Wrong for denying client?

Zimmie6942's Avatar
A woman's intuition is usually right. It also sounds like a negotiation tactic some customers use. I might get this so give me this but they never buy the higher amount and always still want the deal. When you smell a rat refuse.

Also not everyone should be able to see you. Your an amazing beautiful young women and you have to refuse some so the rest of us feel special.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
Shoulda educated him on etiquette a bit so he won't throw a hissy fit and waste another lady's time.

That said, just about any reason to turn someone down is a valid reason. If I was turned down I'd like to know why, but I'm not gonna throw a bitch fit like a child.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I always inquire a head of time about all the specifics to include rates/services. I usually want to know the hour, 90 min and 2 hour rate. I'll then decide which session I want. I will let the lady know before anything is confirmed. I don't like confusion when setting up an appt.

BTW, the ladies are more than in the right to decide on whom they will see or won't see.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thanks for making me feel better girls. He is now threatening a bad review because i wasted his time lol ewview away dear sir. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
I encourage him to post that review. As soon as he does, THAT brings the situation under Eccie's jurisdiction and we may take appropriate action because of it.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

That sounds like a thinly veiled threat.

. . . I pity the fool!

I encourage him to post that review. As soon as he does, THAT brings the situation under Eccie's jurisdiction and we may take appropriate action because of it. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
  • loboy
  • 07-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Nope...They have the right to see or not see anyone
Jessica Jade's Avatar
He definitely doesn't know how to play the game. If you're not 99% comfortable (we are never 100% with new clients) then just don't see him. If he doesn't understand then he needs a new hobby. Maybe something like getting revenge on people that has screwed him over in the past. You know, like stepping on his foot accidentally or accidentally giving him a cold when breathing on him etc. Seriously this man needs to man up take his loss and move on. More power to you babe!
speeedracer's Avatar
Thanks for making me feel better girls. He is now threatening a bad review because i wasted his time lol ewview away dear sir. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
good lord, what is this, middle school?

anywho, if you want to let other providers know who he is without doing it publicly, don't you have a powder room to do that? that way he won't know crap about a rebuttal if he does indeed write a review
You have the right to deny WHOEVER you want. That being said, if a client and I enjoy ourselves in a hh, hr session and he's wanting more I gladly accept the offer,of course the timing has to be right. But, to act like he's clueless on what he wants and expects you to just settle,that's disrespectful.
Chica Chaser's Avatar

That sounds like a thinly veiled threat.

. . . I pity the fool!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Not a threat at all, we have very specific rules here about fake reviews. Actionable rules.
Fastgunn...you need to pay attention to all this
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
In those situations everyone should just move on. I, too, had a lady stop after the table shower and 10 minutes into the session and then out of the blue, pop up and politely ask me to leave. She gave me back my money, so I went to plan B, but my only regret is I didn't know the reason. Since it only ever happened once, I figured it wasn't me, but she was spooked by something. Life is full of petty shit like this and you have to adjust to it or end up a bitter old man or woman.
inctown's Avatar
Good post I am glad you put this up for discussion.First of all what he did was wrong and you were right to say no. Let him post the review and I am sure it will not go well for him.

However I am wondering no where on your showcase or your ads do you post "Not Newbie Friendly" or "2 References required" or speak of screening what-so-ever. So without any of that to me it would appear that you are newbie friendly. Saying no for one review only is somewhat odd.

The uncertainty for time I have done that with a lady early in the booking session because I want to learn their preference. Some ladies will require certain time frames for "Introduction Meetings" or they prefer longer sessions etc. Clearly the time frame should be ironed out before the start of the session unless it is a repeat client with some history or plan (come over have a few drinks and stay as long as you want).

When I contact a lady about an upcoming session I want that I have never seen before I will often shoot her a general message "Hello I am looking for 1 to 2 hour session sometime this weekend. I will send my P411 info shortly so you may screen me. Please let me know when I am good to go and we can hash out the details". Not all the time but often. I figured this was standard practice that way a lady feels good about booking me when my references come back good. Is this not the standard method?
burkalini's Avatar
I think your completely right in not scheduling. The same thing in reverse from a provider would be advertising one price and then raising it later. Oh yea. That's called an upsell.
It wasnt just the fact of only one review. It was that he wouldnt commit to a time frame at all and the only review he has taken time to give wasn't in the girls favor. I am open to newbie id they have the right attitude