This is a test

As I said in another thread...justified. Unfortunate age, sadly, but not an excuse.

I'm independent, and admittedly have more fun here "poking" the right than the left (easy targets), but in this case, the left would better serve their case by shutting TFO. Both sides should choose their fights more wisely.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Very interesting. Not a single person ( by my count ) that said Chauvin, the cop who shoot the teen in the ally and the female cop were guilty as hell, has bothered to comment. Those were the people I wanted to hear from to see just how far they would take this Progressive narrative that all cop shootings are racist. Oh well, I guess the silence tells a story all by itself.

Lucas, no comment from you
pfunkdenver's Avatar
just how far they would take this Progressive narrative that all cop shootings are racist Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I'm not going to respond to a question you didn't ask. You certainly didn't ask this! ^^^^^^^^^
HedonistForever's Avatar
As I said in another thread...justified. Unfortunate age, sadly, but not an excuse.

I'm independent, and admittedly have more fun here "poking" the right than the left (easy targets), but in this case, the left would better serve their case by shutting TFO. Both sides should choose their fights more wisely. Originally Posted by reddog1951

Thank you.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'm not going to respond to a question you didn't ask. You certainly didn't ask this! ^^^^^^^^^ Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Right there at the bottom of the 1st post but your post does just what I figured you would do, punk out!

Cop should be charged or not charged?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
This question: "just how far they would take this Progressive narrative that all cop shootings are racist?"

Is not the same as this question: "Cop should be charged or not charged?"

winn dixie's Avatar
Avoidance and cut n run.
lustylad's Avatar
Avoidance and cut n run. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Pfunk isn't a serious poster. He cut and ran here too.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This question: "just how far they would take this Progressive narrative that all cop shootings are racist?"

Is not the same as this question: "Cop should be charged or not charged?"

Sorry! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

the real question is .. should blacks continue to resist arrest and cry racism and burn down their own neighborhoods?
. She must smell a check. Her lack of grief was puzzling. Originally Posted by gnadfly
never forget, friend of mine came home in a sealed box

to the orphanage, only home he'd ever known

the marines finally found his daddy, ain't no body else could, had dropped his boy off at the age of three and never came back

they brought him from the dish washing station of an east texas truck stop by way of any local beer joint for the funeral

his exact words, said as I stood right beside him, were , "if there's any money in this, I want it"
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Cop saved a life, he’s a hero.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Cop saved a life, he’s a hero. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
A Black life. Because it mattered..
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Now that I have the time and inclination to cast some pearls before the swine, shall we begin?
Chauvin: He should have been charged with manslaughter only. 2nd degree murder? That says that he intended to kill Floyd that day. He may not have planned on it which would have been 1st degree murder but really? If Chauvin wanted to kill Floyd then they could have went somewhere more private and did it. The Chicago police are familiar with that. How about 3rd degree? Closer but you need to prove motive, means, and opportunity. Means and opportunity Chauvin had but was his motive? The prosecution never proved a motive, nor did they try. I guess the public is supposed to accept the idea that Chauvin was screaming racist who wanted to kill a black man for thrills.
Manslaughter is more accurate....but which version? Did Chauvin abuse his authority knowing it could be fatal? Once again, no proof of that. So second or third degree manslaughter. Then we come to the question; did Chauvin cause the death of George Floyd? The standard is reasonable doubt. So many things were at play; drugs, physical problems with Floyd, the knee to the back and neck but I do recall Floyd was saying that he couldn't breath while in the back of the cruiser. Throw that out with the baby. There was some discussion about how to use that maneuver. Chauvin apply it correctly and if it was incorrect was it Chauvin's training or Chauvin himself? That is the question that must be answered beyond a reasonable doubt. If I was on the jury, I have a lot of doubts about the cause of death. Chauvin should have been disciplined and probably lost his job.

Kim Potter: She made a mistake. A tragic mistake but she was within the performance of her duties. She was not 100% in her actions. I would let her retire and be done with it.

Adam Toledo shooting: Anyone familiar with firearms knows that there is a reaction time when deciding whether to shoot or not. About 3/4 of a second. Once that decision has been made it is very difficult to change what is going to happen. The kid has a gun and the shooting was good because the kid waited too long to toss the gun and moved his hands in a threatening manner. Perhaps if he had kept his hands down until he told the cop that he had tossed the gun. Perhaps if he had not been out shooting at passing cars at 2:00 AM with a convicted felon.

The dead girl: Good shooting. She was armed, she was a threat to others, and she had to be neutralized. Police shoot for center body mass for several reasons one of which is to avoid hitting bystanders.

Each of the dead perps helped bring about their own demise by resisting arrest or failing to comply with a police order. All would have survived their encounters that day if they had acted in a reasonable manner.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This question: "just how far they would take this Progressive narrative that all cop shootings are racist?"

Is not the same as this question: "Cop should be charged or not charged?"

Sorry! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

They are both questions and you punked out on both but hey, that's what I expected from you

HedonistForever's Avatar

Each of the dead perps helped bring about their own demise by resisting arrest or failing to comply with a police order. All would have survived their encounters that day if they had acted in a reasonable manner. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

And what is so maddening, not one single Black person has ever uttered those words as if they do not exist. They would have you believe that every single incident was a Chauvin incident. They aren't all Chauvin incidents but even there it would be correct to say but for George Floyd's actions on that day, he would still be alive, well, maybe not with all the drugs he was doing and who he was hanging out with but he would have survived his encountered with Chauvin if not for "his" actions that day.

Doesn't excuse Chauvin's actions or inaction's and I do believe the lady cop will have to do time. When someone dies do to a police action that was not by the book, mistake or not, they are going to jail.

There can be no clearer case of justifiable homicide in this case and when the decision comes down to exonerate this cop, cities will burn and there will be nobody to blame but the Biden administration and the Democrat party.

There will be a reckoning on all this come 2022.

Untill Blacks can bring themselves to admit this, nothing will change in America with the exception of all this getting much, much worse.