
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-01-2015, 09:12 AM
Considering that you will spend 250 per hour of fun on a regular basis, why not buy the two top contenders and see which one you prefer? Then gift the loser.

Think about it like paying for a one hour session that didn't work out. But at least, you got to pick a winner with the other. Originally Posted by Skip_8

Yeah, but I can't remember the last time I paid $250 for a session!

And if they suck I'll send them back and get a different pair. Despite the non boutique name, they ARE exceptional headphones. Its like wine in my opinion. Coppola wines are massed produced and largely crap...but their top of the line Rubicon is exceptional. That's how I feel about these headphones. So does every online review incan find. When you are jamming to AC/DC searching out the high note for the perfect pitch is not the goal anyway
RandB fan's Avatar
Here are my final 4


Master & Dynamic MH40

Blue Microphones Mo-Fi


I like the NAD's (and own) due to lack of subwoofer bass (AKA thumping noise) and sound very much like my Mourdaunt-Short MS-50i's that I love. But you should have looked at the PSB's before buying the Sony's. The price gets a lot better when you can use an Industry Accommodation Discount (IAD) of nearly 50% off MSRP. Maybe you can get to know a Martin-Logan Rep like I do....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-01-2015, 12:44 PM
Here are my final 4


Master & Dynamic MH40

Blue Microphones Mo-Fi


I like the NAD's (and own) due to lack of subwoofer bass (AKA thumping noise) and sound very much like my Mourdaunt-Short MS-50i's that I love. But you should have looked at the PSB's before buying the Sony's. The price gets a lot better when you can use an Industry Accommodation Discount (IAD) of nearly 50% off MSRP. Maybe you can get to know a Martin-Logan Rep like I do.... Originally Posted by RandB fan

Love the look of the M&D's!

Unfortunately I only need the one pair or would splurge on one of the great ideas so many offered here.
I like semi-open for comfort and prefer AKG 240 or 240 MK II's but they may be a little plain for this crowd. Closed back options tend to get warm.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-01-2015, 04:54 PM
I like semi-open for comfort and prefer AKG 240 or 240 MK II's but they may be a little plain for this crowd. Closed back options tend to get warm. Originally Posted by junkweed
And that's a concern. Sometimes I'll have them on for multi hours so comfort is one of the primary factoids.

If they are too hot, I'll likely dump them and move away from over the ears models.
happybanana's Avatar
I like my Klipsch Reference headphones... Comfy, they breath and have the great Klipch sound. I always thought Bose products sound "tinny", but know if you are a fan of theirs, you will stick with them for life.

Happy Rocking!

RandB fan's Avatar
I like my Klipsch Reference headphones... Comfy, they breath and have the great Klipch sound. I always thought Bose products sound "tinny", but know if you are a fan of theirs, you will stick with them for life.

Happy Rocking!

HB Originally Posted by happybanana
I never looked at these but normally I dislike ANYTHING they make that isn't vintage.
happybanana's Avatar
RandB, understand. Paul was a true innovator. I got an opportunity to go to their lab and production facility many years back... I went into their "anechoic" chammber and saw an original Heresy speaker (worlds most efficient speaker at 110 dbs on 1watt)... Very impressive.
The headphones I mentioned have the same Klipachhorn technology in them... And no, I don't work for them. Just good stuff.

  • OdieO
  • 04-03-2015, 12:41 PM
B&W makes a great pair as well as Grado. Check out
RandB fan's Avatar
Keep you Klipsch's, headphones or otherwise, they are like owning a Peugeot IMHO. If only Totem or martin Logan made headphones!!!!

RandB, understand. Paul was a true innovator. I got an opportunity to go to their lab and production facility many years back... I went into their "anechoic" chammber and saw an original Heresy speaker (worlds most efficient speaker at 110 dbs on 1watt)... Very impressive.
The headphones I mentioned have the same Klipachhorn technology in them... And no, I don't work for them. Just good stuff.

HB Originally Posted by happybanana
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tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 04-05-2015, 12:00 AM
Listen to Sony's MDRV6. These are quite a bit under your budget and very good. They don't boost bass, so they are great for jazz or many other types of music.

They are good enough that in Dada's song Disneyland, when a glass bottle is dropped on the floor following the line 'I just dropped a fifth of gin', you can hear the ringing sound of the glass. With some others, you might just hear a buzzing sound at that point.

I have MDRV6s and Bose QC-15s, and usually use the Bose. I only use headphones when I am trying to block other noise from distracting me.
Parsifal's Avatar
I second the Sony MDR V6's. The design has been in production since the 70's and it's still as rock solid as ever. They produce accurately your source materials, thus the studio monitor moniker.

I can also vouch for the Sennheiser Pro HD 280's once they're broken in. I own both currently, use both daily, and both are right around $100.

You can spend $300 if you want, but why?
Why don't we get a show of hands from everyone that has a small project studio at home? Judging by some of your choices it's not just me.