Taking a little respite from providing..

Hi Dannie

Good luck to you, I am a sucker for romance....I hope you enjoy yourself.. I really mean that. Sometimes you have to let go and have fun.

You better stick around and post here, Or I may have to come get you. You bring laughter to the board.

Good luck doll

JohnJohn's Avatar

Good luck to you and hope it's all you can handle for as long as you want it to be.

And look at the bright side people, there will be less retirement threads now from guys that have had a knock-their-socks-off visit with Dannie
Mopar71's Avatar
Wishing you the best......now go get that "cinnamon" ice cream at North Park.
For you Dannie I'll break my silence and make my first post on ECCIE.

I wish you all the best. Play Freebird for him and you can't fail.

Oh yeah, and watch out for your corn-hole.
For you I'll break my silence and make my first post on ECCIE.

I wish you all the best. Play Freebird for him and you can't fail.

Oh yeah, and watch out for your corn-hole. Originally Posted by Agrippa
I fucking love you, man. I will never be able to hear 'Freebird' without wanting to bust out in hysterical laughter.

I'm just dick whipped, I am NOT retiring. Haha I learned my lesson about retirement threads. I'm just not taking appointments at the time. See how I worded that?

Let me be clear: There is NO 'future' in what I am embarking upon, here. It's a dead-end street. There is no 'relationship' outside of a fuck buddy that I just happen to really dig the Hell out of. But the ride sure is a Hell of a lot of fun right now. No more, no less. NOT retiring!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dannie I regret we never had a chance to party and spend some time with each other. Nothing but the best to you and your future.
Dannie, hope you can make the relationship work! I, too, am regretting haven't not spent time with you. One doesn't know how the opportunty missed hurts until it's gone....
hmmm...what can I except.."women (rolling my eyes)"!
Dannie, good luck!
SASpurfan's Avatar
Here if you need me! SAS
"I'm just dick whipped"

Damn...and it's not mine!!!!!
OldGrump's Avatar
Dannie, I've enjoyed the life and wisdom of your posts.

We slow down doing one thing so we can dive head first into another.

Good luck to you.
Good luck to you Dannie, sounds like you have plenty of fun awaiting you in the future. Shame about all those chickens LOL
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Cheese n Crackers!!!!

Dannie Did You Have Sex With Yourself?!!!?

You DID.


Did you NOT learn anything from the 20 "I'm leaving the Hobby" or "It's time to Retire" threads?


Good Luck Hon! Go Love the shit out of that man! I know I would!! ( Not with your man. But, a man of my own. You got that anyway I'm sure. Okay, I'll quit talking....except one more thing) You go girl!!

Please Take care!
~Kelly TNT
Randy4Candy's Avatar
+1 to Kelly TNT's observation - LOL!

Whether or not they know it, some of the guys who used to be coming up on the now non-existent list of those who were going to see you have just been SAVED from Hobby Retirement (can I get an "Amen" brothas and sistahs?).

Good luck, though, it's a new rodeo, not the first one, but ride that pony, hoss (hoss-ette?).
Good luck!