Read it and Weep, or don't read it and weap, but no collusion!

Precious_b's Avatar
The Mueller report only covered a very specific, narrow point.
It wasn't the end all paper.
And very few people have even seen it in its complete scope.
Mueller was only to do the investigation and hand over the findings.
The former was done. The latter is as I described above. Hell, for the obstruction of justice one he was not exonerated of the allegation as he claims.

And Ellen still hasn't showed us a check for what she sent to pay for the wall.... seeing that she refuses to see the campaign promise was an outright lie (again.)
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
From the very start I doubted any involvement between Trump and the Russians to impact the 2016 election. But there was an attempt by Russia to do so. That is FACT.

Doubtful that the Mueller report will have any impact at all on the 2020 election. Someone on this forum along time ago pointed out that there are almost daily flare-ups that are soon forgotten by the voting public and then it's a return to normalcy. In the end, issues like the state of the economy, immigration, and health care will be on voter's minds when they cast their ballots in 2020.
Passion2015's Avatar
Its interesting when an individual wins the presidency and is not a politician. The politicians get their feelings hurt and have to spend our tax dollars to find something wrong with this individual.

Now the politicians want to spend more tax money to find something else.

Just think of the tax dollars spent the last 22 months, what could we have done with that money.

Politicians are just sore losers and have to spend those tax dollars finding ways a non politician cheated to win the election.

I mean, he must have cheated because he won correct?
There was collusion. Every time they said they didn't meet with Russians, they were exposed for lying. Trump admits, on camera, to obstruction of justice, and to colluding with Russians, but nothing can be done about it unless the coward traitor republicans vote to impeach him. He's already committed a billion crimes, but the DOJ won't prosecute s sitting president, which is why he needs to be impeached, but the coward traitors won't do it. Congratulations, fascist, you get your way in the sun because the crooked establishment is letting him get away with it. Hope you're all pleases with yourselves.
Lol, and all you Trumpsters are going off AG Barr's (another Trump dick sucker) summary. Yeah, no collusion, move along, nothing to see here, lol. Republicans are blocking the report from going public. Gee, I wonder why. All these guys have to do is say it, and you'll believe it, because you want to.
Passion2015's Avatar
Sounds like you do the same supercold. All they have to do is say it and you believe.
Just remember in my comment above I speak of politicians not Democrats or Republicans.
No, everything I believe is based on evidence. There's evidence of collusion, he's admitted to it on camera, there's already been indictments, convictions, and plea deals. He is, bar none, the most crooked man to ever usurp the presidency. Every second we allow him to stay in office, makes the entire country look like cowards and weaklings.
pussycat's Avatar
The Mueller report only covered a very specific, narrow point.
It wasn't the end all paper.
And very few people have even seen it in its complete scope.
Mueller was only to do the investigation and hand over the findings.
The former was done. The latter is as I described above. Hell, for the obstruction of justice one he was not exonerated of the allegation as he claims.

And Ellen still hasn't showed us a check for what she sent to pay for the wall.... seeing that she refuses to see the campaign promise was an outright lie (again.) Originally Posted by Precious_b
That's not true. Mueller prosecuted people wherever he saw a crime committed. He was not confined to "one specific point."

The original purpose was to determine if any American broke any laws by colluding illegally with any foreign government.

There were no laws broken if even collusion happened because there are no laws against collusion.

So Mueller went further in his report to state that not only were no laws broken but there was no collusion by anyone in the Trump campaign even though they had many opportunities presented by agents of Russia.

The fact is that collusion was the allegation made for two years in the NYT, the Post, on CNN and many other places. They repeated it and claimed it alone constituted "treason" [interesting I didn't know we were at war] and was grounds for immediate impeachment.
pleasurem's Avatar
Hillary lost because she’s a horrible person... and, McCain may have been a war heroe, but he became a flat ass puss!!!
Passion2015's Avatar
I like how so many people know what was in the report and what wasn't. Almost like people were working hand in hand with Mueller.

Some people will believe everything the media says.

If I remember correctly didn't the media say that Hillary was going to win by 30+?

Then didn't Trump consistently tell the people that it was fake news and show polls that he was ahead?

Bottom line is that we have fake news and true news. Unfortunately alot of people like and believe fake news and the only news that keep the media going is bad news.

Heck we learned that in school.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 03-27-2019, 02:22 PM
Perhaps if it were a requirement for everyone in the Congress or Senate to be a former POW then perhaps our Vets wouldn't be treated like crap!
Precious_b's Avatar
That's not true. Mueller prosecuted people wherever he saw a crime committed. He was not confined to "one specific point."

The original purpose was to determine if any American broke any laws by colluding illegally with any foreign government.

There were no laws broken if even collusion happened because there are no laws against collusion.

So Mueller went further in his report to state that not only were no laws broken but there was no collusion by anyone in the Trump campaign even though they had many opportunities presented by agents of Russia.

The fact is that collusion was the allegation made for two years in the NYT, the Post, on CNN and many other places. They repeated it and claimed it alone constituted "treason" [interesting I didn't know we were at war] and was grounds for immediate impeachment. Originally Posted by pussycat
I'm going out on a branch here.
If you investigate something and you run across a crime that occurred on your investigation, I don't think you just leave it alone (unless a plea deal is to take place.) Sorta like checking out a noise ordinance violation coming from someplace and finding a body. You don't turn off the radio and leave the body.
pussycat's Avatar
I'm going out on a branch here.
If you investigate something and you run across a crime that occurred on your investigation, I don't think you just leave it alone (unless a plea deal is to take place.) Sorta like checking out a noise ordinance violation coming from someplace and finding a body. You don't turn off the radio and leave the body. Originally Posted by Precious_b
That's why he prosecuted Manafort for tax evasion and bank fraud.
He also prosecuted several others for mis-statements when they were interviewed by the FBI working for his staff.

This is another example of why you should never talk to law enforcement. If you think you are on the same team as they are then think again. Of course if no one ever talked to the police it would make their jobs very difficult, but they have no one to blame for that but themselves. Few people know it's a felony to lie to law enforcement, so it doesn't deter lying to them, and no one has to speak to them anyway if they don't want to. In Texas you only have to say your name and address and that's all. So these laws exist only to punish people after the fact, and are malicious and vindictive.

It is a felony to make any false statements to Federal or state police, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT UNDER OATH.

And these laws eventually will make it impossible for police to do their jobs as the public gets wise to their existence.

As a matter of fairness as well as practicality it is outrageous for anyone to be held criminally liable for false statement when they are not even under oath.
Precious_b's Avatar
I reread your repsonses and my quoting of them.
I don't know why, but I thought you were countering what I posted.
My fault misreading your post.
Somewhat near on the same page.

About Manafort, I spotted this guy for what he was when he joined the campaign and posted to social media about it. Unfortunately I got that one right.