Interesting Stats Regarding Debt

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, Obama is going to restrain spending in his next term? Is that what you're saying, FastGoon?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-29-2012, 04:57 PM
So, Obama is going to restrain spending in his next term? Is that what you're saying, FastGoon? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Congress spends ..

anyhow .

what has he spent since the republicans got the house? everything they handed him?

then ask yourself what have the dems spent ... everything the republican house let them?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, you are right. Both Democrats and Republicans spend too much. That is why we ought not vote for either one.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do you know what group is the largest user of food stamps? US military families. How many do you think are illegal. Originally Posted by BigLouie
This was bullshit when it was posted and rebutted several weeks ago. Why do you ignorantly persist in posting it again?

Over 14% of Americans are currently receiving food stamps. Less than 1% of Americans are in the service. Even if 100% of American military families were receiving food stamps, it would not -- it could not -- constitute "a majority" by any measure. So take your bullshit lie and perpetuate it where the sun doesn't shine.

Popping the Myth of Military Families on Food Stamps Tom Philpott | June 25, 2010

The most recent study of food stamp usage by service members was conducted in 2003 before significant gains in military compensation occurred. Even at that time, only 2100 service members were on food stamps, which was about one tenth of one percent of the active duty force.

Since 2002, military basic pay has increased by 42 percent, housing allowances by 83 percent and food allowance by 40 percent -- compared to a 32 percent rise in private-sector salaries, according to Defense Department compensation officials.

Almost any service member who qualifies for food stamps today has a large family and lives in base housing. Most of them only qualify because the value of base housing is not considered as income by the Department of Agriculture in determining food stamp eligibility.

In fiscal 2008, a total of 328 service members received Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance (FSSA) at some point during the year. That was 0.02 percent of the 1.4 million on active duty.,15202,216669,00.html
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Louie doesn't let facts interfere with his Obama worship.
What jumps out at me is the change in GDP. W's 76.7% increase in debt got a 44% increase in production. Obie's 58.4% increase grew output by 8.5%.
Not effective debt management in either case really, but clearly one is better than the other. No? Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Actually Federal spending is not out of control because the graph is absolute numbers.

As a percentage of the GDP Federal spending has been about 20 percent of GDP since the early 1960s. It has gone up to around 22 percent in the last few years because of increased spending due to unemployment, which always happens in a recession.

The problem is that Federal revenues have plummeted in the last twelve years.

Whereas Federal revenues from taxes used to be around 17-18 percent of GDP since the 1950s, because of the Bush tax cuts revenues have only been around 15 percent or less of GDP.

This is where the debt is coming from.

I don't like taxes, particularly the vast increases in state, local and city taxes that have happened in the last thirty years.

However Federal taxes have gone down, and I'd rather pay more in Federal taxes and have a healthy economy than pay less and have a sick one.

We need to let the Bush tax cuts simply expire like they were meant to do.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We add over $1 trillion to the national debt each year, and spending is not out of control. TAE, you are an idiot beyond measure. Nazis - Good. Debt - Good. Blacks - Bad. USA - Bad. Norway - Good.

You say you're from Norway? Go the fuck back there and let us Americans sort this out. We really don't need help from a Nazi holocaust denier.
We add over $1 trillion to the national debt each year, and spending is not out of control. TAE, you are an idiot beyond measure. Nazis - Good. Debt - Good. Blacks - Bad. USA - Bad. Norway - Good.

You say you're from Norway? Go the fuck back there and let us Americans sort this out. We really don't need help from a Nazi holocaust denier. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Federal spending is the same as it's been for the last fifty years.....20 percent of GDP.

Would you say Federal spending was out of control in 1960?

Maybe you would.

The reason why you think it's out of control is because your local taxes are about 800% higher than they were in 1960.

Americans are spending more on taxes than ever before, but that's LOCAL taxes, not Federal.

Americans spend less on Federal taxes than they have since 1960.

The things that are out of control in spending are.....


LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS [up 700% since 1970]

LOCAL HOSPITALS [up 2,000 percent since 1970]

LOCAL MEDICARE EXPENDITURES [up 1,400 percent since 1970]

What were you property taxes in 1970?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You like to spout, but never offer support. We're supposed to trust the word of an admitted America hating Nazi sympathizer? You have no credibility. Sorry, dude.
  • Laz
  • 07-30-2012, 08:33 PM
What is the spending like if you just compare who was in control of Congress. I know my memory of the 60's and 70's is not that good but I think the democrats controlled most if not all of those years. I know they had the majority in the 80's until 94 when the republicans won. The democrats regained control of both houses in 06. What is the spending responsibility if you look at it that way. Congress is the branch that appropriates the money. They are ultimately responsible. The president can influence the decisions but he cannot control the decision.
Laz - the President has veto power over the budgets.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Presidents have the right to veto spending, but they don't have the balls.
Obama said he would scrub the budget line by line. I guess his golfing has gotten in his way of completing the task he committed to 4 years ago.
  • Laz
  • 07-30-2012, 10:11 PM
Laz - the President has veto power over the budgets. Originally Posted by icuminpeace
True and I agree they have not used it effectively. However, the politics of this limits the effectiveness of that power because the person vetoing the spending would be vilified as heartless by the members of congress. Ultimately the responsibility falls on the voters for allowing this.

I really believe that a line item veto would be good for the nation and could have possibly solved this problem. As long as Congress can bundle bills and bribe others for votes without the voters demanding a change I do not expect much improvement. I have high hopes for the tea party but the jury is still out.