Swiftboating.. Veterans for a Strong America only "one guy" who is a former republican operative

joe bloe's Avatar
And Saddam still sleeps with the worms, BigTicks. He was perhaps the greatest mass murder to survive into the 21st century, and the world is a better place without him. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
After Desert Storm, the socialist/Democrats said the our victory was pointless because Bush 41 didn't get rid of Saddam Hussein. So, a few years later, Bush 43 gets rid of Hussein and the socialist/Democrats say it was pointless. The socialist/Democrats have no integrity. They just say whatever suits their purpose at any given moment with no regard for truth.
I B Hankering's Avatar
After Desert Storm, the socialist/Democrats said the our victory was pointless because Bush 41 didn't get rid of Saddam Hussein. So, a few years later, Bush 43 gets rid of Hussein and the socialist/Democrats say it was pointless. The socialist/Democrats have no integrity. They just say whatever suits their purpose at any given moment with no regard for truth. Originally Posted by joe bloe
+1 Agreed.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-09-2012, 07:49 AM
And Saddam still sleeps with the worms, BigTicks. He was perhaps the greatest mass murder to survive into the 21st century, and the world is a better place without him. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

The question, in my mind, is not is the world is better off. The question is, are we better off. Was the war worth it for Americans? I do not think so but we may disagree. Was it worth it for the world , yes possible but is that now how we operate? Should we dedicate all our resources for the betterment of Europe, Russia , China at out determinate? I think not, others may disagree.
As a former Swift Boat Sailor, I am sick and tired of the politicians, news media, and other groups using the term Swift Boated. I lost 4 good friends serving on Swift Boats, and have physical and mental wounds from my service. It totaly diminises the service and sacrafice of the men who served and died!
You forgot to mention Saddam Hussein -- who was, btw, granted a trial before he was executed by his own people. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
At his age, he tends to forget a lot, so it's probably time to put him in the old folks' home since he can't remember anything except what the media repetitively spoon fed him that night for dinner. So sad. Cognitive thinking skills are gone from his mind. A mime is a terrible thing to waste. Lol
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-09-2012, 08:29 AM
The point is pretty straightforward: the video, professionally made with high production values, wants the viewer to think Obama wants sole credit for the mission that killed the al Qaeda leader last year.

The claim is demonstrably untrue, but the right doesn't much care about such niceties. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Of course they don't, they are politicians. Look at the slime Rove's recent lies about Clinton. I don't claim the Dems are any better (they are not), but I will give the conservatives far more credit for lies told with a certain arogance that comes from having zero conscience. When the libs lie it is usually easier to tell because they look guilty.

I think Arriana Huffington's comments on this issue are right on the money. She described Obama's tactic of exploiting the Bin Laden killing, in such a nakedly political way, as despicable. Obama is shameless./ Originally Posted by joe bloe
Agree. Just the same as GWB's "Mission accomplished" garbage. Both are nothing short of politicizing something that should not have been political. At least in theOBL case it was accomplished; the Bush quote was not only politically a cheep shot, but also exceedingly stupid given that the mission was far from completed.

You forgot to mention Saddam Hussein -- who was, btw, granted a trial before he was executed by his own people. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
[quote=I B Hankering;2669979]Yes, it was the Saddam Hussein who murdered hundreds of thousands using WMD and who wouldn't abide by the the terms of the UN Sanctions levied against him: the criminal who flagrantly violated the terms of his parole.[/quote]

Oh wow! Let's see who takes credit for wandering off topic this time, IB. (Actually, you didn't, but it is the same situation that you ranted and raved about just earlier this week. I guess YOU are special and different, aren't you.) Good Ol' IB Hypocrit strikes again.

But back to your point, should OBL been given back to "his people" and we politely ask Al-Q to put him on trial? Even for you that is a stupid comment. So, pray tell, who should have been on his jury? [And before you make more false accusations let me remind you I said I would ignore most your posts--and if you look you will find I have ignored the vast majority of them. This one was so dumb it couldn't in good conscience be ignored.]

In case you hadn't noticed there are a lot of bad guys in the world. A lot of them have WMD. Should we throw aside our historical principles and put on our cowboy lynching party hat to take out all of them? Who decides? You? And which ballanced budget will you use to accomplish all that? If GWB and Rice weren't in a delusional (and ego driven) fog maybe we could have focused on Afghanistan and taken care of things there properly--and be out years ago. Instead we claim we are going into Iraq because of 911 when Sadam was a serious opponent of A-Q. In this area we have a lot to learn from the Chineese.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-09-2012, 08:31 AM
After Desert Storm, the socialist/Democrats said the our victory was pointless because Bush 41 didn't get rid of Saddam Hussein. So, a few years later, Bush 43 gets rid of Hussein and the socialist/Democrats say it was pointless. The socialist/Democrats have no integrity. They just say whatever suits their purpose at any given moment with no regard for truth. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Why yes, they do. They are politicians. Just as do the Reps/Cons. Own up, your guys are no better, no worse.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-09-2012, 08:34 AM
At his age, he tends to forget a lot, so it's probably time to put him in the old folks' home since he can't remember anything except what the media repetitively spoon fed him that night for dinner. So sad. Cognitive thinking skills are gone from his mind. A mime is a terrible thing to waste. Lol Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???

That has to be the most insightful post I've read in a very long time!
And Saddam still sleeps with the worms, BigTicks. He was perhaps the greatest mass murder to survive into the 21st century, and the world is a better place without him. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Saddam only murdered people in his country as opposed to obl who made war on America.
Obama is shameless. Originally Posted by joe bloe
No, you are a bigoted, partisan idiot to whom the truth does not matter.

You are cut from the same tired, dishonest cloth as is Joel Arends and as were the "Swiftboat Veterans for Lies".

Their commercials were funded in part ($250,000) by Bob Perry, a Texas home builder who was never in the Swiftboat Command and never verified a single line of the the ads.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Leadership...something this country lacks right now. Following is the short, simple message that General Eisenhower had prepared if the D Day landings had failed. Take not that he did not blame anyone but accepted all the blame on himself inspite of the thousands of things that could have gone wrong over which he had no control.

Compare this to the legal document that the White House put out just prior to the Bin Laden assassination. Legality after legality giving cover to the White House in the event somethint went wrong. You are authorized to perform this mission but if ANYTHING changes and you don't tell me then it's your ass Admiral.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
My uncle Lawrence served in riverine during Vietnam. Have some respect for his memory and stopped the childish name calling...what am I saying. That is what democrats are famous for but not very good; Watergate, Plamegate, Tailhook, recordsgate, Frankgate, tailgate, Bill'speckergate, weinergate, etc
I B Hankering's Avatar
Old-goat's challenge:. . .Oh wow! Let's see who takes credit for wandering off topic this time, IB. Old-goat's answer: (Actually, you didn't, . . . Originally Posted by Old-T
You are arguing with yourself again, Old-goaT.

At his age, he tends to forget a lot, so it's probably time to put him in the old folks' home since he can't remember anything except what the media repetitively spoon fed him that night for dinner. So sad. Cognitive thinking skills are gone from his mind. A mime is a terrible thing to waste. Lol Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???-T

That has to be the most insightful post I've read in a very long time! Originally Posted by Old-T
Come on guys, BigTicks isn't that much older than you. Give him some slack.

Saddam only murdered people in his country as opposed to obl who made war on America. Originally Posted by Ekim000
That's not a true statement either Ekim the Inbred. Saddam invaded Kuwait, and Kuwaitis were killed. Subsequently Saddam violated UN Sanctions by refusing to pay for reparations to Kuwait. And don't forget, Saddam supported and financed some of the operations of Carlos the Jackal and Arafat and the PLO (don’t you remember the American named Leon Klinghoffer? Probably not – you are plagued by that incestuous ancestry). Saddam also supported especially the ANO (Abu Nidal Organization a PLO splinter group) which perpetrated the 1972 attack at the Munich Olympics, the 1985 attacks on airports in Rome and Vienna, as well as the hijacking of Pan Am Flight 73 in Karachi in 1986.
The real reason for the invasion of Iraq THIS MAN IS THE ONE WHO TRIED TO KILL MY DADDY
I B Hankering's Avatar
The real reason for the invasion of Iraq THIS MAN IS THE ONE WHO TRIED TO KILL MY DADDY Originally Posted by ekim008
Your 'daddy' (uncle/cousin/etc.) had nothing to do with it, Ekim the Inbred. It truly is a pity that you cannot comprehend elemental facts, Ekim the Inbred. Saddam Hussein was in violation of multiple UN Sanctions, and the WMD Commission and the Butler report both indicate that the intelligence community was correct in suggesting that Saddam was probably seeking to re-arm his military forces with WMD. That conclusion is, in part, based on these known facts: 1) Saddam had had WMD in the past. 2) Saddam had strong incentives to reconstitute his arsenal. 3) He had the money to refinance such a reconstitution. 4) He had trained, competent technicians who could reconstitute his stockpile of WMDs. 5) He had the necessary materiel on hand to proceed with such a reconstitution. 6) He repeatedly stalled and deceived the inspectors leading intelligence specialists to surmise he was re-arming with WMD.