
TheTopG655's Avatar
Thank you for the information LoneStar and staying on topic. Do you know if Ruby is Angel from Kfest since that was the op’s original question? Originally Posted by ntxguy
HenrySwanson's Avatar
That's not what Angel looks like.
ntxguy's Avatar
If you are answering my question I can’t see your comment
I thought open acts of promotion and pimping was against the rules? This is just a post to promote AS Ruby... Originally Posted by 100PercentMaximumNoChill
Thank you for the information LoneStar and staying on topic. Do you know if Ruby is Angel from Kfest since that was the op’s original question? Originally Posted by ntxguy
I do not but she does not look like Angel from KF, so it’s probably not her. AS pixs are different from the KF ones
That's not what Angel looks like. Originally Posted by HenrySwanson
While we can agree to disagree, the measurements and the photos are similar to ones she had in the past. Sorry you don’t agree, but what a world to live in! Thanks for the input tho
ntxguy's Avatar
I do not but she does not look like Angel from KF, so it’s probably not her. AS pixs are different from the KF ones Originally Posted by LoneStar41
TheTopG655's Avatar
Fellas, chill lol. Ruby isn’t even all that pretty and her pics are pixelated. Meaning dated, older provider Originally Posted by LoneStar41
I do not but she does not look like Angel from KF, so it’s probably not her. AS pixs are different from the KF ones Originally Posted by LoneStar41
Not to hard to get new photos, but they looked semi familiar to some she had in the past and in other cities. Measurements were around her size as well.

But thanks for the input, I figure it likely was not be her but no idea if anyone had seen her to know.
TheTopG655's Avatar
I do not but she does not look like Angel from KF, so it’s probably not her. AS pixs are different from the KF ones Originally Posted by LoneStar41
Originally Posted by TheTopG655
ntxguy's Avatar
Can’t everyone try to stay on topic? Has anyone actually visited with Ruby? Information exchange is the key part of eccie. Not all the wanna be Inspector Clouseau theorists with their fingers hovering over the RTM button. What’s that saying about living in glass houses? Some of you should probably look that up.
TheTopG655's Avatar
ntxguy's Avatar
^^^ Please try to stay on topic and quit stalking and accusing me. Get some help if there is any for you. Also please point out where I’m “obviously” promoting keyboard warrior.
Could a mod close this?

This thread has been completely hijacked by 100% and TopG.