Got to love Bernie...

You seem angry. You shouldn't take a hooker board so seriously.

You said CEO's should only be able to make a maximum of 12 times what their lowest paid employee makes. That statement alone makes you a stupid buffoon. Now you refuse to say what a living wage is yet you continually say we need a living wage. Come on boy, try and be a man just once. You said it now back it up with a number.

Compare us to other countries. Really? This is still the greatest country in the world. I know that must just chap your wetback ass since you and your ilk have been trying to destroy it for years. Originally Posted by Budman

There are several factors that go into what a living wage would be. To just throw a number out there, as you so badly want, is not the answer. It's not about backing it up. It's inherently wrong that someone work 40 hours a week and still require government assistance for various things. Or is that how you like it? You complain about workers being on the dole, but you refuse to believe in a wage that would allow them to be self-supporting.

The fact that you think we are the greatest country in the world is part of the problem. You see nothing wrong with the status quo. We are failing ourselves in so many areas. We do nothing to address our failing education system, which is a laughingstock compared to other public education systems worldwide. No one is trying to destroy anything, idiot. Improvements must be made. If you can't see that, you're part of the problem and need to get the fuck out of the way.
Budman's Avatar

There are several factors that go into what a living wage would be. To just throw a number out there, as you so badly want, is not the answer. It's not about backing it up. It's inherently wrong that someone work 40 hours a week and still require government assistance for various things. Or is that how you like it? You complain about workers being on the dole, but you refuse to believe in a wage that would allow them to be self-supporting.

The fact that you think we are the greatest country in the world is part of the problem. You see nothing wrong with the status quo. We are failing ourselves in so many areas. We do nothing to address our failing education system, which is a laughingstock compared to other public education systems worldwide. No one is trying to destroy anything, idiot. Improvements must be made. If you can't see that, you're part of the problem and need to get the fuck out of the way. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I never said that we don't have problems that need addressing. You want a "living wage" but you don't know what that is or refuse to say what you think it is. That's because there is no such thing. You can't substantially raise the minimum wage and not expect there to be a corresponding increase in cost of living. So what looks like a living wage today won't raise those you claim to want to help out of poverty. You can't legislate the end of poverty. I don't have a problem helping those that are trying to help themselves. I have a huge problem supporting a bunch of lazy mother fuckers that think the world owes them. If you are getting welfare then you should be required to contribute to your well being by working and / or learning a trade. Sitting on your fat ass pumping out babies not something I'm willing to support.

The education system is in horrible shape but that is because of years and years of changes pushed for by the left. Your idea of fixing the problems we face is always more government. The government doesn't do anything well or efficiently with the exception of the military. There is a multitude of things that could be done to improve our education systems but the left would never stand for it. Voucher system is one that when implemented works but is always fought against by the left.

Take your socialist agenda elsewhere. If you believe that socialism is so great move to a socialist country of your choosing.
lustylad's Avatar
I'm a lot of things, ugly ain't one of them, shitheel. I'm pretty, goddamit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You describe yourself as "pretty"? How gay is that? Assup and shammy both agree that you look your best after a bukkake special when your face is completely covered with the blasts of a dozen "white ropey loads" down at the 'holes!

I never said that we don't have problems that need addressing. You want a "living wage" but you don't know what that is or refuse to say what you think it is. That's because there is no such thing. You can't substantially raise the minimum wage and not expect there to be a corresponding increase in cost of living. So what looks like a living wage today won't raise those you claim to want to help out of poverty. You can't legislate the end of poverty. I don't have a problem helping those that are trying to help themselves. I have a huge problem supporting a bunch of lazy mother fuckers that think the world owes them. If you are getting welfare then you should be required to contribute to your well being by working and / or learning a trade. Sitting on your fat ass pumping out babies not something I'm willing to support.

The education system is in horrible shape but that is because of years and years of changes pushed for by the left. Your idea of fixing the problems we face is always more government. The government doesn't do anything well or efficiently with the exception of the military. There is a multitude of things that could be done to improve our education systems but the left would never stand for it. Voucher system is one that when implemented works but is always fought against by the left.

Take your socialist agenda elsewhere. If you believe that socialism is so great move to a socialist country of your choosing. Originally Posted by Budman
To say we can't raise wages without a corresponding rise in COL is just false. You're a slave to the old way of thinking. And you also continue to present this false dichotomy of it being a choice between our current broken system or socialism. The bottom line is you're controlled by fear. You fear anything new and as such, will never be a part of any bold change that could actually benefit this country. The government doesn't even do the military efficiently, don't kid yourself. That's not an excuse to simply give up. We aren't capable of doing better? Is that what you're saying? Doesn't sound very American to me.
You describe yourself as "pretty"? How gay is that? Assup and shammy both agree that you look your best after a bukkake special when your face is completely covered with the blasts of a dozen "white ropey loads" down at the 'holes!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Everything I do regarding you, has a purpose. I confound you. That delights me to no end.
You disagree with the position that a person working a full-time job shouldn't live in poverty?

That's hard to understand.
You disagree with the position that a person working a full-time job shouldn't live in poverty?

That's hard to understand. Originally Posted by timpage
And a harder position to defend IMO. They rave on and on about those lazy motherfuckers who don't work and are on the dole, meanwhile we have plenty of hardworking people who DO work a full-time job and STILL can't make ends meet. They, like most republitards, want it both ways.

They are content to tell you the market will decide. Because, you know, the market is always right
Go fuck yourself, you unflushable turd. I'm a lot of things, ugly ain't one of them, shitheel. I'm pretty, goddamit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Pretty much an idiot lying liberal ! Pretty fucking stupid woomby ! And "pretty" good at expanding your 'holes franchises !!! :woot_jump :
And a harder position to defend IMO. They rave on and on about those lazy motherfuckers who don't work and are on the dole, meanwhile we have plenty of hardworking people who DO work a full-time job and STILL can't make ends meet. They, like most republitards, want it both ways.

They are content to tell you the market will decide. Because, you know, the market is always right Originally Posted by WombRaider
You hate the market so much, but are willing to play the stock market game on oil futures ? Wonder if you're hoping that "the market" is " right " when your contracts come due, ya friggen hypocrite !
Pretty much an idiot lying liberal ! Pretty fucking stupid woomby ! And "pretty" good at expanding your 'holes franchises !!! :woot_jump : Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I told you I sold all the franchises to your sister. She and her band of ugly misfits are servicing all those cornholios now. I've moved on up, like the fucking Jeffersons

You got a lot of nerve calling someone else stupid, you cornholing, gloryhole-loving, cocksucking dumbass.
I told you I sold all the franchises to your sister. She and her band of ugly misfits are servicing all those cornholios now. I've moved on up, like the fucking Jeffersons

You got a lot of nerve calling someone else stupid, you cornholing, gloryhole-loving, cocksucking dumbass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yet another lie and an attempt by YOU at deflection. Pobrecita puta maricona, I don't have a SEEster like YOU. And definitely not a Momma / SEEster like YOU do ! Pobrecita pendejo EUNUCH !!
Yet another lie and an attempt by YOU at deflection. Pobrecita puta maricona, I don't have a SEEster like YOU. And definitely not a Momma / SEEster like YOU do ! Pobrecita pendejo EUNUCH !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I just assumed she was related to you since her face looked like someone set it on fire and tried to put it out with pitchforks. Whoever she is, she's running the show now.
I just assumed she was related to you since her face looked like someone set it on fire and tried to put it out with pitchforks. Whoever she is, she's running the show now. Originally Posted by WombRaider
ASSumed ? That might be your Daddy / brother dressed up in his "Mimi, from Drew Carey" outfit that you SAY has taken over at Talleywackers. Are you trying to say that YOU were RUN OFF from YET ANOTHER j-o-b woomby ? Like all of those "freelance writing jobs for travel brochures " ? But again with the denials and running from who you really are woomby ! Pobrecita puta maricona ! And this is " Hispanic History Month ! All the more reason to let YOUR gente know that you're out and proud and wearing your rainbow colored thong and rainbow colored feather boa all while munching on some rainbow colored Doritos between puffs on peters !!! You GO, woomby ( for those ropey loads ! ) !!!!!!
ASSumed ? That might be your Daddy / brother dressed up in his "Mimi, from Drew Carey" outfit that you SAY has taken over at Talleywackers. Are you trying to say that YOU were RUN OFF from YET ANOTHER j-o-b woomby ? Like all of those "freelance writing jobs for travel brochures " ? But again with the denials and running from who you really are woomby ! Pobrecita puta maricona ! And this is " Hispanic History Month ! All the more reason to let YOUR gente know that you're out and proud and wearing your rainbow colored thong and rainbow colored feather boa all while munching on some rainbow colored Doritos between puffs on peters !!! You GO, woomby ( for those ropey loads ! ) !!!!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Nope, they paid me good money for the holes. Don't you worry, I'm a moving on up, just like that black family the Jeffersons

I got me enough scratch to move on up to Alamo Heights. Lookout motherfucker, you don't know nothing bout that shit.
Budman's Avatar
To say we can't raise wages without a corresponding rise in COL is just false. You're a slave to the old way of thinking. And you also continue to present this false dichotomy of it being a choice between our current broken system or socialism. The bottom line is you're controlled by fear. You fear anything new and as such, will never be a part of any bold change that could actually benefit this country. The government doesn't even do the military efficiently, don't kid yourself. That's not an excuse to simply give up. We aren't capable of doing better? Is that what you're saying? Doesn't sound very American to me. Originally Posted by WombRaider

How do you expect to raise the minimum wage to a yet undetermined "living wage" without it affecting the COL? Do you honestly think businesses are going to absorb the added expense of doing business? It doesn't work that way. Businesses are there to make money. Period. If the government decides to increase the cost of doing business then that increase get past on to the consumer. Thus an increase in the COL. You can't legislate the end of poverty. There will always be those that are in poverty. It sucks, I've been there. However there is something called hard work and determination that can overcome many obstacles. You seem to think that anyone that shows up for work 40 hours per week is underpaid if they are living in poverty. That is absurd. Many of these people live way above their means. They buy shit they don't need. Many are overpaid for the actual contribution they make to a company. Please tell me what the fuck a "living wage" is? You can't because there is no such thing. You are a fucking socialist and when I am talking to you the solution you always have is more government. Typical socialist agenda. If you think socialism is so great then move your wetback ass to a socialist country of your choosing. Quit trying to turn the USA into a socialist country. The left is destroying this great country and it's pin heads like you that are to blame.