question from a newbie trying to get into the hobby

Cendell M's Avatar
I will say this more. Watch the movie Water For Elephants. A veterinary student hops a Circus train out of desperation. After he almost got killed, thrown off the train at full speed, he asks for a job. The head whatever says hey guy before I take you to the boss do you have anywhere else to go. Anything else you can do besides this, because this is a nasty business and I ain't talking about cleaning animal poop The poor kid said this was it because he had no money and his parents had just died, he couldn't pay for veterinary school.

So I ask you, as you can see how negative, cruel, mean spirited this place is plus navigating this conundrum without any real help is this something you really want to do. Is it worth your time, money , peace of mind etc. Me, I've been on p411 for years. I'm great. If you are truly a newbie it's going to be very hard for you and as you see people are not very welcoming at all especially in the new age of them being afraid of a felony charge. If I was you I would not do this. If I didn't have the help I had, friendly non troll people, easier screening when I started in wouldn't be in the hobby world at all. It's a crazy, dangerous world where the sheep are actually wolves and the wolves are actually sheep. Originally Posted by Fuckcenterpoint

Beat it, your nonsensical rambling is getting on my nerves quit, whining. He’ll be fine as long as he don’t listen to you!

Now go back to the circus clown
Cendell M's Avatar
Just 3 days ago he knew nothing & suddenly he is the expert for Newbies
Originally Posted by Busty
I know that’s why he’s such a clown, he can’t remember what he says from one post to the next
The above posters have said it all. The only great advice you have gotten is from me, Gina and the Ricky guy. The rest is just trash. Make your decision based on that if you really want to maneuver this minefield. Hint........latin agencies are your friend. Also, a lot of women some day require heavy screening then some days not so much depending on their financial circumstances and the proximity to rent being due. Go to ourhome2 Sir. There are ads there. Get p411 and for the love of God stay away from negative forces in the hobby land. As you can see they can be extremely mean and divisive. Wolves in sheep clothing. ( I've said many times I've been on p411 for years. Known about Eccie but just recently came. Hence I'm new here. Basic reading comprehension.)
  • pxmcc
  • 07-27-2024, 03:27 PM
OP, alt hobby sites' gals like List Crawler use different screening than higher end sites. Follow their screening, especially gals with favorable reviews on those sites, and write reviews on here. You will build up cred quickly. After that, screening will be a breeze. I haven't gone through invasive screening-like providing a DL etc.-in years.

Although eff centerpoint is controversial here b/c he tends to get into it with folks here, his advice isn't too far off the mark, imho.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Lol. So everything I said was wrong. You both are not in any place to give this guy any advice. And to call me names. Okay. Op. Let me cut this sandwich for you. P411 is for validity. Get on there get 2 okays. Off to the races. Ourhome2 and Tryst are for ads. Eros is a dumpster dive. List crawler and escort alligator if you get that desperate it's just time to stop doing this. Amps are for quick no screening hobbying. Bissonet is to be avoided at all cost. Eccie is for reading reviews but it's a lot of trolls here as you can see. I know several ladies who don't require references. Nice ladies as well. Others require real world info, deposits, and pictures which I advise you to never give up because as you can see a lot of ladies here can get really catty. Do you want your real world info in the hands of most providers. I got on p411 by the help of a lady I saw through my friends. Make friends Sir. Get to know the doorkeepers who can connect you with a lot of women. Unfortunately there are a lot of bitter mean spirited folks in hobby land who wake up to be mean and cause trouble. I've given you all the advice I'm giving. I only will write reviews here and post when it suits me. I absolutely accept no PMS. Good luck Originally Posted by Fuckcenterpoint
I have to tell you EROS does me very well , just like all site you have to do your home work ..ECCIE TER TRYST P411 Oh2 list goes on for every site ..haha I just noticed you can't Hear me !
Demolition's Avatar
I take a little break to get more popcorn and I missed all the fireworks. Oh well, he'll be back in a few weeks with a new handle. First post will be "I'm a newbie and need advice." 2 days later he'll be the experts. 2 days after that he'll have a meltdown because Cendell her his feelings and he be banned. Rise and repeat over and over
Demolition's Avatar
Cendell, you're suck a meanie. Wink wink
Cendell M's Avatar
I know he’s just so sensitive geezzz lol