YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

So I'm sitting with some midgets watching Spongebob Squarepants right now...what was everyone's first impression when they saw it for the first time?

There were so many irrational things going on I didn't know what to think...kinda like reading this here board...

A crab is the father of a whale.
A pineapple that is hollow and never rots at the bottom of the ocean is called home to a sponge.
There is a beach and a shore at the bottom of the ocean.
There is fire...
And a squirrel in scuba gear...wtf?

But I watch it ALL THE TIME. It's so out there it makes me feel normal...humph...
Let's try something serious, for a change.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFEyWclabh8 Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hahhaa LOVE IT!!!
So I'm sitting with some midgets watching Spongebob Squarepants right now...what was everyone's first impression when they saw it for the first time?

There were so many irrational things going on I didn't know what to think...kinda like reading this here board...

A crab is the father of a whale.
A pineapple that is hollow and never rots at the bottom of the ocean is called home to a sponge.
There is a beach and a shore at the bottom of the ocean.
There is fire...
And a squirrel in scuba gear...wtf?

But I watch it ALL THE TIME. It's so out there it makes me feel normal...humph... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
You have ADD and you're able to sit through that shit. My hat's off to ya.
You have ADD and you're able to sit through that shit. My hat's off to ya. Originally Posted by acp5762
Notice I am taking frequent breaks to watch YouTube, check the board, and scheming to save the world before bedtime...

Me sitting through ANYTHING through its entirety is unheard of...ask DG...lol
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Speaking of random thoughts. This is how I feel after reading a lady-boy or pop gunn post:

....and I'm Wink Martindale. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Trivial Pursuit...yay!!! Wouldn't that be fun to have an ECCIE TP?! History would cover ASPD's rich history...hmm

Another great category idea = foot-in-mouth :-)
Speaking of random thoughts. This is how I feel after reading a lady-boy or pop gunn post:

Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Not gonna comment!!! Not gonna comment!!! DG always pressing my buttons...Marie is not nice...she just possesses a very strong filter!!!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Speaking of Little Mermaid...

Chica Chaser's Avatar
This could be interesting. Lets give it a sticky and see where it goes.
Speaking of Little Mermaid...

Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Forget the vag...who's the little hooded man? I like to tickle him. Speaking of tickling, where the hell is three-sides?
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Wait, she gets her own sticky? I've had a frigging blog with amusing musings for 6 years, and I don't get a sticky.


Chica Chaser's Avatar
Temporarily she does. We'll see where this one goes.
I've not seen your musing thread here, dear lady.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Speaking of tickling, where the hell is three-sides? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Now him....we don't need here. His mind has only one track!

Now him....we don't need here. His mind has only one track!

Heh Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
We need balance...my mind has a million tracks and his has only one...
So I was at the grocery store shaking my booty...cause what else would I be doing at the grocery store...

I like big butts and I cannot lie...

Then I got the sads...