So President Obama Shut down The Govt for 3% of the Enrollment Target?

Nope, Congressional Republicans were passing various bills to keep the Federal Govt totally open EXCEPT fund Obamacare. Obama wouldn't accept it.

Documented fact. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I don't know if that is something to brag about. Sounds like ground hog day to me. Looking busy when you are doing nothing.
It is worse; Obama cancelled millions of insurance plans on American households for no reason.....

Healthcare reform could have been accomplished without Obama inflicting this level of pain on Americans who were happy with their insurance.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-13-2013, 10:21 AM
It is worse; Obama cancelled millions of insurance plans on American households for no reason.....

Healthcare reform could have been accomplished without Obama inflicting this level of pain on Americans who were happy with their insurance. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

he didn't stop the typhoon either
So you admit there's a limit to your Messiah's powers?
So Howard Dean, the former head of the DNC and a doctor, doesn't even know if Obama has the power to re-instate the junk policies. Seems like the insurance companies will have to move fast to "uncancel" and re-issue said policies.

Are companies even motivated to do that? From what I've read, the ACA law says that at least 85% of the premiums collected by the insurance companies have to distributed as medical payments. Those "junk" policies were purchased by folks who only needed a safety net.

#OBAMASSHUTDOWN was for naught. Now he is going to govern by press conference which doesn't work very well with a sycophantic press that doesn't get called upon when they don't ask the right questions.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2013, 07:42 AM
Americans who were happy with their insurance. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Their insurance was akin to Shark repellant. Only a dumbass would be happy about something that is not what they think it is. Once their dumbass was bitten, they go to the ER and we all pay because of Reagancare.

Do you understand that shitty insurance does nothing to fix Reagancare. Without fixing Reagancare....nothing you do to Obamacare will matter.
Give it up. "Reagancare" is never going to catch on.

BTW, do you actually think "Obamacare" is really going to fix anything? Substantially?

Other than expand the Medicaid rolls and enable people with pre-existing conditions to purchase insurance, some with a subsidy, I don't see how your "emergency room" problem gets fixed. There are still many illegal aliens going to the hospital on the taxpayer dime. Many US Citizens are still not going to purchase Obamacare policies and the expanded Medicaid rolls just come out of the taxpayers pocket.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Next year I see the price of insurance skyrocketing (if the govt didn't put a cap on it). Doctors will be in short supply. Many taxes will be increased.....

Granny can't die fast enough.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great thread Gonad. You're one third of it.
Give it up. "Reagancare" is never going to catch on.

BTW, do you actually think "Obamacare" is really going to fix anything? Substantially?

Other than expand the Medicaid rolls and enable people with pre-existing conditions to purchase insurance, some with a subsidy, I don't see how your "emergency room" problem gets fixed. There are still many illegal aliens going to the hospital on the taxpayer dime. Many US Citizens are still not going to purchase Obamacare policies and the expanded Medicaid rolls just come out of the taxpayers pocket.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Next year I see the price of insurance skyrocketing (if the govt didn't put a cap on it). Doctors will be in short supply. Many taxes will be increased.....

Granny can't die fast enough. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Should be a comfort for your granny turd fly...
flghtr65's Avatar
Give it up. "Reagancare" is never going to catch on.

BTW, do you actually think "Obamacare" is really going to fix anything? Substantially?

Other than expand the Medicaid rolls and enable people with pre-existing conditions to purchase insurance, some with a subsidy, I don't see how your "emergency room" problem gets fixed. There are still many illegal aliens going to the hospital on the taxpayer dime. Many US Citizens are still not going to purchase Obamacare policies and the expanded Medicaid rolls just come out of the taxpayers pocket.
. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Having 25 million more people insured is better than having 50 million uninsured. The individual market of health care in the old system was completely dysfunctional. A lot of the old policies were so bad that once you try to use the insurance that you thought you had, it would just lead you to bankruptcy court. What did Newt Gringrich say on his Crossfire show, the GOP has no alternative plan. With any type of insurance, if there is a large risk pool with a mix of low risk and high risk participants, premium prices can kept low. In order for premiums to not skyrocket, Obamacare needs a large risk pool, with a mixture. We will just have to see how that plays out after the website gets fixed. If they can fix the website so that it can handle 35,000 users at one time without errors, instead of just 500 users (like on the first day) then they should be able to reach their goal of 6 to 7 million users getting policies the first year.
LexusLover's Avatar
Having 25 million more people insured is better than having 50 million uninsured. Originally Posted by flghtr65
No wonder the liberals want to raise the debt ceiling some more.

Bringing in $25 is better than losing $50.

Week one .. bringing in $25 and losing $50 = -$25 in losses
Week two .. bringing in $25 and losing $50 = -$25 in losses
Week three .. bringing in $25 and losing $50 = -$25 in losses
Week four .. bringing in $25 and losing $50 = -$25 in losses

This month $100 in losses.

"Business is good" ... it is a success .... told you it workout!"
LexusLover's Avatar
A lot of the old policies were so bad that once you try to use the insurance that you thought you had, it would just lead you to bankruptcy court. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Which policies were those? ... Do you happen to have a link to that information (facts)?

I've never had insurance coverage that was "subpar"! Mine has been like most others have.

Now, I've known folks who had "major medical" coverage with a deductible that covered them for "major" medical conditions, such as surgeries, and they paid for the occasional office visit and prescriptions out of their pocket. They were fine with that plan.

The taxpayers didn't pick up their tab for any of it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Which policies were those? ... Do you happen to have a link to that information (facts)?

I've never had insurance coverage that was "subpar"! Mine has been like most others have.

Now, I've known folks who had "major medical" coverage with a deductible that covered them for "major" medical conditions, such as surgeries, and they paid for the occasional office visit and prescriptions out of their pocket. They were fine with that plan.

The taxpayers didn't pick up their tab for any of it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How much of your Major Medicare tab do we pick up, government leech?
Having 25 million more people insured is better than having 50 million uninsured.. Originally Posted by flghtr65
First I don't think you are going to see 25MM more people insured. Maybe 10MM more people put on Medicaid. Second, would you want to be an auto insurance company that has to insure a car no matter what condition it is in and then restore it to factory specs even if the car was wrecked before the policy took effect?

The individual market of health care in the old system was completely dysfunctional. A lot of the old policies were so bad that once you try to use the insurance that you thought you had, it would just lead you to bankruptcy court.. Originally Posted by flghtr65
How "old" is "old." I need a link and some statistics.

With any type of insurance, if there is a large risk pool with a mix of low risk and high risk participants, premium prices can kept low. In order for premiums to not skyrocket, Obamacare needs a large risk pool, with a mixture. We will just have to see how that plays out after the website gets fixed. If they can fix the website so that it can handle 35,000 users at one time without errors, instead of just 500 users (like on the first day) then they should be able to reach their goal of 6 to 7 million users getting policies the first year. Originally Posted by flghtr65
The numbers aren't there. My guess is Obama knows this also. He's depending on you Kool-Aid drinkers to call those who disagree with his policy "extreme" and "racists."

Its not that hard to build a scalable web portal. The whole 500 user thing is a ruse. If a Project Manager came in and told me that I'd take him and the Architect off the project as soon as I could find replacements.
LexusLover's Avatar
Their insurance was akin to Shark repellant. Originally Posted by WTF
No wonder WTF hasn't been playing golf lately,

.. he's been traveling around the country evaluating everyone's health insurance plans.

Good Job WTF!!!!!

Oh, you missed two.