Gotta Gain some Game

I know books like the Game and others on the surface appear to be "pick up artistry". They are both much deeper and by the end of the Game the author admits that his "tactics" lead him to the love of his life; a woman who wasn't fooled by this "art".
All of these books are simply a do and don't self help guide. Anyone who reads these has to take everything with a grain of salt and build on them so that they have "tools" that work best for their personality.
Let's face it; women have the power (pussy) and at one time or another all men are intimidated by it. The thought of rejection can be paralyzing. These books give real men power (knowledge), not game. Knowledge evens the playing field. Smart men know that women can read through the BS games so they don't even try. Confident men succeed by not trying to pick up women. I met the 2 different loves of my life at bars and wasn't trying to hook up. In both cases I later found out that each were drawn to me because I didn't come across as a DB player but a confident guy who was generally interesting.
OP; nobody's suggesting changing who you fundamentally are but a few tweaks here & there & how you approach trying to meet women will improve your odds of meeting someone.
It's tuff out there but once you have that taste of success it gets easier.
Best of luck bud!
Duthgar1976's Avatar
I'm here because as a middle aged man who has given up on life I still like to touch vagina. So I pay for it, besides I'm overweight, unattractive, and unsuccessful so this is my only option =)
Heres my .02

Make a woman feel wanted. It's all about that mental mind fuck.

Ever wonder why the super hot/super educated chick got with that low-life thug or bum?

Well, the bum was feeding her the dream. You'd be suprised what women will do for a false sense of security.
B.Wayne's Avatar
This has actually worked for me. Go up to her and say,Hey,you want to get a pizza and fuck? If she says no, then you say " what? you don't like pizza? One of two things will happen she will laugh and give you a window to talk to her, or you get slapped.

So whats the deal? you afraid of rejection? I used to be. I havnt been for a long time. Its so weird because of some of these awesome women. It isn't so much a confidence boost as it is a stress release. its like a drug for me to be with a hot woman. No bs they know why im there and I know what they want from me. This isn't the answer man. you have to find the answer within youself and that is the journey. I can give you some advice. stay the hell off facebook and just go out and talk to people find something interesting about them that you are curious about. that's why I say you have to find it on your own not to be rude but sometimes you cant have someone tell you how to do something. you got to get in there screw up and learn from your mistakes and find what works for you.

Are you afraid? use that fear if you have to. but do SOMETHING. or hell man, take baby steps hire a lady to go out on a dinner date. don't even think about sex. because you could start to confuse the reality of the situation. or hire a lady to go to the movies with you or something to pluck you into the social pipeline. you wanna see batman v superman but don't have any friends to go with? hire a lady. just walking into a theater while you have that hot woman hugged up on you and everybody looking at you could probably do wonders.
but you have to think of what you want to get out of this. do you want to get into a relationship? ehh I wont touch on that but I wont say one way or another. but if you just want to get better skills this MIGHT help, as in no guarantee. this cant fix what you got going on inside you, you have to deal with that in a productive way. but what do I know. ive been emotionally unattached for like a year and half because im elbows deep in work. You think you got problems?!! damn bastards called me while I was ON VACATION!!!!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
If you're a gentleman, just be yourself. If you're not a gentleman, forget about it.
I consider myself a decent looking guy with attributes that could impress most ladies enough to at least get my foot in the door and start some flirting. I hobbied because I'm just a horny mofo and love sex, I just don't have the time to hunt for pussy like I used to.

When I was young and pulling one hitter quiters at bars, I wouldn't worry about the rejection part. I'd find the hottest girl at the bar, tryou to talk to her and work my way down. Every woman isn't going to go home with you on the first night. It's okay to just get her number (or give her yours). If that happens make sure to jot down her name and some identifying information, like her job, what shelse was wearing etc. When she finally calls you and you mention those things it shows you were paying attention. That's what this shit is about for some ladies. You think they get all this shit done to their bodies to be invisible--they want attention.

As far as where to go? That really depends on what type of woman you are looking for. I like to play the odds. Why go to a bar full of guys? Fuck that...go to a mall or something. Somewhere where the odds are better for you.

True story: i went into a Michael kors outlet once with no intention of of buying a purse. I saw a girl in the window that was fine as hell. I walked in and asked her to help me find a gift for my sister. We chatted, found out she was getting off work in 45 minutes so offered up drinks and the rest is a tale of legend. Morale of the story is you can pick up ladies anywhere.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Stop treating it like a game and get real. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
If you're looking for just ass, then just stick to hobby. It's safe and you know you'll get what you're after.

If you're looking for a relationship, don't play games.
I'm here because as a middle aged man who has given up on life I still like to touch vagina. So I pay for it, besides I'm overweight, unattractive, and unsuccessful so this is my only option =) Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
You should put that in your sig line you repeat it so much.

On topic though, it is just being confident and not needy and pathetic, like you've never had pussy in your life.
  • anita
  • 04-03-2016, 09:25 PM
well, the truth is if you are not really good looking in the civilians world you have to double the efforts. Ijs. Compliments work anywhere, any time... At least with me. If she keeps walking away after that you are free to push your luck and introduce yourself or try with another one. Something unusual though.... Not the same old 'you're beautiful'. I'd say thank you and keep walking, because someone else will say the exact same thing that day. You have to stand out. Someone told me one time that I have nice legs, and asked if I run tracks. That was flattering, different and he opened a window for conversation.

If you are at the bar, just offer her a drink. In my case, even if I'm not interested I don't take it and immediately walk away. I will be open to having a conversation with you, but if when my glass is almost empty I didn't find you interesting, I will excuse myself and walk away.

You have better chances joining an activity group and get to know many women who will be okay spending time with you... Since you share a common interest.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-04-2016, 11:45 AM
Heres my .02

Make a woman feel wanted. It's all about that mental mind fuck.

Ever wonder why the super hot/super educated chick got with that low-life thug or bum?

Well, the bum was feeding her the dream. You'd be suprised what women will do for a false sense of security. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
That dream must be accompanied with some good dick or money also or the dream is over, you're young and have to experience some more.
That dream must be accompanied with some good dick or money also or the dream is over, you're young and have to experience some more. Originally Posted by BLM69
Good dick always put me up in my emotions. Lol.
darkchoc6's Avatar
Originally it was to get something different than the SO. Different could be in terms of race, age range, body type, activities or personality. Now that I'm single I don't hobby as much.

Being a middle aged gentlemen myself, I understand what you mean about not wanting to appear creepy. The women I've been meeting who are my age seem to want to head to the alter on the first date.

With that being said, try to hobby a little less and get out of the house a little more. There are all kinds of single groups and other types of activity groups you could join.