another bad news poll for Trump

Here you have a chance to do your own forecasting.

If 49% of Americans believe Trump should stop running for President, what percent of
Americans are going to vote for him in November if he is still around ?

Only 51% believe he should continue to even run for President, let alone vote for him to be President. Originally Posted by VitaMan
All the Polls have different outcomes. You just go ahead and believe the one you like the most. The final poll is in November, "The Election". I'll wait for that one.
It's actually comical watching the unflappable MAGA group on here that swears he's gained support, but that's only the mouth breathers they hang out with. Outside the circle-jerk, it's not going the way they think it is. Like here:

How Republican voters feel about Trump and the election after his conviction | PBS NewsHour


Amna Nawaz:

For more on the political fallout of Trump's guilty conviction, Laura Barron-Lopez heard from Republican voters about how this impacts their thoughts on the former president and the upcoming election.

Laura, good to see you.

Laura Barron-Lopez:

Good to be here.

Amna Nawaz:

So you watched this focus group today with a group of voters the day after that guilty verdict. How were they reacting?

Laura Barron-Lopez:

Amna, this focus group was of voters who voted for Donald Trump twice in 2016 and in 2020. And they were slightly already a little souring on him, but some of them could have very well gone back to him.

And it was conducted by a group run by Republican strategist Sarah Longwell. And so after this verdict, they said, about six of them, there were nine total, about six of those voters said that the fact that these were felonies that Trump was convicted of carried more weight for them than if they had been misdemeanors.

And out of those nine voters, five of them said that this made them less likely to support Donald Trump, including 52-year-old Michele from Florida.

Michele, Florida:

I'm tired of the lies. I'm tired of the nonsense. And I believed the testimony. And that is why I am happy that the jury found him guilty. And I think also, now that he is a convicted felon, he's completely unfit. He can't pass a basic security clearance at this point.

I'm not sure if he can vote in Florida. He may not be allowed to go to different countries as a felon. This is not appropriate. Knock it off, Republicans. Find somebody else.

Laura Barron-Lopez:

And Michele, that voter, Amna, Michele, she had voted for Republicans her entire life, voted for Trump twice. But this verdict carried a lot of weight with her. It carried a lot of weight with a number of the other voters, who also some of them raised January 6 as something — the insurrection as something that had started to convince them that they maybe couldn't vote for Trump again.

Amna Nawaz:

So, Michele from Florida less likely to vote for him as a result of the verdict.

Was anyone pushed further towards Mr. Trump as a result of the verdict?

Laura Barron-Lopez:

One out of the nine voters in this focus group said that this verdict made him more likely to support Donald Trump.

And that's Mark, 54, from Florida — sorry — from Georgia, and he called it a sham trial.

Mark, Georgia:

It's a double standard. It was a politicized prosecution. It was the elevation of what are misdemeanors into felonies just for political purposes.

Laura Barron-Lopez:

And the voters were also asked whether or not this verdict made them trust the justice system more, trust the justice system left, or it didn't change their mind.

And three of them said that it made them trust the justice system more. Most said it didn't change how they viewed the system. Mark, who we just heard from in Georgia, said that it made him not trust the justice system as much.

But as for whether or not they thought that Donald Trump should go to jail, Valerie, 64, also from Georgia, had a very strong response to that.

Valerie, Georgia:

He should start jail time, the crime — the — pay paid the penalty for the crime. We all know what's going to happen. They're going to negotiate and renegotiate. And he's not going to serve any time, but he will get more time on television right here at election time.

Laura Barron-Lopez:

And, at the end of the day, they were asked, if you had to pick between President Biden or Donald Trump, who would you pick come November? And roughly six of them said that they would vote for Joe Biden. One, Mark, who we heard from, said that he would vote for Trump.

And one to two of them were basically unsure or said that they may not vote.

Amna Nawaz:

Fascinating insight there.

Laura, as you know, and we heard earlier, Mr. Trump also continued his attacks on the judge in this case, Judge Merchan. In the last 24 hours, we have now seen Republicans relentlessly attacking the judge, the judge's daughter, the judicial system. What is the impact of all of that rhetoric?

Laura Barron-Lopez:

Well, we're starting to see some direct impact, Amna, because, as you noted, a lot of Republicans, in addition to Donald Trump, have said that — tried to sow doubt about the justice system, have directly attacked the judge in this case.

And I was working with Advance Democracy, a nonprofit investigative group that tracks far right social media, and provided us an early look at data that they have been gathering since the verdict came out yesterday. And they were tracking social media across X, formerly known as Twitter, Telegram, TRUTH Social — that's Trump's social media site — and they found an increase in calls for violence and violent rhetoric.

They also found an increase in calls to dox jurors and to dox the judges. And here are some examples.

On Telegram, one posted: "Hang the judge for corruption."

On a site called Patriots Win, another follower said: "Someone in New York with nothing to lose needs to take care of Judge Merchan. Hopefully, he gets met with illegals and a machete."

And then another one posted: "We need the judge's address, along with his daughter's. And we will be peacefully protesting, but, ultimately, the gloves are off and do your duty."

Now, posting these on Telegram, Amna, that is a Web site that is also used by Proud Boys. The Proud Boys were at January 6. So, overall, there has been an increase in calls for violence, an increase in calls for doxxing. And, potentially, it appears that one user may have actually doxxed a juror, but they're still trying to verify whether or not it's that juror's address.

Amna Nawaz:

Laura Barron-Lopez, great reporting, as always. Thank you so much.

Laura Barron-Lopez:

Thank you.
... Blimey! ... PBS is Champion with THIS reporting!

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#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Blimey! ... PBS is Champion with THIS reporting!

Your Public tax dollars at work...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You don’t believe your fellow Republicans?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Let's not get silly there, mate.

What are the numbers as far as DEMOCRATS who DON'T
want the current President to run again?

So, again - I, 'm NOT seeing a "bad news" poll for Trump.
Most likely it's a "poll result" to help the Democrat
voters NOT to get discouraged...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The majority of Democrats do not want Biden in 2024 and the majority of Republicans do not want Trump to run in 2024, but those polls are old and not relevant anymore.

When looking at polls as to how Trump's conviction might impact his 2024 election chances, it is important to pay close attention to the wording of the questions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That would require paying attention to the data, Speed. Hard to do when you never read past the executive summary. Or don’t know how.
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2024, 09:15 AM
Half of Americans believe former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in his criminal trial was correct, according to a new ABC/Ipsos poll.

The ABC News/Ipsos poll surveyed 781 U.S. adults, was conducted between May 31 and June 1 and has a margin of error of 3.7 points.

It found that nearly half, 49 percent, think Trump should end his 2024 presidential campaign after being convicted.

Trump is the first former president to be convicted of felony crimes, and according to the poll, a slight majority of Americans, 51 percent, believe he intentionally did something illegal. Originally Posted by VitaMan
And 86% of those polled believe Biden is too old to serve another term:

Trump will probably lose, but not because of a sham, politically-motivated prosecution in Manhattan.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And 86% of those polled believe Biden is too old to serve another term:

Trump will probably lose, but not because of a sham, politically-motivated prosecution in Manhattan. Originally Posted by Tiny
Right you are. He’ll lose in 2024 for the same reasons he lost in 2020.

Only now, he’s had four years to make those reasons more apparent.
... Blimey! ... PBS is Champion with THIS reporting!

Your Public tax dollars at work...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Arrrgh! I realized this here isn't what ye want to see, but it be not a poll. It be an actual event reported by an actual news station. I be sure faux news an' one asshat network skipped it.

bein' an gentleman o' fortune, ye probably don't understand 'ow tax dollars work. Ye can learn more 'ere:

How do federal $$$ get to your local station?

PBS and Member Stations Are Named #1 in Public Trust and an “Excellent” Use of Tax Dollars for Ninth Consecutive Year
... STILL - yer Public tax dollars at work! ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You'd prefer they went to Revolver?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Arrrgh! I realized this here isn't what ye want to see, but it be not a poll. It be an actual event reported by an actual news station. I be sure faux news an' one asshat network skipped it.

bein' an gentleman o' fortune, ye probably don't understand 'ow tax dollars work. Ye can learn more 'ere:

How do federal $$$ get to your local station?

PBS and Member Stations Are Named #1 in Public Trust and an “Excellent” Use of Tax Dollars for Ninth Consecutive Year Originally Posted by Diligaf


posting a link from pbs claiming they are "neutral and reliable" is a laugh.

the truth is the "unbiased" gov funded source is in fact biased

You'd prefer they went to Revolver? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

yes but i don't watch either. never did.

is CNN and MSNBC any different than FOX?

only depending what you want to believe