Please Allow Me - First!

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Yes, Mr.Chan...I concur!

BCG would make a most excellent moderator.

What say you, BCG? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
What William Tecumseh Sherman said:

"If nominated I will not run; if elected I will not serve."

I have other commitments which make it impossible for me to take the job.

But I do appreciate the support.


Finally had time to make the post i intended.. first of all..giz you are funny..funny man lol.

if the intention is to cause a max exodus from the forum..then by all means make me mod.. some will leave cuz they don't like me.. others will leave cuz they figure whats the point in hanging around if this damn place is gonna be turned over to me!

however..i would make a damn good mod..

1. i have no life
2. the drama which is eccie consumes my every minute of existence
3. i come here daily, reading, plotting my next fire to throw gas on, which ties right in with points 1 and 2... so if i had to come here to moderate..just one more thing to consume my already bored, jaded, miserable existence i try to call a life
4. I am jealous and jaded towards most obviously more successful, liked, knowledgeable and better providers, therefore they obviously wouldn't be allowed just to run wild and create havoc

5. I was/am here merely to stir shit up and have absolutely contributed nothing note worthy wether it be service wise and/or post wise in all my years of being on this board..

6. I have spent the greater part of my adult life servicing paying customers.. it has left me a shell of my former self and all i have at this point is making others life difficult so making me a mod would just add to that need and make it that much more easier and atleast perhaps boost my confidence some.. the end.. making me a mod has its good points and bad points..

(if you didn't get the sarcasm..quickly hit the freakin "x" and step away from the computer)
  • MrGiz
  • 07-01-2010, 10:08 PM
........ Oh, and most honorable Giz, accent is Mandarin,although acknowledge is difficult to tell difference when speaking English. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Ah... So!

So sorry!! I am confused between rice & noodle