Breast Implants: A Valuable Investment

I for one wish I had never had mine done. I was a D before my surgery, I gave in to to peer pressure, most of the dancers I worked with had implants, I went to an F cup, after I had my daughter I went "down" to the DD's in my avatar, would like to go smaller but am scared. I look at pics of me on the beach when I was 20 with natural D's and it makes me sad. BUT you can't turn back the clock H
I have a big-C / small-D cup. Any bigger and I’d look like I was getting ready to fall over. If I did fall and not hit my head first, I’d bounce half the way to the stratosphere. If you take care of them, they don’t sag. From what I understand, breast augmentation can make them less sensitive – That would be horrible!!!
1ThickBlond's Avatar
This business may be based primarily on looks but everyone has a different opinion on what attractive is. Not everyone wants fake D's or DD's. I am happy with my little A-cups and have always done quite well with them.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
I agree natural is sexier,nothin like a soft pair of luscious boobs(so Ive heard). Everytime i seriously considered them and ran it by my clients about 90% said dont do it! So I never did and glad I didnt my daughter brought my pertBs to a sweet D cup that I love
spice-is-nice's Avatar
I much, much prefer natural, and like CB my personal preference is for smaller breasts (though I do love BIG nipples). Big A to small C is my personal favorite size.

I wouldn't rule out seeing a woman who has D+ breasts, but it would be a negative in my books.

I think it is a terrible thing that we socialize men and women to attach so much importance to the size of a woman's breasts.

Lastly, being the nipple fetishist that I am, I can't even imagine risking the loss of sensation in the nipples.
ratboy jam's Avatar
I've got between A and B cups and whenever you get through the nips are fairly sensitive! Though they don't get to eraser nip size..
This is avery interesting poll, I guess I'm on the opposite side than everyone else is. I have received nothing but compliments on my MM's. Some even second guess that they are man made. But I did pay way more than the 2k-5k that was quoted earlier because I wanted to go to a good doctor have them as close to real and perfect as possible. I love them and have never regreted the investment. Do your research and choose a good doctor. When it comes to making a serious change to your body I don't think you should look for "specials", that's why it's called an investment.
spice-is-nice's Avatar

Some definitely look and feel more natural than others. Did you retain sensitivity in your nipples?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Dylan, I didn't see you before your implants so I can't compare.

But I did enjoy your tatas!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
OK, now EVERYONE is getting implants

A new way to view the expression Tit for Tat:

5HARP5H00TER's Avatar
Why? Because they totally destroy a beautiful body.

That's why. Originally Posted by bbkid
^ this.
For me implants follow the 10-foot rule. They look awesome 10-feet away, but up close I would avoid them like a 10-foot pole. Several providers I have avoided simply because of my aversion to add-ons.
50lbsofbacon's Avatar
Personally, I'm just not a fan of any breast larger than a C cup. It does nothing for me. But at the end of the day, to each their own.
if done right and not trying to be 3 size bigger than already are, they are still beautiful. women get greedy....going from a A to a D or some mess. Keep it proportionate and we will still get hard like the broom stick.

and ....saline....vs silicon. still on the fence which is safer and long term use. saline seems safer but may burst if playing to ruff or accident.
I for one wish I had never had mine done. I was a D before my surgery, I gave in to to peer pressure, most of the dancers I worked with had implants, I went to an F cup, after I had my daughter I went "down" to the DD's in my avatar, would like to go smaller but am scared. I look at pics of me on the beach when I was 20 with natural D's and it makes me sad. BUT you can't turn back the clock H Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Apologizing for that gorgeous rack just ain't right....