Not Parking in AMP Parking Lot

mujeriego's Avatar
Don't think it has anything to do with them following me around. My life is fairly boring. That actually might provide a thrill...Cue the Bullet Movie Car chase.

I would be more concerned about a visit at my home asking questions about why my car was parked in the parking lot of a known place for prostitution. Why I was there? or services received, or did I have sex there? Originally Posted by Fizley
Used to work at a criminal defense law firm. One of the lawyers always said the same thing: "You have the absolute right to NOT talk to the police. Don't talk to them. They are not your friends."

Good advice.
QUOTE=mujeriego;1062253104]Used to work at a criminal defense law firm. One of the lawyers always said the same thing: "You have the absolute right to NOT talk to the police. Don't talk to them. They are not your friends."

Good advice.[/QUOTE]

Great advise and I would not talk with the police. Would be friendly, but I had a professor who said once if the police suspect you of a crime "simply say, sorry thank you for coming by but today is not a good day to talk."

I am more worried about what the neighborhood would think. In my neighborhood we have four Mrs. Kravitz (cue Bewitched TV show) and all they do is gossip.

If I have a civi date over the neighborhood will be a buzz about what she wore,how long will she last...ect. Only can imagine what two cruisers in front of my house would do.
When I was younger, around 30 (I’m 50 now), I drove a rather distinctive sports car with some mods. Nothing too flashy, but nearly anybody seeing it once would recognize it again later. Got pulled over fairly often if I drove even a little aggressively. And yes, I parked that car in AMP parking lots, usually right by the door. I’ll never forget the hot girl in a Greensboro, NC AMP who greeted me at the door with “you have a nice car,” then proceeded to absolutely fuck me silly. That was fun! But that car was a bit too obvious.

These days I drive a black Honda Civic, just about as unflashy as can be. But I still park it discreetly.

These days I drive a black Honda Civic, just about as unflashy as can be. But I still park it discreetly. Originally Posted by RealGeek
I also do the same, but my commuter car is a Black Toyota Prius. I do not want to stand out. I want to keep my hobby activities as quite and off the radar as I can.