF threesomes (or more), no gangbangs, no orgies) because I get the screaming heebie-jeebies around other men who are naked (or who at least are swinging their dicks around, if not completely naked), and I start looking for a window to jump out of.

And I don't to multiple female gatherings (no FFM threesomes, etc.) because I don't like to disappoint more than one woman at a time.


bcg (plainest of plain vanilla, thank you)
Oh my... Well, I am off to Virginia. You guys can solve the great mysteries of stinky pits and salty balls w/o me.

When I return to the dirty South, I hope to do some celebrating with a certain VIP.


bcg (plainest of plain vanilla, thank you) Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
The only thing better than a geek...is a vanilla geek!!! Yum!!! You know I luv ya!

Tits McFloppin's Avatar
Oh my... Well, I am off to Virginia. You guys can solve the great mysteries of stinky pits and salty balls w/o me.

When I return to the dirty South, I hope to do some celebrating with a certain VIP.

Ciao! Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
am i the VIP? that gives me a boner to think i am maybe him! salty balls dont meen its dirty see it just meens you get flaver! but i wash my boner and balls 3 times before i go todo IT.
Tits McFloppin's Avatar

Tmac, your balls are clean AND tasty! Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
see bluffityguy? she likes my balls.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
see bluffityguy? she likes my balls. Originally Posted by Tits McFloppin
De gustibus non est disputandum... Enjoy your time with AJ.


Tits McFloppin's Avatar
De gustibus non est disputandum... Enjoy your time with AJ.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
huh? i dont speek mexicen.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
huh? i dont speek mexicen. Originally Posted by Tits McFloppin
Neither do I. But Latin was my high school language, and I do maintain a bit of reading fluency in it.


Tits McFloppin's Avatar
well i dont know what that meens and this is AMERICA not LATIN AMERICA ok.
Neither do I. But Latin was my high school language, and I do maintain a bit of reading fluency in it.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Intelligence is soooo sexy!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Intelligence is soooo sexy! Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
I hope this doesn't come across as mean-spirited or nasty, and I don't question your sincerity (having met you) but...

I find myself becoming more and more amused as I realize that every woman--No. Exception. Whatsoever.--who in my adult life has told me she finds intelligence to be sexy has still required me to pay her to be intimate with her.

It only hurts when the lady in question (there's been a few) specifically says she finds my intelligence to be sexy. Still had to pay before the fun started, though.*

In my defense, I believe I come by my cynicism honestly.



*At least I've never gotten the classic, "Gee, bcg, I want to find a guy like you. Just not you." If that ever happens (not likely, as I've given up on finding love), I'm going down to the bridge and jumping...
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
thats OK bluffityguy see dudes pay no mater what. AND its beter to pay and know your gonna get SOME then to pay when you gotta gf or wife and not know if your gonna get SOME or not! thats why i LOVE all the hookers!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
thats OK bluffityguy see dudes pay no mater what. AND its beter to pay and know your gonna get SOME then to pay when you gotta gf or wife and not know if your gonna get SOME or not! thats why i LOVE all the hookers! Originally Posted by Tits McFloppin
Oh, when I was married I knew if I was going to get SOME or not. The problem is, it was always not...


It only hurts when the lady in question (there's been a few) specifically says she finds my intelligence to be sexy. Still had to pay before the fun started, though.* Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Damn, bcg, a hooker's gotta eat...
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Damn, bcg, a hooker's gotta eat... Originally Posted by Abbey_Jones
And I don't begrudge her for it. (Though I prefer another term than "hooker", myself).

I'm trying to decide between two hypotheses. The first is that women don't really find intelligence sexy (or if there are any, I'm not meeting them) and it's just something a woman says to flatter then nerds.

The second is that there are women who find intelligence sexy, and that I have met them, but that I'm not intelligent. I'm sure there are people here who'd argue vehemently for that hypothesis.

