Trump had a Captain Queeg moment today, while the USA watched!!!!!!

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Is there anyway to get this idiot banned? His mindless, hateful dribble is offensive and shows no respect. If he doesn't like Trump's policies, that's okay. Most people with opticalrectumitis don't, but he should have the respect for the office that any decent, fair American should. To end up posting a quote by Chris Cuomo, of all people, is the absolute height, or should I say depth, of lunacy but then, what else do you expect from far left zealots? There is a place for legitimate dialogue on this site but there should be no place for this kind of mindless hate. Go away. Originally Posted by teddybear6011
He shouldn't be banned from the board.. He's entitled to his opinion. I don't like the mean spirit in his posts. That's why I have some fun with it.
But he shouldn't be banned for it. You can easily ignore his posts.
Missburger's Avatar
He shouldn’t be banned
Political forum is the best place to discuss

But people post in threads from both sides and everyone joins in and it’s a political forum in upstate

On we go
Willie Wanker's Avatar
We probably should be talking more ho's, less politics. It would be a happier place.
Twitter is a better place to be brutal. It's a wasteland.
Missburger's Avatar
We probably should be talking more ho's, less politics. It would be a happier place.
Twitter is a better place to be brutal. It's a wasteland. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
most guys on here are not happy, grumpy old married and they stuck in the house with thier wife

lol, maybe they should be single, ha ha.

single life happy life
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Z is right up there with the most skilled trolls I have ever seen on here.

The make-believe republicans are losing their cookies and cannot handle it.

Maybe the moronic democrats should nominate him for president instead of that oatmeal-brained weakling they're currently stuck with.

There is no way Z checks less boxes with the identity politics crowd than Biden, the fool's fool.

He's clearly more well-spoken.

To my knowledge he has never been credibly accused of sexual abuse.

He sticks to his positions no matter how inane they are.

Not sure about his taste in whores, haven't vetted this yet.

Not a deceptive DC insider with a vulnerable past.

No apparent corrupt ties to China or Afghanistan.

No empty-suit adult children who he has used as vessels for influence peddling, that also happen to have severe issues with unmentionables as well as with fucking their dead brother's wives.

Z 2020
Next Best Thing's Avatar
He shouldn't be banned from the board.. He's entitled to his opinion. I don't like the mean spirit in his posts. That's why I have some fun with it.
But he shouldn't be banned for it. You can easily ignore his posts. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
He shouldn’t be banned
Political forum is the best place to discuss

But people post in threads from both sides and everyone joins in and it’s a political forum in upstate

On we go Originally Posted by Missburger

Learn from these two.
Missburger's Avatar
Way back when I was a kid I would say 99.9999999% of all Americans would say President Kennedy, President Regan, President Bush, President Clinton etc. But trump is trump (intentional lowercase "t"). Not many ever put the word president before his name. And yes, that's disrespectful.

He's a liar, he's a cheat, he's a thief, and most of all he has no respect for anybody but himself. Very few have any respect for him whatsoever.

Even you didn't (and usually don't) put the respectful title before his name. Don't blame it on typing on a phone or offer any excuse. With true respect you would take the time.

Finally, don't forget this is a whore board. Our memberships imply a general lack of respect for most things. That includes ourselves Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
I know when Obama was in charge other words were used for him on this board. Political forum is best used for all this talk but in these current times people are angry and upset and will blame someone, just how the world will work and come november if people are not doing well financially i think history shows how that vote is going to go, if we get a fast turn around then history shows how that vote will go.

Political forum h as great discussions on this,

as what to call him, thats everyones rights to call him what they want, its called freedom of speech, it is what it is.

on we go
Missburger's Avatar
Z is right up there with the most skilled trolls I have ever seen on here.

The make-believe republicans are losing their cookies and cannot handle it.

Maybe the moronic democrats should nominate him for president instead of that oatmeal-brained weakling they're currently stuck with.

There is no way Z checks less boxes with the identity politics crowd than Biden, the fool's fool.

He's clearly more well-spoken.

To my knowledge he has never been credibly accused of sexual abuse.

He sticks to his positions no matter how inane they are.

Not sure about his taste in whores, haven't vetted this yet.

Not a deceptive DC insider with a vulnerable past.

No apparent corrupt ties to China or Afghanistan.

No empty-suit adult children who he has used as vessels for influence peddling, that also happen to have severe issues with unmentionables as well as with fucking their dead brother's wives.

Z 2020 Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
well said, z is very skilled and yep the fake republicans cant handle it lol. I dont agree with a lot of z posts, but he gets under thier skin so easy, hes very talented.
As for the sexual abuse on biden remember we got trump too on that.

as ive said many times we are in sad state when we have two old 75 yo man running to handle the future of our country, thats a sad state for our country.
They both should be committed to nursing homes, although i b elieve trump is not allowed in nursing homes in fear of abusing the old women in the beds, but lets get them in nursing homes then we can have a better election, throw bernnie in there too.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
well said, z is very skilled and yep the fake republicans cant handle it lol. I dont agree with a lot of z posts, but he gets under thier skin so easy, hes very talented.
As for the sexual abuse on biden remember we got trump too on that.

as ive said many times we are in sad state when we have two old 75 yo man running to handle the future of our country, thats a sad state for our country.
They both should be committed to nursing homes, although i b elieve trump is not allowed in nursing homes in fear of abusing the old women in the beds, but lets get them in nursing homes then we can have a better election, throw bernnie in there too. Originally Posted by Missburger

Would be more concerned about Trump around physically attractive females, his primal urges and utterances appear to remain intact. Regardless of what one thinks of his judgment it doesn't appear to be impacted by age so I would trust him in a nursing home around the other inmates. Nurses are needless to say another story.

Biden appears to have sunken deeper into his unfortunate dementia and would probably try to fuck the electrical outlets unless there were some vulnerable old ladies to sexually harass or old men who are smaller than he is to physically threaten. Only problem there is that by November he may not be able to tell the difference between the old women and the old men and he'd need someone from CNN or MSNBC to coach him.
Missburger's Avatar
Would be more concerned about Trump around physically attractive females, his primal urges and utterances appear to remain intact. Regardless of what one thinks of his judgment it doesn't appear to be impacted by age so I would trust him in a nursing home around the other inmates. Nurses are needless to say another story.

Biden appears to have sunken deeper into his unfortunate dementia and would probably try to fuck the electrical outlets unless there were some vulnerable old ladies to sexually harass or old men who are smaller than he is to physically threaten. Only problem there is that by November he may not be able to tell the difference between the old women and the old men and he'd need someone from CNN or MSNBC to coach him. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
true as i said both old,

need some young blood
Here's a NY DEM nanny state queeg for you all.....

The tree huggers in the Dem party passed the no more plastic bags in supermarkets bill.... and before they could even start high fiving each other.... plastic bags are back in supermarkets because the reusable bags carry germs.... too fuckin funny.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Not funny at all, with all coming to light recently about the criminal incompetence of Don the Con!

Try and please strain to keep up. Know if may be hard as you do seem to struggle with spelling, the King's English and writing complete lucid sentences, as trump also does. This makes one wonder if you just may be a Trump University drop-out!

Thousands of Americans are dying because your Moron:
1. Back in November IGNORED his own Intelligence committees warning that Covid WAS real and very deadly!
2. Trade Adviser Peter Navarro Warned White House in January of Risks of a Pandemic. Trump was warned in January of Covid-19's devastating impact. A memo from Peter Navarro is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials, along with Trump.

Don the Con just ignored BOTH warnings, from his own staff and went golfing!!! Now this Moron yesterday say he just found out about this memo, he never read, just 24 hours ago. Is Don the Con channeling, his pal, that half-wit Gov in Georgia??? Originally Posted by Zollner
Now who's not keeping up?
What does all of that have to do with tree huggers and plastic bags? The next time you actually answer what is posed to you will be the first time....
Time to do like Stew and on we go....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Biden needs to dig himself further into the hole he has already started digging on prohibiting cash bail, which is obviously something middle class working Americans love.

Also needs to talk more about single-use plastic bags, as well his past as a hard coal miner. Anthracite coal. Hope you don't mind.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
true as i said both old,

need some young blood Originally Posted by Missburger
Trump is just a fatter version of himself from 40 years ago, I don't see the slippage in mental acuity or really much else other than probably weighing in around 275 lbs.

Age doesn't factor in for me anyway, as long as the president isn't observably senile like Biden is.
Missburger's Avatar
Trump is just a fatter version of himself from 40 years ago, I don't see the slippage in mental acuity or really much else other than probably weighing in around 275 lbs.

Age doesn't factor in for me anyway, as long as the president isn't observably senile like Biden is. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
275 is being kind man

and the health report they release is a lie, but biden appears to be in better physical shape.

trump is not mentally sound, but i think hes just crazy biden forgets things, signs of things to come

as i said i dislike both choices.

now watching press conferences cuomo and trump

cuomo knows what hes talking about has a plan and goes at it.

trump just bs like usual and doesnt know what the heck hes talking about.

but cuomo wont run, i dont like his policies, but we need a leader, trump is not a leader thats been clear from the onset of this mess.

when the republican party nominates a real conserative then we can have ourselves a good president.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Cuomo also guilty on cash bail and plastic bags.

Also flat-out lied to those poor unemployed folks who own homes about deferring mortgage loans which he has zero authority to order.

Also had an uncomfortable, decades-long personal relationship with Joe Percoco which gives one pause.

He is able however to construct a sentence and deliver it like a non-retard.