The Pope has his "Wag The Dog" moment.

I used to think you were one of the more level-headed guys here. You're quickly approaching mojo territory. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Jackie is pretty level headed. He's been through some pretty difficult times in his life and prevailed. I can respect his opinions whether I agree with them or not. You on the other hand have been pretty successful at bringing out the worst in people. By the way that's an undesirable personality trait.

And therein lies the rub with the right. They decry abortion, but they are vehemently against birth control. You don't get it both ways. There are plenty of options out there to avoid pregnancy. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I sure am not against birth controle. I think the " morning after pill" should be in every woman's purse. Every woman who can should take some type of precaution against getting pregnant if she decides to allow a guy to ride her bareback.

Also, every man should have a codon at hand if he gets lucky. That is just plain common sense, not to mention avoiding any unwanted hitch hikers who might climb aboard during sex.

But once a baby is conceived, things change. Only the most callous or ignorant among us refuse to believe the fact that what is there is more than just a "clump of tissue". It's Human Life.
I sure am not against birth controle. I think the " morning after pill" should be in every woman's purse. Every woman who can should take some type of precaution against getting pregnant if she decides to allow a guy to ride her bareback.

Also, every man should have a codon at hand if he gets lucky. That is just plain common sense, not to mention avoiding any unwanted hitch hikers who might climb aboard during sex.

But once a baby is conceived, things change. Only the most callous or ignorant among us refuse to believe the fact that what is there is more than just a "clump of tissue". It's Human Life. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I certainly agree with that. The video below is a very graphic detailed depiction of how it all begins.

Ahhhh always a pleasure when the intellectually enlightened have their say.

Reytard junior perfectly sums up how fucking stupid most on the right are. Originally Posted by shanm
Says the Clinton and odummer "supporter" ( as in YOU carry their balls.....well.... in this case, only Shrillary has 'nads, so ... ) Well, hello to you, too, shammy ! Nice to see that the local animal control hasn't shot your foaming-at-the-mouth, mouth-breathing ass mistaking you for a rabid dog ! Have you finally gotten over being rejected by woomby and him not 'splitting the crusty brown sheets " that were given to you two for your wedding present ? Have you had any luck out there on your own with your cum-guzzling talents and ATM training that you got from that traitor-to-you ? Are you another one of those that has to have a facial every hour to be happy in life ? Must be tough to make a living at the 'holes what, with woomby "expanding HIS franhises" that he'd promised to make you a part of and partner in ! And for him to kick you out for Big Sir !!! After you'd spent SOOO much time building that business up ! So what are you relegated to doing now in you trade.... being a lot lizard at the truck stops AGAIN ! ? Maybe you should talk to WE 1911 and ask him for his attorney's phone number to get something from woomby ! "Community property" or some such. Maybe you can get that case of preparation H lip balm, those gasoline powered dildos, and that album of the Village People's Greatest Hits that you own from woomby ! Show woomby what it REALLY means to be a "Macho Man " !!!!
Jackie is pretty level headed. He's been through some pretty difficult times in his life and prevailed. I can respect his opinions whether I agree with them or not. You on the other hand have been pretty successful at bringing out the worst in people. By the way that's an undesirable personality trait.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Most people don't like having a mirror put in front of their face. I never said I didn't respect his opinions. He used to be rather level-headed, but lately he's been veering into territory that's usually occupied by the likes of you.
I sure am not against birth controle. I think the " morning after pill" should be in every woman's purse. Every woman who can should take some type of precaution against getting pregnant if she decides to allow a guy to ride her bareback.

Also, every man should have a codon at hand if he gets lucky. That is just plain common sense, not to mention avoiding any unwanted hitch hikers who might climb aboard during sex.

But once a baby is conceived, things change. Only the most callous or ignorant among us refuse to believe the fact that what is there is more than just a "clump of tissue". It's Human Life. Originally Posted by Jackie S
When it becomes a 'human life' is the point of contention. For the religious who believe it happens at the moment of conception, which it doesn't, they would decry the morning after pill as abortion.
Says the Clinton and odummer "supporter" ( as in YOU carry their balls.....well.... in this case, only Shrillary has 'nads, so ... ) Well, hello to you, too, shammy ! Nice to see that the local animal control hasn't shot your foaming-at-the-mouth, mouth-breathing ass mistaking you for a rabid dog ! Have you finally gotten over being rejected by woomby and him not 'splitting the crusty brown sheets " that were given to you two for your wedding present ? Have you had any luck out there on your own with your cum-guzzling talents and ATM training that you got from that traitor-to-you ? Are you another one of those that has to have a facial every hour to be happy in life ? Must be tough to make a living at the 'holes what, with woomby "expanding HIS franhises" that he'd promised to make you a part of and partner in ! And for him to kick you out for Big Sir !!! After you'd spent SOOO much time building that business up ! So what are you relegated to doing now in you trade.... being a lot lizard at the truck stops AGAIN ! ? Maybe you should talk to WE 1911 and ask him for his attorney's phone number to get something from woomby ! "Community property" or some such. Maybe you can get that case of preparation H lip balm, those gasoline powered dildos, and that album of the Village People's Greatest Hits that you own from woomby ! Show woomby what it REALLY means to be a "Macho Man " !!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You just spent an entire post proving his exact point. You're so goddamn dumb, it's good that breathing is involuntary or you'd be in trouble.
And the same scam artist that changed that name and label for their cause are the same ones that brought us political correctness, and "changed" their "cause" to "progressive" from liberal ! They "rebranded " themselves after they saw how their BS wasn't playing to well when they were called out on their tax-and-spend profligate policies. They kept the same policies and lies to people, expecting that MORE of their Gruberites and Gloryhole Gurus would back their party. And it worked twice for odummer ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Reagan was one of the biggest tax and spend proponents. What say you?
Reagan was one of the biggest tax and spend proponents. What say you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
I say answer MY question about "THAT" being the size of someone's dick and defining that size in inches, millimeters or some other unit of measurement recognized as an international standard, THEN tell us all how YOU now the size of Slick Willy Clinton's dick !!!!
Most people don't like having a mirror put in front of their face. I never said I didn't respect his opinions. He used to be rather level-headed, but lately he's been veering into territory that's usually occupied by the likes of you. Originally Posted by WombRaider
What you should do is go over your 6000 plus posts and the majority of the replies they get and you should get a pretty accurate idea of the territory you occupy.

I say answer MY question about "THAT" being the size of someone's dick and defining that size in inches, millimeters or some other unit of measurement recognized as an international standard, THEN tell us all how YOU now the size of Slick Willy Clinton's dick !!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Because you don't have an answer about Reagan and his love for the tax and spend.

I've explained the joke being played on you about Clinton's dick. You're too stupid to get it. As for international standards, IQ below 80 qualifies you for help, you fucktard.
What you should do is go over your 6000 plus posts and the majority of the replies they get and you should get a pretty accurate idea of the territory you occupy.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Your mistake is thinking I give a shit.
Your mistake is thinking I give a shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
But Big Sir "gives a shit" in your mouth every day, right woomby ! Do you prefer it with corn or peanuts ?
Because you don't have an answer about Reagan and his love for the tax and spend.

I've explained the joke being played on you about Clinton's dick. You're too stupid to get it. As for international standards, IQ below 80 qualifies you for help, you fucktard. Originally Posted by WombRaider
YOU have, as always, ignored answering the initial question posed to YOU and tried to make it that you asked a question first. Once again, YOU LTYNG CUM GUZZLER, it was I who asked YOUR lying ass to respond to HOW YOU knew the sixe of Slick Willy's cock. Once AGAIN, YOU have failed, just like ever other time in your sorry lying liberal life to face a challenge. Ignoring it doesn't male it go away or resolve the issue, EUNUCH ! Back to the 'holes with you !
Your mistake is thinking I give a shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Oh yeah you give a shit. Nobody posts over 6800 posts in less than a six month period with the majority of them trying to defend his bullshit views rather than to make legitimate points.
