Where is the appropriate place to post last minute openings due to cancellations?

Gucci and Prada aren't bad, but sartorially neither one has been noteworthy of late, especially since Tom Ford stopped designing for them. Their suits and ties are not well made and ARE expensive for no good reason. The leather goods are decent, but you can find these in outlet malls at significant discounts. Louis Vuitton is one exception and attempts to control inventory and remain exclusive. Maybe if you used that as an example, I would have been less likely to interject.

Louboutin is also an exception, until he decides to branch out into makeup or skin care or whatever is next on his radar, but from what I've read, he is passionate about shoes and continuously attempts to fuse architecture and fashion into a well recognized $900 shoe. His men's line is not good compared to other makes and are again, expensive for no reason.

Mercedes must absolutely defend their higher price. Obviously not against a kia or such, but against similar competition. They have shareholders to answer to. Additionally you can test drive a Mercedes and without a doubt, you can negotiate in a Mercedes dealership without being labeled cheap. If the salesman and the client can't agree on a price, then no one gets their feelings hurt and the salesman doesn't go back to the locker room and share a laugh with his cohorts and warn them to stay away because he is cheap.

I just traded my Rolex for a PP. Negotiate away on these brands as well.

I chuckle when hooktards compare themselves to boutiques in the Galleria. This concludes my DG style rant. Originally Posted by Chrisrock
You don't think rates are negotiable as well? Even for providers who say their rates aren't negotiable, if you're doing a multi hour session, or you're a frequent customer, there's going to be some leeway. That's just how it is.

Like any kind of sales, the costliest, most time consuming part of the business is acquiring a new customer. If a regular customer shows they're dependable, and relatively low maintenance, they'd rather have another visit with that customer than another client paying more for an hour session. Even if in general they won't negotiate on their rate.

As far as a provider defending their rate, you're missing my point, whether purposefully or not.

A successful luxury brand doesn't defend themselves directly for being more expensive, to someone who doesn't want to pay the price. It's self defeating. Just let them move on. They're selling the sizzle, not the steak. Either the sizzle is something that appeals to you, or it doesn't. But if all you care about is the steak, then you're not going to pay the premium price a luxury brand commands in the first place.

And yes, if you come in trying to negotiate a rate which the salesman finds laughable, or you conduct yourself like a clown, you're going to be made fun of as soon as you're out of ear shot. In fact, when sales people get together to talk about customers, they don't share stories about all the wonderful customers that negotiated a tough but fair deal. They talk about the horror stories, or the laughable ones with no clue.

The bottom line is that a provider has a monopoly on her services. If she's valued for what she brings to the table, if she's considered unique in some way by at least some of her clientele, they're not going to be able to go to some one else and get the same experience.

On the other hand, if the hobbyist doesn't value any of those unique qualities all that much, then she becomes a commodity. Time for money, and whoever gives the cheapest rate becomes the most desirable.

Some providers want to screen out that kind of hobbyist, and they can afford to. Some providers have to play the negotiating game up front or they won't be able to get enough clientele to meet their overhead.

I just don't think it behooves a provider to defend her rate on Eccie directly. The way to defend the rate is to behave like someone who commands that rate...or don't post at all, which is what most women who command a premium rate choose to do.

Defending the rate directly just makes the provider look defensive. It's not a good plan of action, IMO.
You could just call me directly ???
LOL !!! Originally Posted by MOTOXMAN

Really ?? good to know luv
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Houston is, I believe, the only major city in Texas without a short notice forum. I started the original one here with a pretty loose set of rules, and yes, admittedly some ladies couldn't follow instructions if they were tattooed on their arms, but the mods progressively changed and tightened the restrictions, and the policing of it became more and more arbitrary depending upon individual interpretation.

Sorry, mods, you know I'm not a trouble maker or drama instigator, but with all due respect, I disagree with the way things were handled and the closing of the thread, and I still believe that a major Hobby community like Houston needs a short notice ISO like other cities have. Pout. S
ome things work in some places better than others, evidently.

Nice threAD, it's at least one we haven't seen yet. That thread about cancellation sucked, the same chicks used it everyday. And mostly it was the not so attractive chicks posting on it all the time, I'm sure you don't want to be associated with that lot. Originally Posted by trey

Trey, kiss my Fancy fat fanny. The reason many of the same ladies posted in the thread was that a lot of the less-bold providers were afraid of fellows like YOU making fun of them, and others were concerned that acknowledging cancellations would make them look less successful, a flawed premise. Cancellations happen in EVERY service industry. It was very helpful for ladies of ALL perceived body types who utilized it while it was up, and convenient for gentlemen looking for quick availability.

ZedX79's Avatar
I never read the thread....curious as to what went wrong.
  • war6
  • 07-30-2013, 03:51 PM
You don't think rates are negotiable as well? Originally Posted by proudoftexas
If I stated this somewhere, please show me. I pointed out that rates are negotiable everywhere. If I was able to negotiate at MB Greenway without getting the stinkeye, then I should be able to negotiate hooktard rates without them crying lowballer.

[QUOTE=proudoftexas;1053521557A s far as a provider defending their rate, you're missing my point, whether purposefully or not.

A successful luxury brand doesn't defend themselves directly for being more expensive, to someone who doesn't want to pay the price. It's self defeating. Just let them move on. They're selling the sizzle, not the steak. Either the sizzle is something that appeals to you, or it doesn't. But if all you care about is the steak, then you're not going to pay the premium price a luxury brand commands in the first place.[/QUOTE]

This is where you err, which is why I was specific in which luxury brands. Some do not just offer sizzle. There is some "steak," as in actual quality and craftsmenship in certain brands, not just being expensive for the sake of such. If I want sizzle, I go to Ruth's Chris. If I want true steak, I'll go elsewhere.

Also note the lack of care in the provider defending her rate. I don't even know what her rate is. I was targeting your comments about Mercedes and Rolex defending their rates.

And yes, if you come in trying to negotiate a rate which the salesman finds laughable, or you conduct yourself like a clown, you're going to be made fun of as soon as you're out of ear shot. In fact, when sales people get together to talk about customers, they don't share stories about all the wonderful customers that negotiated a tough but fair deal. They talk about the horror stories, or the laughable ones with no clue. Originally Posted by proudoftexas
Not sure to what extent you are trying stretch your illustration, but I would guess that if you walk into the dealership, you are actually there with an understanding that the car costs a certain amount. Something like 10,000 below sticker would not be considered laughable. Let's say 15,000 would not be acceptable, but the guy wouldn't start laughing. Negotiating any lower than that may be laughable, and you really have no business in that showroom in the first place.

I was buying my car the same time Moochie Norris was buying his. The guy was absolutely acting like a clown. I guess he just signed a contract and thought he owned the city. Nevertheless, the salesman was following him around like a puppy dog. Did he talk about Moochie after he drove off? Probably. Would he welcome his business again? I'm quite certain he would.
I never read the thread....curious as to what went wrong. Originally Posted by ZedX79
tbone77494's Avatar
It did seem the same few ladies were there quite a bit. (Cancellation thread). It seemed to me that it would be simple to keep posting fake cancellations as ads. I regularly checked it out but never saw anyone that interested me. Maybe it just needed time. I also have never really had a problem scheduling, even if I wanted immediate gratification. I might have a half dozen on my to-do list plus a couple utr regulars plus a couple I repeat with. I can always find one sitting by the phone when I get horny and have cash.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-30-2013, 05:11 PM
I hate that ladies like Fancy and others suffered because of the half dozen or so ones that couldn't understand that forum was NOT another advertising venue.

  • ivan
  • 07-30-2013, 05:28 PM
So you're basically hurting and try some free advertising. We get it. Reverse psychology? Heard of that term?

Actually, I started out working for 200/hour around four years ago and have worked my way up in rate, and I definitely have less cancellations and bullshit to deal with in general now that I have a higher rate. If I actually lived in Houston my rate would probably be lower, but since I am paying 200/night for hotel rooms plus travel expenses, I chose the rate that I did for Houston. And also, my schedule has been pretty well full (especially since I prefer to see only 2-3 clients per day at most) ********* edited by Pistolero, so... basically no motivation for me to lower my rate based on the complaining of some guy over the internet, sorry. Most of my clients tip on top of my rate and tell me that I am well worth it. If you can't afford me, don't fret. There are other pretty girls out there. I'm not desperate for your business, just wanted some way to let the gentlemen know of my availability.

Enjoy your Tuesday everyone! I'll be driving to San Antonio this afternoon but Houston has been much lovelier to me than I expected and I will definitely return!

[COLOR=Red]Edit to remove short notice time. Naughty, naughty. Pistolero

[COLOR=Black] Originally Posted by spicyzoey
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Actually I had a lovely time and will definitely return to Houston. I have already moved on... maybe by my next visit the original issue I posted about will have resolved itself.
Is there one? I noticed I'm only allowed one ad per week and beyond a few hours after posting there is no way to edit ads. On some other websites I belong to, a provider may "reply" to the ad thread with updates such as last minute openings due to cancellations. Is there a proper way to do this on ECCIE, or if a client cancels on me after I post my weekly ad, am I just stuck not being able to advertise that opening on ECCIE? I notice that some other cities like San Antonio have a "short notice availability thread", but I do not see an analogous thread anywhere for Houston. Originally Posted by spicyzoey
... maybe by my next visit the original issue I posted about will have resolved itself. Originally Posted by spicyzoey

There will not be another one...in Houston
Do not start another cancellation thread, it will be closed.

Ladies have the opportunity to post ads in the Provider Ad section (once every 7 days) and the Weekend Lineup (Thur 6am - Sun 9pm) Originally Posted by DickEmDown
What if one person was in charge of moderating that one thread and nothing else? I'd do it if it helped the community.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-30-2013, 09:48 PM

Trey, kiss my Fancy fat fanny. The reason many of the same ladies posted in the thread was that a lot of the less-bold providers were afraid of fellows like YOU making fun of them

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
I don't think I was that bad. You're a cool chick fancy and I mean that I really do. But you know that thing was fucked up from word go. The mods couldn't admit it was another ad section. The girls couldn't understand how it wasn't an ad section. And the guys just didnt know what the fuck to think of it.

I will say it wasn't a bad idea on paper, it was just poorly done on all fronts. The rules finally killed it along with the same five girls posting in it every single day.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
What if one person was in charge of moderating that one thread and nothing else? I'd do it if it helped the community. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
If you go back and look at the thread there mainly was only one mod that moderated it. That wasn't the problem
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
What if providers were allowed to "reply" to their own ad threads without it bumping their ad to the top? Seems like the most sensible way to update availability and not easily taken advantage of.