Impeach Biden

Willie Wanker's Avatar
This military withdrawal from shithole country #1 does not seem to be going too well.

Would probably be worse if Dementia Joe got out of bed and started paying any attention to it.

Can't wait to hear the GOAT mock the disgusting mainstream media's nauseating coverage blaming SUPERTRUMP. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Coincidentally Psaki is currently "out of the office".
It must be taking longer than expected to find someone else to blame this on.
How long can they blame Trump ? You can hate the guy, but look how everything has gone down hill since.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
How long can they blame Trump ? You can hate the guy, but look how everything has gone down hill since. Originally Posted by Luvbubbles
And he's been in office less than a year, scary.
Gropey Joe is MIA, except for that pathetic pic of him sitting alone at Camp David. Looked like he was wondering what was for lunch or watching Hollywood Squares. The Ginger Goebbels is on vacation. Believe this? And that cuck, Blinken, had his lunch eaten by Jake Tapper, of all people. When CNN gives a Democrat a hard time, you know this administration is fucked.
PM Update: Of course! It's all Trump's fault! And then Gropey Joe ran from the podium like the cowardly bitch he is.
trojantide's Avatar
You dumb asses are so addled from GOAT cum you can’t tell up from down let alone right from wrong. Of course this was going to happen. Everyone knew it, including Biden. He’s accepting it and standing behind the decision.
Of course, Trump and his bitch Sec of state Pompeo set it all in motion when they gave the Taliban legitimacy by inviting them for a woke sleep over at Camp David.
At least admit that or go take another shot of GOAT CUM. As if you’re not addled enough.
rooster's Avatar
Holy faaakin...WHEWWWWWWW!!!!!

Trojan-cock comes back in a big way! Holdin that in musta hurt like hell. Glad ya got it out!

how's thangs, cock?

Next Best Thing's Avatar
You dumb asses are so addled from GOAT cum you can’t tell up from down let alone right from wrong. Of course this was going to happen. Everyone knew it, including Biden. He’s accepting it and standing behind the decision.
Of course, Trump and his bitch Sec of state Pompeo set it all in motion when they gave the Taliban legitimacy by inviting them for a woke sleep over at Camp David.
At least admit that or go take another shot of GOAT CUM. As if you’re not addled enough. Originally Posted by trojantide
There it is, folks.


trojantide's Avatar
BDS + GOAT cum be….too predictable

Doin gooood Roo. I’ll luk when I’m down ur way.
Gdubya110's Avatar
Holy faaakin...WHEWWWWWWW!!!!!

Trojan-cock comes back in a big way! Holdin that in musta hurt like hell. Glad ya got it out!

how's thangs, cock?

. Originally Posted by rooster
trojantide's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Can anyone reconcile that Dementia Joe would assert that he and his team of transvestites prepared for every eventuality, slept through this shit show, and believes that this adds up to a positive outcome?

Decent barometer to calculate approximately how fucking stupid the idiots who voted for him actually are.

I'm interested at this point.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
In the meantime, Mark Milley is kicking back with his feet up reading about the evils of white rage.
The mistake Biden made was listening to the "Military Intelligence"..They have a history of being wrong..Iraq has weapons of mass destruction..we are winning the war in Vietnam...
Gdubya110's Avatar
Even CNN is going hard on Biden now. I didn’t think it would happen.

They’re reporting that there are polls that are supporting this clown, as America’s jaws collectively drop.

There needed to be a different approach in Afghanistan, but it wasn’t this one.

Won’t be long before the soccer stadium in Kabul is operating at pre-2001 levels again. I’m not sure what turns my stomach more: watching Taliban drive around Kabul on HUMVs or the people falling off planes as the coward Biden tries to spin this was the right way to do things.