Stupid shit trump does

  • Tiny
  • 06-10-2024, 09:38 PM
Stupidest thing Von Schitzenpants ever did was to not concede the Election in 2020. If he had simply conceded and moved on he wouldn’t be in so much trouble. Every problem he has right now is directly related to his decision to be an Asshole on January 6th. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
This is the best answer so far. It's going to be hard to top.

Admittedly as Levianon said though, he has a lot of problems that aren't related to his decisions on January 6. In addition to the New York court cases, he has a weiner that looks like a toadstool (according to Stormy Daniels) and a wife who doesn't respect him.
Every trial around the election would have gone away. Fox News might not have had to pay out 3/4 of a billion dollars for slandering dominion voting machines. Tucker might still be employed by fox. Trump might not have taken all the classified documents. Everything might be different if Trump wasn’t such an entitled dick. He might have even been re-elected if he wasn’t such an unlikable douchbag. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
If those were real crimes then it wouldn't have mattered if Trump would have accepted the outcome of the 2020 Election or not. So if the 2020 Election was the lynch pin to all of Trump's shortcomings then maybe the election was rigged.
txdot-guy's Avatar
If those were real crimes then it wouldn't have mattered if Trump would have accepted the outcome of the 2020 Election or not. So if the 2020 Election was the lynch pin to all of Trump's shortcomings then maybe the election was rigged. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You are delusional if you think that the election was rigged or stolen.

Your ignorance makes me laugh.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This is a lighthearted thread. How about just keeping it that way without hijacking it and it gets closed because so many folks in this forum are too fucking stupid to stick to a simple topic?

Maybe it's just me, but I'd much rather see threads like this pop up than a 20th covid or election denier thread pop up from the usual goofball suspects.

As far as the actual topic, this thread could reach 100 pages by election day if it is updated regularly with Trump's daily tantrums.

Learn how to smile more often folks. Not everything is so serious and certainly not in this clown car forum. Life is short. Enjoy it.
txdot-guy's Avatar
You are delusional if you think that the election was rigged or stolen.

Your ignorance makes me laugh. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
This is a lighthearted thread. How about just keeping it that way without hijacking it and it gets closed because so many folks in this forum are too fucking stupid to stick to a simple topic?

Maybe it's just me, but I'd much rather see threads like this pop up than a 20th covid or election denier thread pop up from the usual goofball suspects.

As far as the actual topic, this thread could reach 100 pages by election day if it is updated regularly with Trump's daily tantrums. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Apologies all around. My AC is on the fritz and the heat is making me cranky.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ I wasn't really referring to you because you actually addressed the topic in your initial post. Your only mistake was to take the bait from a dude who never addressed the topic and decided to post in in this thread only to bicker about his usual bullshit.
I honestly think he and his administration saved several hundred thousand lives worldwide by pushing the mRNA vaccines through the FDA and assisting Pfizer and Moderna with Operation Warp Speed. Without those, the vaccines might have hit the market months later than they did.

However, on topic, yes, saying he wasn't going to get the booster was stupid. Anyone his age and in his physical condition should have gotten the booster, as he ultimately did. Holding super spreader events at the White House and at his rallies was stupid too. Originally Posted by Tiny
Saved 100s of thousand lives??? All the while mishandled the whole thing and over 1.2 million died. Warp speed didn't need a name, it just needed done. Really think Clinton would have just sat around and did nothing? Bullshit. I don't think the pandemic would have gotten out of hand at all if Clinton were president. She probably would have been more prepared to begin with, then when it hit would have been on top of it all. Trump only gave a fuck about getting reelected and how everything he did looked in that regard.

You say saved 100s of thousand lives, I say most likely caused 1 million extra deaths in the US alone.
You are delusional if you think that the election was rigged or stolen.

Your ignorance makes me laugh. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Go back and read your post and then my reply do it three times let it all sink in.
Nothing was stolen or rigged. The only things stolen was maga brains and money given to the maga cult leader.
Nothing was stolen or rigged. The only things stolen was maga brains and money given to the maga cult leader. Originally Posted by royamcr
It was rigged so well you're convinced it's legit, lol.
It was rigged so well you're convinced it's legit, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
How so? Magats are dumb and don't realize that there are 10000+ election workers. They are supervised and bipartisan and face prison time if caught. Biden and dems must be a geniuses to coordinate all of that with no one spilling the beans. 2020 was the most secure election ever. Trump got beat bad and made up every excuse to try to get his way. Trump is facing prison time for some of his stupid shit.
This thread is about stupid shit trump did. Levianon17 - Please stop with the hijacking or go start your own threads. Everyone else just ignore him. Apparently the subject matter is too powerful.
Back to the subject.

I know A LOT OF PEOPLE are wondering what all this chatter is about Trump talking about sharks and boats and electrocution in Vegas yesterday. I'm sure the media must be exaggerating because no serious candidate would talk about such things.

Transcript below.

You're welcome.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^ And dipshits think Biden is the only senile participant in this geriatric Special Olympic race for the gold medal. What the fuck is that ridiculous shit I just read in that transcript? LOL
How so? Magats are dumb and don't realize that there are 10000+ election workers. They are supervised and bipartisan and face prison time if caught. Biden and dems must be a geniuses to coordinate all of that with no one spilling the beans. 2020 was the most secure election ever. Trump got beat bad and made up every excuse to try to get his way. Trump is facing prison time for some of his stupid shit. Originally Posted by royamcr
All elections are rigged. If Trump wins the left will scream it was rigged or interfered with and it probably will be.