Congrats Metal Smith for be the lucky drawing winner !

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Since I have officially declared myself "metal Smith" I currently have possession of the brightly colored socks and would appreciate you, to not spank your monkey while I wear them!

It's kind of creepy Originally Posted by CupOfJava

OH man Now how am I gonna get that image out of my head
Gentleman, friends, brothers? Although I have missed my oppurtunity to collect my "Win". I wanted to thank each of you for your generous offers to "Stand in / Stand up" for me, in my absence. Clearly you had only - my best interest at heart? Right?
I feel as though I should warn you, I will re - enter (Marilynn ;-) ) the drawing or we can duel at dawn (actually 5 AM seems to be a more favorable hour for me) for her second (2nd time is always better) dinner? - date.....