Whats up with the NBM

sue_nami's Avatar
Yummmmm denezel///hahaha I see your point. Yes, there is a big difference between what this job demands and a mere polite encounter at say a store would be like for a woman who had been attacked by a black man. With that being acknowledged, still I think a blanket nba policy indicates a person who is prejudiced against blacks ( and she may have her own reasons we cant judge), there is no way this fact can be denied, as the woman has already said she wont see black men (even if u are denzel.) we are not talking marriage here btw, not even dating, just a business encounter. but yes, everyone can have preferences, just don't try to say its not racist because if u judge anyone from skin color alone, that is racist.
I agree with you ATX, I have not been discriminated that many times but when it did happen I did not like it..
A prime example is when I lost a loan to a Black Loan Officer just because I was white, nothing more nothing less...and what is odd about that was my deal was much better, the Black Loan Officer hammered her in extra fees. now if I did that I am a racist, if he does it, then nothing....
that still is a bitter pill to swallow...
REB, that is in a lil different context than having a blanket NBA policy, even though your overall statement is fairy true.

It is hard to explain how it feels to be discriminated against when you are not the one being discriminated against. Sure, you may have a story or two about "that time" when you were discriminated against for whatever reason, but unless you live it on an every day basis, there is no way of conveying it. That is why I say it is a waste of breath trying to explain. Originally Posted by atxwrx

I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. You seem an extremely insightful and intelligent individual. I would imagine most intelligent providers would enjoy your company.
Little Monster's Avatar
I've seen a few providers put "White Only" in their ads so wouldn't that be pretty much the same as saying "No Black", "No Mexican, " No Middle Eastern", etc.?
I personally believe the NBA policy is used for different reasons, depending on the provider. I've seen some put "Not a security issue just a personal preference" and I don't believe that is being racist at all. I can certainly relate to that, we are human beings and everyone has their own preferences and you really can't compare this business to any other. Not wanting to fuck someone because you are not sexually turned on by them does not make someone racist. Purposely avoiding interaction with people of a certain color in public IS being racist. Being an asshole to people, degrading people because of their race IS being racist.
I've seen other providers put "No Black men under 35" which tells me they have had pimp issues. Sure there are pimps of all colors, but by them singling out AA men of a certain age bracket gives me a good idea of what demographic the majority of the pimps (at least in this area) fall under.
Bobave's Avatar
You've been on here long enough to know that there is a specific super thread for this topic.

Ugggghhhh....I am so sick of the damn race ignorance!
White, black, green, purple, brown, fat, skinny, old, young......I don't give a shit as long as we're having fun!
newbieguy's Avatar
I usually don't chime in on these threads, but I've found myself to be a little more active lately on the boards, so what the hell:

People have preferences. I, for one, generally do; as can be seen from my reviews. Despite the initial race breakdown, however, there are other factors that dominate my choices. But one angle that I think often gets overlooked is that this is a hobby. Ladies participate because, hopefully, they enjoy it and they can benefit from it. Guys participate because it simplifies their path to an end goal and they have options. People may have tendencies or preferences in life (see comments about who marries who), but it just seems that with the hobby, why the divide? Circling back to the original statement, it just seems odd to me that it's always NBA (which, by the way, I actually find as an offensive statement. Stating "I'm sorry, but I do not meet AA clients" is fine, but I feel like I just walked into a 1968 cafe when I read NBA), as opposed to any other race.

Not looking for a debate, as this has been covered from every possible angle over the years, but just thought I would put in my $0.02. And as ATX mentioned, it does happen more than most might realize!
Daddy Matt's Avatar
I think some of it is possibly bad interactions but most of it is where and how you grew up. I grew up in a community of mostly white and Mexican people. I find this most attractive, there are very few Asian, Indian, black or any other color I find super attractive. I don't judge anyone as I've been discriminated against my whole life also despite being white so I know how it feels but if I actually dwelled on it I'd go insane instead I say "Fuck it if you don't like me you're not worth my time."
I dont mind black men as long as they are respectful.. which i would want every guy of any ethnicity to be respectful.. Regaurdless if your white or black or mexcan, etc.. if your being disrespectful i wont see you at all!!!!
Daddy Matt's Avatar
Btw Sxyveronica is super fucking hot and I hope to see her sometime
No one has mentioned that maybe girls have this policy due to size. Whether it's true or not, if size is an issue for them they may want to avoid a date with a guy too well endowed. That can be painful.
Maybe she just can't take a.... Oh yes, I went there!!
Seriously though, if that were my policy that would be my reasoning behind it.

If fear is the motivating factor, I do think it's silly to be more fearful of one race over another. After all, aren't most serial killers white males 25 to 35?!
Wow.. crazy thread.. I will put my $0.02 in only because I feel like I can't touch on points. I have a lot of black friends from ghetto to professional I have a couple of Asian friends I have a lot of white friends I've had students from all types of life I think will work for getting here is that black man as well as Indian men have a reputation for being cheap I'm not saying all black men do but I've met a lot of black people that a pretty tight with money now I'm not saying that's a bad thing but that could be a bad thing here in the hobby the second thing which I heard from a lot of providers that out of all the people they see the majority of the people that always try to get them on money is the black guys they want to add a super low price are they just try to get it for free and try to con them. having a blanket policy is not unreasonable these girls don't know who's the good guy the bad guy. so not necessarily that there prejudice they just may not like black guys or they feel they can manipulate a white guy much easier so that being said if not necessarily that the prejudice or a thing about size it probably just don't want to go through all the hassle trying to get paid now I'm far from being prejudice and I hang out with more black guys on a daily bases and probably most people but all my friends are professionals and they and they are very good friends and cool people but even at this level I still find them to be a lot cheaper then me. so I know it sucks for the really cool black guys are on the board... but they have no way of knowing if your Backpage hustler what a professional. and I'm sure the reason they can't post no fat guys it's because probably a majority of the money comes from the fat guy lol. that being said I think it's more about money then color. I myself do not see black providers or black women but for me it's not about black about skin color I do not tend to like girls are too dark they can be black Indian Mexican if the two doc I really don't like them. but damn it who can say no to Halle Berry..lol people have to understand this business is not all fun games and you have a good and bad on both sides so in turn on the proposed this question am I prejudice because I'm not attracted to black women? cant a provider feel the same way? and not get mark as prejudice. I think it's fair to say that we should be able to choose who you want to be with. just my opinion so dont try to bash me cause I will bash back!
Daddy Matt's Avatar
I can pretty much say absolutely you are not pregnant, Mata.
Lol.. I was posting that from my phone using voice prompt .. Lol I have gotten in some shit for that.. Sorry