Kaytee Kaboom - NCNS

So yes there is more to the story and I will speak to some of it here.

First, as most probably know Lady Y and Kaytee have been frequent doubles partners in the past and just last week were travel partners to GI. When I contacted Kaytee about an appt she said her car was broken down and seemed eager to see me again. Sounded like she needed the $$$. After I was stood up, it did occur to me that perhaps I misunderstood something so I contacted Lady Y to see if it was true about the car being out. They returned from GI on Tues and Kaytee had told me on Thurs that her car was out. So question to Lady Y ... on Tues was Kaytee having car problems ?

Simple question. I am trying to deal with it behind the scenes to figure out what happened and Kaytee ain't talking. So what does Lady Y do?

She plays stupid. And it ain't her problem. Which makes her an extreme hypocrite in my mind cause everyone one the board knows that if a guy had done something wrong to a girl and Lady Y knew the guys car ... the make, model, year, color, and license plate number would be spread to every provider within a 1,000 miles.

But if a guy has a problem with a girl, like a NCNS ... IT AIN"T HER PROBLEM.

Even worse in my mind is when a guy tries to work it out behind the scenes privately: IT AIN'T HER PROBLEM but then when it goes public suddenly IT IS HER PROBLEM, she jumps into the middle of it and goes on a character assignation on the guy. Something out of a Fatal Attraction movie ? Wow ... really. If I was one of the guys here I would be thinking: "What is Lady Y trying to hide?"

And the answer is, Yes, there is something she is trying to hide and but it comes down to "He said, she said" and you probably wouldn't believe me anyway. Lady Y has tons of credibility on this board and it is well deserved and everybody knows that; frankly if I was in your shoes I'd probably believe her too. And don't ask me about it cause I ain't saying; what I had to say, I said to her and that's the only place its going. Anyhow, if she don't like that news and she wants to paint me out to be a stalker, rapist, all rolled into one ... there ain't much I can do about that so ain't even gonna try.

Doesn't change the facts on the NCNS though. Or that guys should know about such things when choosing a provider.

And in case any of the guys are interested I posted about this first in the men's lounge and was encouraged to bring it here. Maybe that was a mistake. If you check there you will find several other gents who have had similar issues with Kaytee. Guess they're all stalkers too.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I have nothing to hide. Unless u no something i don't no about me. Also we didnt get back until thursday night
This site is about sharing information.AGREED
Good or bad.AGREED
Fair play or not.Disagree, but then, I can't control what is decided to be fair or not, so I hold my peace. Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
Personally, I think this is a tempest in a teapot. I already know way more about these two than I needed to know to keep myself from being:

Beaten up by a pimp
Thrown in the slammer.

This is what I use this forum for.

The one, over-riding truth that I have discovered in the 3 years I've been doing this, is that SHIT WILL HAPPEN. Nobody is perfect.

When I first tried to get started in Nebraska, I got NCNS'd TWICE IN A ROW by a popular provider here. I was pissed at first, but cooled off. I never did see her. Since then, she's had dozens of fabulous reviews. And me? Well, a different provider stepped right up, she got my business, and I got lots of crazy monkey sex. Today, both I and the provider who stood me up are happy. Life went on. I may still try again with her someday.....because, dammit, despite how much it pissed me off when she stood me up, I still get a boner when I look at her ads.

Men. We're easy.

I have been placed on the national blacklists by a provider simply because of what I've posted on this and another board. I was quite upset about this at first. But since that happened, I've seen my regular gals on several occasions, and seen 4 new (to me) gals as well. Each and every time, I got to have crazy monkey sex. Life went on.

I probably WON'T see her again, though. And, I suspect, that makes her VERY happy.

I've been shortchanged on my time, had a few unexpected 3G experiences, even run across a stinky pussy or two. I still got my rocks off, though. And life goes on.

I know we all feel like we need to get our day in court when we feel we've been wronged. But, a simple report on a no show or other fault is all that is needed. Along with two reviews: One of Kaytee from a different client, and one of a different Nebraska lady by IaDork. Life looks a lot better after crazy monkey sex.

I agree. He should have never contacted you and have told him as much. That was wrong. And I know the Mods have contacted him about those PMs.

And you and I agree NCNS was not the proper way to handle the situation. But you're right, shit happens.

But he has the right to post that he was NCNS, regardless of the reason. Because that is the fact of the situation. And he doesn't deserve to belittled for posting it, IMO. We know that all of the women "know" about his obsession with Kaytee right now, so the men deserve to know how she chose to handle it with him. Originally Posted by Smooth Sailing
I agree that IaDork had every right to post this. He should not be faulted for that. But, even after this way too long thread, if I'm in town and in the mood for greek with a cute little blonde gal......I'll probably give Kaytee a call. I've had a couple of really good sessions with her. If she shows up, I'll get to have crazy monkey butt sex. If she NCNS's me....well....I've been warned. I'll just post a simple review and call the next gal on my list. Life will go on.

As to how she handled the "break up", well, I'm not sure I want to hear all the details to decide if it was right or wrong. None of my fricking business. I DO know that I would simply want to be told "go away."

Lady Y is one of my favs. If , for some reason, she told me to go away, I'd be sad.......She's really funny, and gives what I think is just about the worlds greatest BJ.......but I'd go away. You see, there's 40 other ladies in Nebraska on P411, and another 300 an equal distance away in Denver. I'd be having crazy monkey sex in no time. If you can't operate like this.....you have no business partaking in the hobby.

......They reminded me of the movie "Fatal Attraction....... Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Y......you got to come over for dinner sometime. I'm told I stew a mean rabbit.

When forced to eat alone, I tend to favor liver.....with fava beans and a nice chianti.

When forced to eat alone, I tend to favor liver.....with fava beans and a nice chianti. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Now we at least know what the "H" in hgritstoo stands for......
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
My business, you made it my business when you started pming me about her. I choose not to respond to you because I figure that is Katee's business and if she wants you to know she will tell you.
I didn't say anything about you contacting me until you put it up her for everyone to talk about it.
I never said what she did was right. But you have a part to play in it also.
I've heard both sides and frankly, you two just need to stay the fuck away from each other.
We are hookers, not girlfriends, we get paid to make you think we like you and that you are great! Don't pay us and see how we treat you or if we even remember your name!
But of coarse there are always exceptions to that rule too. There are actually a few on here I think of as friends and enjoy talking to them. But in the end I'm still a hooker and they are paying for my time.
As a follow up to what Grits said. If Kaytee didn't want to see me she should have just said so. Leading me on with a story about a broken down car, booking an appt, having me drive hundreds of miles to meet up with her, and then not showing up ... is NOT the way to do it. And neither is ignoring somebody trying to talk to you when things go bad. Unless it was deliberate ... which is what this is starting to look like. More Intel for the guys, if that is the case ...

That behavior (Kaytee NCNS clients) is what this whole thing was about or should have been about ... not about what I did or didn't do and not about attacking someone who is just disclosing Intel.

Frankly the behavior around here sometimes is just astounding. I will paraphrase something that was said in the other thread: "A Dude: I've seen Kaytee before and we had a good time ... so you're a liar and trying to smear her.". You feeling like grabbing the guy and shaking some sense into him - DUDE ! I'm glad you saw Katyee and glad you had a good time ... I did too, many times !!! But that doesn't mean this didn't happen and it doesn't mean that it couldn't happen to you the next time you book with her ! I'm trying to help you by providing Intel ... so stop being such a dick !!!

That said, there were several others that talked good, common sense to me. So thanks to all for that.

I've heard both sides and frankly, you two just need to stay the fuck away from each other. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
That's what we all like about you Lady Y ... straight to the point. Consider it done.
burkalini's Avatar
Pissing matches usually end up in a pile of piss. Trust I know!! lol
Pissing matches usually end up in a pile of piss. Trust I know!! lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Yep, very good observation.

IaDork, the more you talk, the worse you look. While NCNS is never a good way to do things, your posts in this thread sure don't paint you as an innocent person who got stood up.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I still haven't figured out what you know about me that is so secret that I don't want anyone to know??? Please do tell?? The guys who see me I believe know just about everything about me. I'm not much on secrets. Why would I tell you a secret about me that I don't want anyone to know, when I only met you once and wasn't that comfortable being with you??

As for Katee's car, it was broke down, hell for all I know its still broke down, she had to get a ride to Lincoln to go west with me and we didn't get back until late Thursday night, not Tuesday.
thanks for calling me a friend Ms Lady Y
Gladiator69's Avatar
Lady Y, I think you and Kaytee should jump on your Harley and head east for a road trip to Iowa. I'd love to see both of you!!

As for Katee's car, it was broke down, hell for all I know its still broke down, she had to get a ride to Lincoln to go west with me and we didn't get back until late Thursday night, not Tuesday. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
You know Ms Y, If you would have just told me that when I asked instead of reporting me to the mods for harassment none of this shit fest would have happened. WTF were you thinking ? Really ... you knew me, you knew I was a long time Kaytee client, and had gotten stood up. That much should have been obvious cause I was pissed. She claimed her car was broken ... all I wanted to know is if that was true cause maybe that caused the NS ... and you fucking go nuclear on me. And smear my name all over kingdom come. WTF for real.

Why would I tell you a secret about me that I don't want anyone to know, when I only met you once and wasn't that comfortable being with you?? Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
For the record, I wasn't all the comfortable with you either; that's why its always YMMV. Don't mean I'm bad, don't mean you're bad either. I'm sure you know that; happens all the time in the hobby. And there ain't no friggin secret, so forget about it.

I am done arguing here though. What I said happened, happened. I drove hundreds of miles and got NCNSed; I don't care whether folks here believe it or not.

I will say that I do not care for the treatment I got here, that is for sure. So I'm not going to be hobbying in Neb anymore. Voting with my feet and with my $$$. Girls elsewhere can get my time and money. And so IaDork is gonna go poof ! Just waiting for mods to delete.

For the girls I've seen before, I'm still on P411 with lots of OKs ... including Kaytee from last month, lol, guess I wasn't that bad after all, if she still wanted to see me. Anyone wanna travel ? Maybe you can hit Glads and I in the same trip ?

The Dork is Done.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
"Just waiting for mods to delete."
To whom it may concern
I totally admit I could of handled that situation differently and would of if I hadn't forgotten my phone at home on charger 1st mistake 2nd was my cars in the shop and they had the keys so unless breaking in my place I couldn't get access. What good if I did get in anyways
I didn't have my phone to confirm.
By the time I was near my phone again it was blown up and threats of my career being a whore were ruined. Hope I had fun cause no one would see me again. IADork has a tendency to call me stupid or dumb because I don't want to be his SB always making false promises to help fix major issues in my life but was only trying to trick me into his SB position once again. He's got an issue with thinking he can rescue me from this life who needs rescuing I'm having fun and a lot of it so that's all I have to say. If the threats hadn't been on my VM or texts off the hook I would of texted him and made it up but not if he's a vendictive creep who's really is judgmental and degrading to women. Good luck IADork I wish u well. And thanks to those who stood up 4 me. And to those who may be swayed by this mans bs he's got all sorts of shit made up in his mind about me.i really don't have time or patience for it anymore. I have more good things said then bad, to me that says it all. Love ya guys!!!! KtK ps thanks again 4 your support.
Go Kaytee!