Supreme Court overturns Chevron

ICU 812's Avatar
overturning "Chevron" could have far-reaching ramifications in diverse areas of regulation, from farming, and the fisheries, to manufacturing and the regulation of firearms.

The bump stock ruling, while a separate litigation, is related to the overturn of Cevron.
No's all "DEMONCRAT LIES" lol

I'm sure farmstud enjoys duking it out with Monsanto, assuming he's not already reaping the benefits of patented food sources that make their way by wind into the fields.

Of course that assumes he's any sort of farmer, and it's not simply a hooker board name. Originally Posted by Diligaf

Monsanto hasn't existed for probably close to 10 years now.
Monsanto hasn't existed for probably close to 10 years now. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Oh got me there. They're Bayer now, who I'm sure loved that Roundup litigation. It doesn't diminish the point that without federal agencies, corporations would buttfuck everyone even more than they do now.

Also, I doubt all the farmers want the government to butt out of the subsidies they hand out. Handouts are fine as long as it keeps the farmers going.
texassapper's Avatar
When OHSA unilaterally mandated that tens of millions of private sector workers take the COVID shot or wear masks, appellate courts cited the Chevron doctrine for allowing it

It's important that the Chevron deference is dead
When OHSA unilaterally mandated that tens of millions of private sector workers take the COVID shot or wear masks, appellate courts cited the Chevron doctrine for allowing it

It's important that the Chevron deference is dead Originally Posted by texassapper
Absolutely! It should all be thrown out because folks had to wear a mask!

Good thing it will probably change banking regulations. We can always count on the banks to look out for people!

texassapper's Avatar
Absolutely! It should all be thrown out because folks had to wear a mask! Originally Posted by Diligaf
Not much on reading are you... Vaccine Mandate.. I wrote nothing about masks. (Not that those weren't a retarded response either, but hey... forcing people to inject experimental drugs into their bodies to fight the flu is probably a bit worse)

Good thing it will probably change banking regulations. We can always count on the banks to look out for people! Originally Posted by Diligaf
Oh my Gosh! If we didn't have those unelected apparatchiks looking out for us, we'd all be really screwed!

Oh my Gosh! If we didn't have those unelected apparatchiks looking out for us, we'd all be really screwed! Originally Posted by texassapper
Looks like you're finally getting it. I haven't seen any evidence that most of the brainiac righty rubes can protect themselves from poor decision making.

Oh got me there. They're Bayer now, who I'm sure loved that Roundup litigation. It doesn't diminish the point that without federal agencies, corporations would buttfuck everyone even more than they do now.

Also, I doubt all the farmers want the government to butt out of the subsidies they hand out. Handouts are fine as long as it keeps the farmers going. Originally Posted by Diligaf

Actually most government regulation increases the cost for business to start up and ends up reducing competition for corporations and increasing costs for everyone. It has the exact opposite effect of what you posted.
texassapper's Avatar
It has the exact opposite effect of what you posted. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Does it? At this point shouldn't we just accept that THAT IS EXACTLY the desired outcome of liberal policies in spite of what they say. It's the only way to explain their repeated attempts to implement failed policies over and over no matter how many people have to di.
I'm sure farmstud enjoys duking it out with Monsanto... Originally Posted by Diligaf
Monsanto hasn't existed for probably close to 10 years now.... Originally Posted by farmstud60
John Deere is alive and well, though. And fought tooth and nail for years against "right to repair." Yeah, your buddies at American Farm Bureau Federation fought a good fight and prevailed. Kind of. But meanwhile, look who had your back:

"President Biden signed an executive order in 2021 calling on the Federal Trade Commission to draw up a countrywide policy allowing customers to repair their own products, particularly in the technology and agriculture sectors." (BBC, 8 January 2023)
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
John Deere is alive and well, though.... Originally Posted by kockblock
They are moving to Mexico, sans the 1,000+ AMERICAN workers.
txdot-guy's Avatar
The overturning of the Chevron decision will have some serious implications for the regulation of new technologies. Laws are never written for new scientific discoveries. There is a real need for the executive branch to conform existing laws to new technologies. It has been made much more difficult by this ruling.

The Supreme Court just kneecapped tech regulation
The overturning of the Chevron decision will have some serious implications for the regulation of new technologies. Laws are never written for new scientific discoveries. There is a real need for the executive branch to conform existing laws to new technologies. It has been made much more difficult by this ruling.

The Supreme Court just kneecapped tech regulation Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Total bull pucky.. Congress and the legislative branch is where the power needs to be.

Putting the power to write regulation in the Executive branch is basically a dictatorship.
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  • Brot
  • Yesterday, 08:15 AM
Total bull pucky.. Congress and the legislative branch is where the power needs to be.

Putting the power to write regulation in the Executive branch is basically a dictatorship. Originally Posted by farmstud60

You are absolutely right on these points. What you do not acknowledge is who is writing most of the legislation in our plutocracy and how our "legislators" get rich.