Presidential Address

There is no way that the Government could possibly round up all of the Guns in the USA, no more than we could solve the illegal immigration problem by rounding up every illegal alien.

I do not know the answer to the delima that the Country faces. We pride ourselves in being the most open and free society on the Planet. Is this part of the price we pay for the freedoms we enjoy?

The NRA has a standing policy that once you let the camel's nose of gun controle under the tent, then it's all downhill.
The movie industry says that violence in movies does not influence people to commit crime.
The gaming industry says that overly violent games are harmless.
The music industry says that lyrics that glorify illegal activity such as violence toward women and law enforcement do not compell young people to immulate the artist.
The entire Country refuses to believe that the breakdown of the familly unit has caused a moral decay of the population.

We have met the enemy, and it is us.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-16-2012, 09:11 PM
Nobody is shitting on the memory of anybody, except maybe the memory of your intelligence which hasn't been heard from in decades.

The fact is the left is jumping all over this as an excuse to ban guns, without fully examining all the facts. The facts are this kid was a lunatic, and should have been in a mental hospital getting appropriate treatment. His mother was also a lunatic who didn't secure her guns. It also appears she resisted treatment for her son. There were many people in the system who knew this kid was trouble, but he slipped through the cracks.

When this is fully investigated, it will become apparent that there were many opportunities to prevent this tragedy, and none of them will involve limiting gun ownership by competent, law-abiding citizens.

What is shameful is the way the left is desecrating the memory of this tragedy to further their own political ends. It's people like you, Assup, with your phony outrage and half-cocked (pun intended) reactionary demand to disarm the population that are showing both disrespect to the children, and to America. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Romney is a leftie?

funny thing, Leftie Romney banned assault weapons in the state he presided over when he was Governor ...

that asswipe stomped all over the constitution just like I REMINDED YOU during the campaign ... YOU said in his case you could accept that. So pardon me if I say (again) youre a fukn hypocrite.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I only said that Romney was ever so marginally more tolerable than Obama. You were using Romney's position in Massachusetts as a reason for me to not support Romney, which I didn't. Obama has shit all over the Constitution, and you supported ALL OF IT.

If anyone is a hypocrite, it is you, my mentally challenged little friend, not me.
If Obie was perfect president you would have nothing to bitch about.You should be thankful for what you got.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bitchita, you're a classic gainer and pathological whiner.

You haven't admitted your ass whooping by LL, you haven't admitted your fealty to the Republicans. you're an EX-PARROT! a total fraud.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I don't have to agree with Joe on every issue to respect his intelligence and thoughtfulness, two qualities you desperately lack. Assup. Joe is one of the smartest posters on here, and while I agree with him that abortion is terrible problem, I disagree with his solution. I do not want to make that decision for someone else.

In a sense, the two issues are related, because the solutions are going to be found in education, detection and early intervention. But otherwise, I do not think the issues are comparable. I am also not going to bash Joe for his opinion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So you reject JoeBloehards's smart premise that this tragedy is the same as abortion?

There is no "solution" to mass murder in our schools, asswipe. You are complicit in this tragedy, simply by your tolerance of this type of thinking.

Im not the only one who considers you a brain addled dipshit, btw.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like I said earlier, Assup. There has been no contact with your intelligence in decades. How am I complicit in this massacre? You are "trending" far past brain addled dipshit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And there are others on here who think you are a pathetic, moron loser. Remember your poll against me? How did that turn out, by the way?

<<< Assup // COG >>>
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn't say massacre, dimbulbo. I said tragedy. And that tragedy is projected by your tacit acceptance of Joe Bloes position that abortion and this school massacre are one in the same. You have NOT rejected that. In fact you wrote something that queerly looked like a "Final solution."

That is what you wrote.

that is who you are.

.why should anybody believe anything you say?

Evil, patronizing motherfucker. Maybe next week, after the world ends, you and Joe Bloe can meet up and bitch about WHAT WENT WRONG!

You are the worst of what Americans detest. Obviously the truth hurts. You had to post twice ... In between foaming fits! LMaO!

Dig that!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 12-16-2012, 11:01 PM
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;10520522 You had to post twice ... In between foaming fits! LMaO!

Dig that![/QUOTE]

Now that right there is some funny shit....lmao. ........ sorry COG....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In foaming fits? Assup, seriously, all your posts are foaming fits. Get a grip, man! And I did reject Joe's assessment, although I did it respectfully, so you obviously didn't get it.

And I don't think America detests me. You might, but we already know you don't support liberty, freedom or the Constitution. People who don't support basic liberty and individual freedom may detest me, but I don't care if they do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Everybody knows where I stand, so shut your lying trap.

you did NOT reject Joe Bloes premise, you patronized it.


Say it, you hypocrite, or forever be branded as a pandering, Republican platform worshipping phony.

Librarian my ass!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You don't get to decide what I say or how I say it. Sorry, Assup. I said what I said, and you mischaracterized it, as usual. You do that because you can't conjure up an original thought. Sad, really.
Browneagle's Avatar
Right now, like many I have feelings of sadness, anger and disgust. However I am also concerned because statistics have shown that there are more suicides over the Christmas holidays than at any other time of the year. What are the chances of a copycat massacre before the end of the month? In any event, occurrences like Newtown appear to be happening more frequently and are getting worse. Now we have 20 children, ages 6-7 years old, most of whom were left with as many as 7-11 bullets in their lifeless bodies. They are to be added to the list of the innocent sacrificial victims. Victims that are being rationalized to justify the ownership of an assault gun for the greater glorification of the NRA and its obscene hold over too many of the American public. It is discouraging. In the past 13 years since Columbine, there have been 181 school shootings! How many more kids will have to be sacrificed to protect a "responsible citizen's" right to pack a gun?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Answer the question.

This is important, COW. It is important to she'd some light on your so sweat enigmatic sense of self.

I submit you're a cow towing scumbag, incapable of original al thought. but right now, pure standing pat on a position that puts you right I. The middle of the Abortion crazies' camp.

I really don't respect much of anything you say, nor do I believe 90% of the lies your foist on the membership.

but this is important.

.do you have a fucking spine?