War on Women Continues

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is no statute of limitations on murder. Kennedy got away with it. Maybe I should be more specific, TED Kennedy got away with it. So many Kennedys, so many crimes.

Obama did issue an executive order raising peoples pay and since his employees work for the executive branch he could issue an executive order equating everyone's paycheck.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet Originally Posted by CJ7
Interesting of the 6 out of 18 are women that I see pictured and:

Department of State
Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton

Donkey punch victim (I just love the Democratic payback of this)

United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Ambassador Susan Rice

Sacrificial Lamb

Environment Protection Agency Head
Lisa Jackson

Resigned in Disgrace

Whaddaya know, this page was updated from this morning. Interesting.
So I gather by your answers, you all are ok with the way Obama treats women in his administration as inferiors. Just checking. Thanks for your input. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A few things:

1. As a card-carrying republican, why would you give a shit one way or the other how women are treated?

2. What evidence have you presented that President Obama treats women in his administration as inferiors? I'll answer that one for you....none.

3. Even if you had any evidence to present by way of response to No. 2 above, how would you know the fucking difference? Republicans treat women as if they are of no consequence.

Don't question me again COG, you can't deal with the answers.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-04-2013, 10:30 PM
Interesting of the 6 out of 18 are women that I see pictured and:

Department of State
Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton

Donkey punch victim (I just love the Democratic payback of this)

United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Ambassador Susan Rice

Sacrificial Lamb

Environment Protection Agency Head
Lisa Jackson

Resigned in Disgrace

Whaddaya know, this page was updated from this morning. Interesting. Originally Posted by gnadfly

whaddayaknow ...


In the broadest sense, the Romney campaign is on solid ground when it says that "women in Barack Obama's White House are earning less than men." But the closer you look at the data, the less striking this conclusion becomes.

First, the Obama White House has more equitable pay rates than the economy as a whole. And second, when you look at employees who have the same titles, only a small fraction of women are out-earned by men, a difference that might be explainable by differences in experience and longevity rather than discrimination. The statement is accurate but needs clarification or additional information, so we rate it Half True
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A few things:

1. As a card-carrying republican, why would you give a shit one way or the other how women are treated? Not a Republican, sorry, and I don't think that people should be paid any differently on account of their gender, race, or anything else. It should be based on the quality of their work, alone.

2. What evidence have you presented that President Obama treats women in his administration as inferiors? I'll answer that one for you....none. Uh, Did you read the article?

3. Even if you had any evidence to present by way of response to No. 2 above, how would you know the fucking difference? Republicans treat women as if they are of no consequence. Sorry, not a Republican. And I love and respect women. I was raised in feminist family before feminism became cool. So you know nothing about me.

Don't question me again COG, you can't deal with the answers. I'll question you if I feel like it. And you can answer or not as you feel like it. Try coming up with a real answer, instead of deflections, and see if I can deal with it. Originally Posted by timpage
Now go make yourself some Ovaltine, and head to bed. You've obviously had a long week. Sleep well, my friend. And try to wake up happy tomorrow!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Come COG, Timpage has reading comprehension problems. He also believes everything he reads in the Huffington Post. Today there are two GOPs. One welcomed the nomination of Sarah Palin, cheered Sharon Angle, supported Mia Love, Sarah Steeleman, and Michelle Bachmann. Some of us may have even voted for Hillary during the primaries as she was the better choice than Obama. Timpage doesn't remember the things the LEFT said about Hillary during the primary or what they said about Sarah Palin. He doesn't know that they tried to sink Nikkie Haley with rumors of an affair (the target was exposed as a democratic operative and known liar). Timpage probably doesn't even know about the racist and sexist shit thrown at Condie Rice by Pat Oliphant. Timpage is ignorant but he can be cured by a program of enlightenment by reading and study.