is america as bad as Donnie say it is?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, I just have a different world view than you. Do I think that the current POTUS acts in the best interests of our citizens? The answer is - no,no I do not.

By the way - Bin Laden was not ISIS.. He was Al Qaeda.
And what happened to Obama bringing back our boys? Now he's sending them back. I can tell you that coming from a military family and background-Obama is not popular at all.
And I don't think Trump would of been able to stop the killings. But I do believe he can help prevent future incidents. Like I said - someone has to get the ball rolling. And for me - my choice is Trump. Everybody has a choice - you have your and I have mine. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Do you think George Bush always acted in the best interests of the people of this country?

I didn't say Bin Laden was ISIS. I mentioned him as an example of the government doing work behind the scenes to fight terrorism that the public knows nothing about.

There is nothing Trump will be able to do about killings like those that occurred in Baton Rouge and Dallas. A U.S. citizen who goes berserk and opens fire on others. Unfortunately no way to stop that.

It's going to be an interesting next 2 months. Right now all the polls, meaningless as they are, have the race very close. A lot will depend on the upcoming debates.
It will be so interesting. My man Trump just open up his largest margin yet- according to The New York Post It's 47 percent to 40.4 percent. But you'r right polls don't mean anything right now. Hell,anything can happen between now and election day. I just haven't been this excited about a presidential race in years and I'm so enjoying it.
Drealman832's Avatar
It will be so interesting. My man Trump just open up his largest margin yet- according to The New York Post It's 47 percent to 40.4 percent. But you'r right polls don't mean anything right now. Hell,anything can happen between now and election day. I just haven't been this excited about a presidential race in years and I'm so enjoying it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Meh. I'm voting Gary Johnson
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It will be so interesting. My man Trump just open up his largest margin yet- according to The New York Post It's 47 percent to 40.4 percent. But you'r right polls don't mean anything right now. Hell,anything can happen between now and election day. I just haven't been this excited about a presidential race in years and I'm so enjoying it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The latest Rasmussen poll released today has Trump at 42% and Clinton at 43%. Candidates usually get a bump after their convention, as Trump did. It will be interesting to see if Clinton gets a similar bump. I think that the Republican convention was successful in promoting Trump and I think that the Democratic convention is succeeding in doing the same for Clinton.

Don't forget that the popular vote does not determine who will become President. Ask Al Gore about that. Trump must move several states that voted blue in 2012 to red in 2016. Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Florida are the key states where he has the best chance . He also has to hold states like NC, which is up in the air.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It will be so interesting. My man Trump just open up his largest margin yet- according to The New York Post It's 47 percent to 40.4 percent. But you'r right polls don't mean anything right now. Hell,anything can happen between now and election day. I just haven't been this excited about a presidential race in years and I'm so enjoying it. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
New York Post?

Isn't that the paper that ...

tuppy's Avatar
  • tuppy
  • 07-28-2016, 06:54 PM
America is fine. Y'all are a bunch of worry warts!

Zero economic growth in real terms. Lowest rate of home ownership in a generation. Higher education unaffordable. Middle class shrinking. Poverty rate way up and food stamp rolls up 400 percent. More people in jail than any country on earth. Debt now exceeds GDP and climbing. Wages flat for thirty years and median income down 10% since 2007 with no recovery. Originally Posted by skinNmembrain
5% unemployment. 16 million jobs created since Bush's recession. Higher education only unaffordable because of greedy republican policies. More people in jail is again due to republicans wanting to jail as many minorities and poor people as possible. The debt doesn't matter. Median income is down only because of income inequality and republican insistence in keeping wages low so that the 1%, who are making historically high wages, can keep making more.

I realize a lot of the men on this site are rich old white men who vote republican because they're greedy, selfish, and lack any semblance of morals or ethics, but you idiots voting for Trump/the GOP need to get with the times.

I also find it funny that you Trump supporters don't realize that Trump being the Christian fascist he is, along with his Christian fascist VP Pence, would double down on shutting down escort sites like this.
Major Hasan was born in the good old U.S.A. No immigration laws could have protected anyone from him. There was absolutely no way to predict that he would have done what he did. What would Trump have done to stop him? He broke no laws and was not considered to be a radical Muslim by anyone. Yes, we must try to eradicate ISIS, but not every crime committed by a Muslim is also committed by a member ISIS.

BTW. I want to add that I am not trying to convince you or anyone else to vote for or against a specific candidate. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Good points. I think what people fail to understand about radicalization and ISIS is that the real problem is not happening on an actual border, so devoting all your (our) time and energy on physical space won't be terribly effective. They are recruiting on the internet. This is a borderless war, and yes, they are already here. I think the other thing that is important to remember regarding ISIS is that they are losing the war in the middle east. They lost almost 30 percent of land in Syria this year and are getting their asses kicked in Iraq. They are gonna go down, but they aren't gonna make this easy. The more lose they over there, the more they are going to expand their guerilla tactics over here. Making these young people, which these recruits appear to me to mostly be, feel more angry and disaffected probably won't help.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar

I realize a lot of the men on this site are rich old white men who vote republican because they're greedy, selfish, and lack any semblance of morals or ethics, but you idiots voting for Trump/the GOP need to get with the times.
Originally Posted by goobersnotch
One day, tha po' folks, don't make no diff'rence (white, black, brown, red 'r yellow) who they is, is a-cummin' wif torches an' pitch forks fer e'ery buddy that kin drop mo' pocket munny on poosey than they kin 'fford ta spend on groceries, an' then gripe thet it warn't good enuff poosey. An yew thinck Tha Walkin' Daid is scarey.
This election in particular is akin to a herd of cattle waiting to enter a slaughter house with both right and left entrances.
They are so busy fighting over which side to enter they have lost sight of what awaits them inside. They subconsciously know the truth but fighting over the entrances is a welcome distraction.
AnimalHouse's Avatar
I went back to 2009 to see what my % or NDI of GI was for the year - ~68%. Then compared it to last years statement, ~ 57%, an 11% delta. And I am file as a single person. But whatcha gonna do bout it??? VOTE!!!
I can't have a discussion with a liberal who thinks we Trump supporters are idiots. It's really the libtards who start slinging insults when someone disagrees with you.. Let me put it this way - I don't care what Trump does - I'm voting for him. The alternative is way,way worse.

5% unemployment. 16 million jobs created since Bush's recession. Higher education only unaffordable because of greedy republican policies. More people in jail is again due to republicans wanting to jail as many minorities and poor people as possible. The debt doesn't matter. Median income is down only because of income inequality and republican insistence in keeping wages low so that the 1%, who are making historically high wages, can keep making more.

I realize a lot of the men on this site are rich old white men who vote republican because they're greedy, selfish, and lack any semblance of morals or ethics, but you idiots voting for Trump/the GOP need to get with the times.

I also find it funny that you Trump supporters don't realize that Trump being the Christian fascist he is, along with his Christian fascist VP Pence, would double down on shutting down escort sites like this. Originally Posted by goobersnotch
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I can't have a discussion with a liberal who thinks we Trump supporters are idiots. It's really the libtards who start slinging insults when someone disagrees with you.. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I challenge you to go out The Political Forum on the national ECCIE and take a look at what the Conservatives on that forum are saying about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and "libtards" in general. They have "slinging insults" down to an art form. Then please come back here and tell us what you found.
You'r right Speed Racer. I stand corrected. But I'm still voting for Trump

I challenge you to go out The Political Forum on the national ECCIE and take a look at what the Conservatives on that forum are saying about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and "libtards" in general. They have "slinging insults" down to an art form. Then please come back here and tell us what you found. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
PrettyBoyG's Avatar
5% unemployment. 16 million jobs created since Bush's recession. Higher education only unaffordable because of greedy republican policies. More people in jail is again due to republicans wanting to jail as many minorities and poor people as possible. The debt doesn't matter. Median income is down only because of income inequality and republican insistence in keeping wages low so that the 1%, who are making historically high wages, can keep making more.

I realize a lot of the men on this site are rich old white men who vote republican because they're greedy, selfish, and lack any semblance of morals or ethics, but you idiots voting for Trump/the GOP need to get with the times. Originally Posted by goobersnotch
I agree with your post. What I find interesting is Donald Trump has been married 3 time and 4 of his Businesses have filed for Bankruptcy and people trust him to run a Country. GTFOH with that non sense. He don't think before he open his mouth. Just listen to some of the dumb shit he say.

I would be embarrassed to tell anyone that I would vote for him. He is nothing but a clown to me. Republicans have been Hoodwinked, Bamboozled and Led astray by Donald Trump. Lol