friendly fred fucked : America First Muther Fucker!

haven't seen his pithy comments in a good while. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He pops in with a Climate change bash now and then, but that's seems to be largely it as of late.
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  • WTF
  • 10-29-2019, 08:11 AM
We're kind of in agreement about the Kurds, although I would have hoped with some backbone, hard work, and patience we could have come up with a solution that would have saved our alliances with both the Turks and the Kurds and also not hurt our reputation as a reliable ally. You may be more firmly on the side of the Kurds and against the Turks.

I am scratching my head about your poem though. If I were Jewish during the last century, I wouldn't have been speaking out in favor of Communists and Socialists, in particular, Nationalist Socialists like the ones in Germany and Argentina. And if I lived in a country where it looked like they might gain power, I'd be looking to leave. They brought huge misery and suffering to their countries and to the world. Originally Posted by Tiny
Hitler went after the Communist and Socialists (trade unions). Hitler was a right wing Nationalist.

Mike Flynn was correct about the Turkish leader being a Muslim thug. He was correct in wanting to see the Turkish military overthrow the bastard. For a few bucks he and Trump are now their campions.

Trump may be right about the ME. It is a shithole and does not deserve our support but withdrawal means a total withdrawal including from Israel.
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  • WTF
  • 10-29-2019, 08:15 AM
Looks like you're safe. They haven't come for the homos. Originally Posted by lustylad
bambino is our homo canary in the coal mine.

Be no more ass licking for you after they take him away....

I B Hankering's Avatar
Hitler went after the Communist and Socialists (trade unions). Hitler was a right wing Nationalist.

Mike Flynn was correct about the Turkish leader being a Muslim thug. He was correct in wanting to see the Turkish military overthrow the bastard. For a few bucks he and Trump are now their campions.

Trump may be right about the ME. It is a shithole and does not deserve our support but withdrawal means a total withdrawal including from Israel.
Originally Posted by WTF
You're wrong as usual.

“The date was 16th June 1941, five days before Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, and [Joseph] Goebbels in the privacy of his diary exulted in a victory over Bolshevism that he believed would quickly follow. There would be no restoration of the Tsars, he remarked to himself, after Russia had been conquered … But Jewish Bolshevism would be uprooted in Russia and ‘true socialism’ planted in its place” (p 83, George Watson, Lost Literature of Socialism).
bambino's Avatar
bambino is our homo canary in the coal mine.

Be no more ass licking for you after they take him away....

Originally Posted by WTF
You’ve gone full homo on me. You just can’t keep me off your mind. Give it a break. You’ll never get close to my asshole. Go find Asswipe. He’s closer and actually likes things in his asshole.
  • Tiny
  • 10-29-2019, 07:58 PM
Hitler went after the Communist and Socialists (trade unions). Hitler was a right wing Nationalist.

Mike Flynn was correct about the Turkish leader being a Muslim thug. He was correct in wanting to see the Turkish military overthrow the bastard. For a few bucks he and Trump are now their campions.

Trump may be right about the ME. It is a shithole and does not deserve our support but withdrawal means a total withdrawal including from Israel. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm on the same page with your thoughts about Erdogan and the Middle East.

About the poem and Hitler, I don't agree. A disproportionate number of revolutionary communists and socialists in Russia and eastern Europe before World War II were Jewish. That was little help to the larger Jewish population, who were persecuted mercilessly by Stalin.

As to Hitler, he pursued policies like those espoused by socialists like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Like Hitler, Warren and Sanders would heavily regulate and tax the private sector. Like Hitler, certainly Warren and possibly Sanders would run up huge budget deficits. Like Hitler, Warren and Sanders would increase government spending wildly. Like Hitler's Germany, you'd see rationing of goods and services. Just as Hitler expropriated the property of Jews and conquered peoples for the benefit of the state, Warren and Sanders would expropriate the capital of the successful businessmen with their wealth taxes. And just as Hitler mobilized the resources of the country to pursue war, Warren or Sanders would mobilize to carry out the Green New Deal.

I do get your point. Hitler did wipe out the independent trade unions and the Communists before he started wiping out Jews.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm on the same page with your thoughts about Erdogan and the Middle East.

With respect to the poem and Hitler, I don't agree. A disproportionate number of revolutionary communists and socialists in Russia and eastern Europe before World War II were Jewish. That was little help to the larger Jewish population, who were persecuted mercilessly by Stalin.

As to Hitler, he pursued policies like those espoused by socialists like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Like Hitler, Warren and Sanders would heavily regulate and tax the private sector. Like Hitler, certainly Warren and possibly Sanders would run up huge budget deficits. Like Hitler, Warren and Sanders would increase government spending wildly. Like Hitler's Germany, you'd see rationing of goods and services. Just as Hitler expropriated the property of Jews and conquered peoples for the benefit of the state, Warren and Sanders would expropriate the capital of the successful businessmen with their wealth taxes. And just as Hitler mobilized the resources of the country to pursue war, Warren or Sanders would mobilize to carry out the Green New Deal.

I do get your point. Hitler did wipe out the independent trade unions and the Communists before he started wiping out Jews. Originally Posted by Tiny