General Colin Powell Interview

You know what I think of President Obama. I have made no secret that I believe he is nothing more than a smarmy Demagogue who was good at getting elected, but soon found himself overwhelmed, and simply resorts to year around campaigning, because that's all he knows how to do.

Just because General Powell was so gullible as to fall for this act does not change things. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It still does not make the General's standards wrong and yours right!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It still does not make the General's standards wrong and yours right! Originally Posted by bigtex
it still makes YOU stupid.

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As for the BT/I'va ticket, we've decided to wait until 2020! Originally Posted by bigtex

No one is going to vote for 90 year old.
No one is going to vote for 90 year old. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Rumor has it, that is the very reason LLIdiot has decided not to run.

That coupled with the fact that he found out through independent polling efforts that an overwhelming majority of his fellow residents at the Idiotville Nursing Home are refusing to vote for him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In a lot of ways Powell is ignorant of the "plight of the black man". Like someone like Oprah, he got himself into a gig where race was not that much of a factor, had great success, and some how thinks he indentifies with someone under educated, under employed, and under successful. Poor white people have more in common with black people than he does. Ever since he made Colonel (1976) he has had free housing, a driver, a secretary, and all kinds of perks not available to most people. I am sure that he even has an advanced degree paid for by the army.

I don't begrudge him any success because he earned it but don't try to tell me that he is down with cause and he can relate to the poor of whatever race.
In a lot of ways Powell is ignorant of the "plight of the black man". Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It appears that JDIdiot's vivid, conspiratorial "imagination" is working overtime this morning.

He actually has a much better understanding of the "plight of the black man" than a:

Drum roll please:

"Black Man!"

Should anyone have any questions regarding the " plight of the black man," feel free to contact JDIdiot.

He has all the answers!

If he doesn't know the answer, he will be more than happy to make something up!

Get 'er done!
LexusLover's Avatar
He actually has a much better understanding of the "plight of the black man" than a: "Black Man!" Originally Posted by bigtex
Why not just ask this "Black Man"? He has ALL THE ANSWERS:

Why not just ask this "Black Man"? He has ALL THE ANSWERS:

Originally Posted by LexusLover
We can always depend on LLIdiot to share an irrelevant pic or two!

Thanks, Mr. Idiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
We can always depend on LLIdiot to share an irrelevant pic or two! Originally Posted by bigtex
By your standards.

But your standards are based on 20-20 hindsight xray vision!

Didn't someone bring up "knowledge" of Black people? I thought so.

How many times has Powell been invited to the White House since 2009 to discuss ANYTHING?

So, if Colin Powell got away with it, we must let Hillary get away with it, too. Regardless of intervening laws and protocols. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Did Colin Powell open a server in the basement of his own home under a fictitious name?

Hillary claims she told the state department to release her emails.....How could the government release ANYTHING that's hidden under her bloomers???

Hillary set up a computer SERVER in HER HOME under a nonexistent person's name (in this government situation this is criminal-- not only ethics and protocol violations) so all these email accounts would only be accessible by her! (and a few choice Chinese hackers)

What are the chances that anyone of her 55,000+ emails has a classified document attached or referenced? that is a felony and violation of law. Ask Petraeus.

Where was Powell's server? Not hidden under a fictitious name that shielded him from FOIA requests.

Did Powell ever ignore/not respond/dodge a FOIA request?
We know Hillary did - many times.
he claimed a dark vein of racism was in conservatism

a dark vein would be a deep and pervasive streak

who are these people?

name them

it would be easy to name a dark vein

you cant name any that matter or are in prominence

its impossible

by the way powell lives in an expensive mainly all white fancy neighborhood

he's just a blabber and a coverer upper of his bull shit

and oh yeah he voted for obama
LexusLover's Avatar
by the way powell lives in an expensive mainly all white fancy neighborhood

he's just a blabber and a coverer upper of his bull shit..... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
We'll get a look at the "neighborhood" of Obaminable, too, when he vacates!

Not many who make a career of the military transition well to political life. When I watched and listened to Powell giving his presentation to the U.N. it reminded me of watching Adlai Stevenson when he was giving his presentation of the Bay of Pigs fiasco to the U.N.

Neither presentations sound "correct"! They both seemed forced and awkward in tone. Having seen the "consequences" of Stevenson's presentation I felt "this is not going to end well, also."
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-10-2015, 09:39 AM
So, if Colin Powell got away with it, we must let Hillary get away with it, too. Regardless of intervening laws and protocols. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Get away with what? I truly don't know what you are referring to.

In a lot of ways Powell is ignorant of the "plight of the black man".
That is the problem: there IS NO "plight of the black man". They are all different stories, and the "black man" laid off from a mill that closed in the rust belt is very different hrom the black second generation Haitian in South Carolina, and not at all the same as the black senior NCO in the Army in Afghanistan.

I don't begrudge him any success because he earned it but don't try to tell me that he is down with cause and he can relate to the poor of whatever race. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Without knowing a whole lot more about him, present and past, that is a very broad statement. Clearly he is not himself poor, but you imply no one with money can relate to someone without. That I do not believe. The mind--if it cares to--can reach across and "relate to" situations different from their own.

he claimed a dark vein of racism was in conservatism

a dark vein would be a deep and pervasive streak

who are these people?

name them

it would be easy to name a dark vein

you cant name any that matter or are in prominence

its impossible

by the way powell lives in an expensive mainly all white fancy neighborhood

he's just a blabber and a coverer upper of his bull shit

and oh yeah he voted for obama Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Wow, that is a pretty head in the sand world view. So you think there are no racist bigots in the conservative movement? That is as stupid as saying there are no hard core communists in the liberal movemment. Open your eyes and ears and you will find racists in any large group.

And are you implying there is something wrong with where he lives? That he shouldn't live there because it is mostly white? Or is your point that once someone's house is worth more than $X they are not allowed to spend time in less affluent areas, or maybe if they don't live in a slum they cannot see the problems there? I don't know what you meant, but it comes across that you have a jealousy streak about the community he lives in.
LexusLover's Avatar
And are you implying there is something wrong with where he lives? That he shouldn't live there because it is mostly white? Or is your point that once someone's house is worth more than $X they are not allowed to spend time in less affluent areas, or maybe if they don't live in a slum they cannot see the problems there? Originally Posted by Old-T
nevergaveitathought ... didn't start the class warfare. He didn't whine about the have's vs. the have-nots. He didn't preach about those with means being able to spare a part of their "means" with those who are "unfortunate." But it does seem like the force behind the "equalization of the wealth" movement are those with "means," who proclaim they have nothing to share ... because they always want to share someone else's "means" ... and not their own!

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  • Old-T
  • 03-10-2015, 10:02 AM
I never said he started anything, I did point out that his words can very easily be read as whining and envious.

I'm glad you have a wonderful collection of Clinton photos, but what does that have to do with his post or mine? The topic was Colin Powell. Not every thread has to be turned into a Clinton/Bush/Obama referendum. I think there are enough of those already.