I Believed My Whole Life That The Moon Landing Was Real, Until I Saw This 12 Minute Video. Now I Know It Was Faked.

HoHound's Avatar
Soviets were winning the Space Race. We were losing the Space Race. So we faked it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Soviets were winning the Space Race. We were losing the Space Race. So we faked it. Originally Posted by HoHound

were they winning when they stuffed 3 cosmonauts into a two seat craft that prevented them from wearing spacesuits that then lost pressure and killed all three of them?

yeah they were winning alright .. winning at sacrificing their cosmonauts to keep up with the USA


The Soyuz spacecraft was extensively redesigned after this incident to carry only two cosmonauts. The extra room meant that the crew could wear Sokol space suits during launch and landing. The Sokol was a lightweight pressure suit intended for emergency use; updated versions of the suit remain in use to the present day.[20]

this happened 3 years after we landed on the moon and in the final throes of desperation they sent 3 cosmonauts up in a two seat capsule without spacesuits


what could go wrong?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trolls gonna troll.

What next, Atlantis?

That said, I believe there have been moon landing discussions in this forum before. I SNICKED then and I SNICK now.

txdot-guy's Avatar
Can someone please explain why this is still in the political forum.
Can someone please explain why this is still in the political forum. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

It's where stupid conspiracy theories live? And never mind the rover, the real question is how did they get those guy's balls packed into the module. They made that trip with less computing power than a cell phone has, backed by math and slide rules.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Not all conspiracy theories are political. It just seems that way.
Not all conspiracy theories are political. It just seems that way. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Valid and point taken.
VitaMan's Avatar
So many dead and lifeless planets.

You see the colorful earth from outer space...full of life and intelligent beings that lived here
, such as Carl Sagan.

Then another being starts this thread.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not all conspiracy theories are political. It just seems that way. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Indeed. Unless…

HoHound's Avatar
How did they get through the 25 thousand mile Van Allen radiation belt when the spacecraft had no radiation protection whatsoever? Can you name one time that the government told you the truth about anything? The government has lied about everything it says since Pearl Harbor. But the moon landing was different. They told me truth that time. Gimme a break.
ICU 812's Avatar

Even AI says it was fake. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but the truth will set you free. Once you realize one government lie, you will naturally start questioning everything else you’ve been fed. And that’s a good thing. It’s good to leave the information matrix. Once you leave the matrix, you turn around and look back at it and see your friends and family still walking around in there like brain dead zombies. Waking up is a process. It doesn’t happen all at once. But once you see it, you can never unsee it. You’re gonna get red pilled eventually whether you like it or not. You only get to choose when, now or later.

.Sincerely, HoHound Originally Posted by HoHound
All that . .and the Earth IS flat.
VitaMan's Avatar
The OP needs to spend about 5 years studying engineering, science, materials, space, the solar system, and anything else he can get educated on. And even that probably won't help. He is definitely not a rocket scientist.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Kudos, HoHounder! You have posted something that has united the right and left.

How did they get through the 25 thousand mile Van Allen radiation belt when the spacecraft had no radiation protection whatsoever? Can you name one time that the government told you the truth about anything? The government has lied about everything it says since Pearl Harbor. But the moon landing was different. They told me truth that time. Gimme a break. Originally Posted by HoHound
The explanation NASA has always given was the speed of the spacecraft. Think of passing your finger through a burning candle very quickly you won't burn your finger. But if you pass your finger very slowly through a hot flame you will burn your finger. That's essentially the reason why they were able to go unharmed. Now the chances of the average person ever traveling through space is zero or through a radiation field is zero so no one at the time of the Apollo Space missions questioned it. Regardless of any hard evidence of the Moon Landings being faked once history is established it's very hard if not impossible to change the vast majority of public opinion. There will always be those that feel without a doubt that the Moon Landings were faked and those that believe wholeheartedly that they weren't.
VitaMan's Avatar
the uneducated vs. the educated ? At any rate, science keeps moving forward......and it has been only the last few hundred years or so these astounding discoveries have come.

Space and time travel......not possible. Mood landing......possible.

On the other hand, Tesla had a superstition about the number 3. If I remember correctly, any hotel he stayed at, he would walk around it 3 times, and always get a room # ending in 3.