Self Terminating Appointment Request

Honestly, it's a sad thing, really. You should not have to put a timer on a request for service. The length of time between the request and the requested date is unimportant. There is no excuse for that. An initial email should be answered within 12 hours (and that's too long!), allowing for unavailability at any time of day or night. A lady would be stupid to assume that the appointment is valid with no communication prior to the date. If I were a guy, I would DNS any lady who has poor communication skills.

Personally, I wouldn't suggest a statement like that as a measure, as it indicates you're not used to getting responses to your requests, but I would definitely have a Plan B if Plan A is a retard and doesn't check/respond to her emails.

Good to hear from you, CT!
It’s to the point if I don't have a number to call, I just move on. If I don't hear from them, oh well. If they call back later I try to fit them into my schedule. Either way I keep moving. Dead lines seem to be a waste of time. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Aww hunny. Don't give up on us Email only ladies so quickly...

That's one of the very reasons I don't use my phone number in advertisements. Just like with any other scenario involving a phone, my whereabouts/activities/methodologies are assumed when I don't answer. With my priorities, I have more time that I am not available to speak on the phone about this industry. Email just makes things a lot easier. There are still quite a few of us who will answer our emails and can communicate effectively.
Still Looking's Avatar
Aww hunny. Don't give up on us Email only ladies so quickly...

That's one of the very reasons I don't use my phone number in advertisements. Just like with any other scenario involving a phone, my whereabouts/activities/methodologies are assumed when I don't answer. With my priorities, I have more time that I am not available to speak on the phone about this industry. Email just makes things a lot easier. There are still quite a few of us who will answer our emails and can communicate effectively. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Well known, intelligent, insightful, sought after providers of coarse are an exception to this rule!