Sooo..... how about all those shootings that gun free zones stopped... let's look at the real numbers.

I sincerely doubt that either Dan Rather or Brian Williams would refer to Michael Bloomberg as a lying communist.

BTW, since YOU are accusing me of being a "lying liberal" would you care to point out exactly what lies I am guilty of stating. The next time you add anything of value to this forum will be the first. Stick to calling out your perceived sexual practices of others on the forum. That seems to be the area in which you excel. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Read post #15 doofus. And of course Williams and Rather wouldn't call Bloomberg that. They're in the tank for MORE big Government ( liberal ) control and policies. The main stream media has been toting the water for the dumbascraps all the way back to the time of FDR ! What planet do YOU live on ?
Projection is what he excels in. He's so deep in the closet, a map couldn't lead him out. He contributes ZERO to the forum, under the guise of 'outing liberal liars', even though he's one of the biggest fucking liars on here. It's a fucking joke. He's an equivocating turd, just like his boss Lusty Tard. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Says the yellow backed Gloryhole Guru of Arkansas and Oral Oracle of the Ozarks ! How's that "freelenace writing for travel brochures extolling all the great sights for your peter-puffing buddies " CUMMING !
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Would that be the same "Ron Bloomberg" that as Mayor of New York banned fountain drinks over the size of 20 ounces from being sold in the city ? Mr. Nanny State himself ? "Not a communist " ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Oops. A flashback to my old N.Y. Yankee days with Ron Bloomberg.

How many communists you know that are worth $38.5 BILLION? And he is one of the top philanthropists in the country.

"In 2011, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported, Bloomberg donated more money to charity than all but four other Americans: Margaret A. Cargill, William S. Dietrich II, Paul Allen, and George Soros. He has a foundation, which every year gives away several hundred million dollars to a range of causes, with an emphasis on public health, government innovation, the environment, education, and the arts."

If the worst thing that Bloomberg did as Mayor was to ban fountain drinks over the size of 20 ounces for valid health reasons, he was very successful in his terms as mayor. Remember back in time when you could buy soft drinks in public schools? Can't do that any more around here for the same reasons Bloomberg banned the 20 ounce fountain drinks.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Read post #15 doofus. And of course Williams and Rather wouldn't call Bloomberg that. They're in the tank for MORE big Government ( liberal ) control and policies. The main stream media has been toting the water for the dumbascraps all the way back to the time of FDR ! What planet do YOU live on ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I'll say it again. Republicans have only THEMSELVES to blame for 8 years of Obama. No one had to listen to the opinions of Williams and Rather. I rarely listen to national news. First the Republicans nominate McCain for President, a man who had little appeal to voters nationwide. Then, somehow McCain believes that choosing the Governor of the powerful state of Alaska, Sarah Palin, for vice-President is going to win him votes. That killed any chance for McCain to gain the Presidency. So you can believe what you want about the power of newscasters to influence the presidential races. They didn't have to do anything to get Obama elected. The Republicans saw to that.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oops. A flashback to my old N.Y. Yankee days with Ron Bloomberg.

How many communists you know that are worth $38.5 BILLION? And he is one of the top philanthropists in the country.

"In 2011, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported, Bloomberg donated more money to charity than all but four other Americans: Margaret A. Cargill, William S. Dietrich II, Paul Allen, and George Soros. He has a foundation, which every year gives away several hundred million dollars to a range of causes, with an emphasis on public health, government innovation, the environment, education, and the arts."

If the worst thing that Bloomberg did as Mayor was to ban fountain drinks over the size of 20 ounces for valid health reasons, he was very successful in his terms as mayor. Remember back in time when you could buy soft drinks in public schools? Can't do that any more around here for the same reasons Bloomberg banned the 20 ounce fountain drinks.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ron Bloomberg was great! He couldn't field worth crap, but he was a perfect DH.
I'll say it again. Republicans have only THEMSELVES to blame for 8 years of Obama. No one had to listen to the opinions of Williams and Rather. I rarely listen to national news. First the Republicans nominate McCain for President, a man who had little appeal to voters nationwide. Then, somehow McCain believes that choosing the Governor of the powerful state of Alaska, Sarah Palin, for vice-President is going to win him votes. That killed any chance for McCain to gain the Presidency. So you can believe what you want about the power of newscasters to influence the presidential races. They didn't have to do anything to get Obama elected. The Republicans saw to that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
They shouldn't have chosen McCain.
Oops. A flashback to my old N.Y. Yankee days with Ron Bloomberg.

How many communists you know that are worth $38.5 BILLION? And he is one of the top philanthropists in the country.

"In 2011, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported, Bloomberg donated more money to charity than all but four other Americans: Margaret A. Cargill, William S. Dietrich II, Paul Allen, and George Soros. He has a foundation, which every year gives away several hundred million dollars to a range of causes, with an emphasis on public health, government innovation, the environment, education, and the arts."

If the worst thing that Bloomberg did as Mayor was to ban fountain drinks over the size of 20 ounces for valid health reasons, he was very successful in his terms as mayor. Remember back in time when you could buy soft drinks in public schools? Can't do that any more around here for the same reasons Bloomberg banned the 20 ounce fountain drinks.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So YOU prefer that the "Government" dictate to YOU what YOU can eat, drink, that YOU have to buy a product ( healthcare ) or get fined and just all around make the decisions in YOUR life for YOU. Yep, sure sounds like communism to me ! What, are YOU to weak to make YOUR own decisions about what's good or not good for YOU ? Joe Stalin had lots of wealth when he passed away too. All that philanthropy those folks do is more likely for the tax breaks, like when all of the liberals hero Slick Willy the perjuring sexual predator used to donate his used underwear as a tax write off. And Bloomy has donated millions ( if not more ) to the anti-gun crusade.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Government knows best. They only want what's best for us. Thank you, thank you, government, for my decisions for me!
Government knows best. They only want what's best for us. Thank you, thank you, government, for my decisions for me! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Like the VA health system ? For example ? And the welfare program that has created the "permanent flat backer" class of women with a large brood of fatherless children. Those gub'mint programs ? I think not COG.
Government knows best. They only want what's best for us. Thank you, thank you, government, for my decisions for me! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank you Great Leader.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ron Bloomberg was great! He couldn't field worth crap, but he was a perfect DH. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We FINALLY agree on something. lol.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So YOU prefer that the "Government" dictate to YOU what YOU can eat, drink, that YOU have to buy a product ( healthcare ) or get fined and just all around make the decisions in YOUR life for YOU. Yep, sure sounds like communism to me ! What, are YOU to weak to make YOUR own decisions about what's good or not good for YOU ? Joe Stalin had lots of wealth when he passed away too. All that philanthropy those folks do is more likely for the tax breaks, like when all of the liberals hero Slick Willy the perjuring sexual predator used to donate his used underwear as a tax write off. And Bloomy has donated millions ( if not more ) to the anti-gun crusade. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Next time they let you out, take a look around at the average person walking around. Then tell me someone shouldn't be telling them what to eat and drink. Are all the schools that have decided to eliminate unhealthy food and drinks from their cafeterias run by communists? You simply like to throw out terms that you know absolutely nothing about.

Michael Dell lives in Austin and is one of the greatest philanthropists in the history of the city. I have nothing but total respect for what he has done to make the city better. I can't tell you if he is liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, but I can tell you he is a fantastic individual. Tax breaks?? When you are worth many billions of dollars tax breaks are NOT a motivation to giving money away.

Yes, Bloomberg gives money to the anti-gun crusade. It is something he believes in, just as those who support the NRA donate millions of dollars because it is something they believe in.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Like the VA health system ? For example ? And the welfare program that has created the "permanent flat backer" class of women with a large brood of fatherless children. Those gub'mint programs ? I think not COG. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
How about social security? Medicare? VA loans? Some work better than others, for sure.
Next time they let you out, take a look around at the average person walking around. Then tell me someone shouldn't be telling them what to eat and drink. Are all the schools that have decided to eliminate unhealthy food and drinks from their cafeterias run by communists? You simply like to throw out terms that you know absolutely nothing about.

Michael Dell lives in Austin and is one of the greatest philanthropists in the history of the city. I have nothing but total respect for what he has done to make the city better. I can't tell you if he is liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat, but I can tell you he is a fantastic individual. Tax breaks?? When you are worth many billions of dollars tax breaks are NOT a motivation to giving money away.

Yes, Bloomberg gives money to the anti-gun crusade. It is something he believes in, just as those who support the NRA donate millions of dollars because it is something they believe in. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So YOU are ok with the government interfering in your life. You don't believe in personal responsibility for one's actions either .Does that include when they intrude into YOUR bedroom ? Why not move to North Korea where the "Dear Leader" will " take care " of your weak, indecisive ass. Take woomby with you. He's a big proponent of socialism .
How about social security? Medicare? VA loans? Some work better than others, for sure. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He throws around terms he knows nothing about.