Providers - Does it matter to you how a hobbyist is dressed?

geezerdude2's Avatar
Pennywise? Geeze-o-petes, geezer! Did you have to whip out the big guns all at once? Friggin' clown.

So, Steven King's movie "IT" had just come out on video and my husband and I were watching it. I hate clowns and the movie was super scary and I only agreed because he was there and we agreed on two potty breaks (long flick) so I figured it wouldn't be too bad. I call the first break almost two hours into the movie and we each run to a bathroom, I'm in the bedroom and he hits the hallway bath. So there I am, going pee and I hear this noise. it was like a gurgling and a chuckle and I can't tell where it's coming from. I'm already super sensitive because of the movie and I hear it again. Well, I finish my business and as I'm standing next to the sink I hear it for a third time and jebus, it's coming from the drain. My heart was pounding, I kinda leaned over the sink to look and then out of the drain comes "Come on, we all FLOAT down here!"

I hear a very girlie scream (I have no idea who it was..) and can't get out of the bathroom fast enough. I kinda run to the livingroom and bump into my spouse who's doubled over, laughing. Bastard was talking down the hallway bathroom drain. Originally Posted by Dharma

omg, that cracked me up!! Too funny! I gotta say, Pennywise is the scariest damn clown I've ever seen!!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
With a few minor differences, y'all look the same naked.

Like the other ladies stated, doesn't much matter what the outerwear is 'cause it will be floor debris soon. (Just like lingerie.) I so appreciate a fellow who drops his trousers and jumps into the shower, even better if he lets me rub-a-dub-dub and scrub his, um, back.

Now, if we're going to dinner or somewhere public, I'd like him to wear something nice, but I have to beware of getting what I wish for. I went out on a date to a bar with a crossdresser. He had on a sexier outfit than I did. Bitch.
I went out on a date to a bar with a crossdresser. He had on a sexier outfit than I did. Bitch. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
That's pretty freaking funny!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Oddly enough, fear of clowns is fairly common. It's called Coulrophobia.
I think it depends on the incall location. If I'm in a home, I would say attire doesn't matter. Come in your comfy carpenter shorts (admit it. You all have at least two pair. There's something about men and their pockets). But if I'm in a really nice hotel, and it's during business hours, something business casual, reminiscent of picking up a friend for a round of golf will do.

The first thing I think about is being inconspicuous. The last thing I expect is to be impressed by your wardrobe. Not saying it's not appreciated, just not expected. So if you really want to impress me, get that sexy clown suit on under your clothes.
Bluedrummer's Avatar
How about showing up in the ol' birthday suite? Are we able to show up in that?
How about showing up in the ol' birthday suite? Are we able to show up in that?
Bluedrummer - As long as you greet me with a nice 'stiff one' when I answer the door!! MMmmm

Bluedrummer's Avatar
ItalianaPrincess- your wish is my command.. I'll stand at attention for a roll call for you!!
Judge Smails's Avatar
Last summer I was offering the lovely ladies a fantasy choice of 5-6 different getups. Made it fun. Some opted for the monogrammed bathrobe ( only) which was tough to pull off in August, but done nonetheless.

Hey, this is supposed to be fun.

A bear suit is not yet in the mix.
MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
It doesn't matter to me what you wear. But i will say some nice wranglers and a cowboy hot.... Yikes watch out guys. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
I gotta agree with Ms.Tara about the wranglers and cowboy hat... .
Especially if we are going out on a dinner date and dancing at Billy Bob's in Fort Worth afterwards...or Cowboys in Arlington... or Red River in Dallas. .

As long as you look nice and put-together, you're fine by me. A nice collared shirt and some jeans (e.g. Polo shirts and khakis-casual attire; dress shirt and dress pants-business attire). Heck, I love when you come in with a nice t-shirt, jeans, and some sort of hat.. ... *sigh* I guess one can say I have a 'hat' fetish of some sort? lol