Biden delivers knockout to maga

eyecu2's Avatar
Our usual counterparts are heavy on the deflection.

Biden has done some good things and he's asked for Congress to fix asylum laws. Because EOs don't get the funding required to run the changes needed.

As it's an election year, most SOTU speeches are somewhat more campaign reinforcement speeches. No different than predecessors in the office. MAGAs are just mad cause he actually was acting more like Trump in all the pointing of fingers and blaming Congress and the prior administration for sucking at their jobs.

Joe at least has a plan, where as the GOP literally has bupkiss except remain in Mexico and drill for oil.

Seems the other part of how to fix the economy, inflation or housing costs are all done by waving 'tiny hands' to magically change outcomes to align with speeches. What a bunch of malarkey.

Joe was great afterwards too calling out the shit the MAGAs have been waving around like FJB flags and having kids flip the bird.

Man the supposed party of morals, evangelicals and bible thumpers need to get back to Sunday school...that kinda hate is literally what drives MAGA nut jobs. Anger-tainment in the cult.
winn dixie's Avatar
The gop is in panic mode from Thurs night. No doubt. The maga side is scared
Wait until you find our they are not who they say they are...make-up and prosthetics on steriods!....have you seen the "progressive"commercial with "flo" at the table with family members but they were all closely...always someone by them...!ideology Chinese mao..unreal they almost got away with it!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Our usual counterparts are heavy on the deflection.

Biden has done some good things and he's asked for Congress to fix asylum laws. Because EOs don't get the funding required to run the changes needed.

As it's an election year, most SOTU speeches are somewhat more campaign reinforcement speeches. No different than predecessors in the office. MAGAs are just mad cause he actually was acting more like Trump in all the pointing of fingers and blaming Congress and the prior administration for sucking at their jobs.

Joe at least has a plan, where as the GOP literally has bupkiss except remain in Mexico and drill for oil.

Seems the other part of how to fix the economy, inflation or housing costs are all done by waving 'tiny hands' to magically change outcomes to align with speeches. What a bunch of malarkey.

Joe was great afterwards too calling out the shit the MAGAs have been waving around like FJB flags and having kids flip the bird.

Man the supposed party of morals, evangelicals and bible thumpers need to get back to Sunday school...that kinda hate is literally what drives MAGA nut jobs. Anger-tainment in the cult. Originally Posted by eyecu2
This blame deflection is becoming comical. Biden was handed a secure border, he blew it up day one, very much on purpose, and now wants people to believe it’s the other guy’s fault. Sorry, nobody is buying it, nor do they feel that the problem is the inability to process illegals into the country more quickly. They need disincentivized and prevented from coming into the country illegally in the first place. Ya know, like actually having a border and therefore a country.
bambino's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Senile Biden now owns the Republican party cause of maga. Thurs night proved that
... ... Biden owns historic LOW approval ratings!

#### Salty
Have you even been paying attention? Biden addressed the border crisis. There is a bipartisan bill three the asshole insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump had his maga pieces of shit block from congress voting.

The only treasonist bastard is tRump. Why would any sane person vote for a January 6th insurrectionist, convicted rapist, 91 felony accounts, multiple bankruptcies, lies about everything?

Absolutely no question that I will vote for Biden again. Originally Posted by rmg_35
No question Biden has my vote again, too. trump is the one who doesn't want to fix the border. He told his Pet Speaker of the House and his cult of trained monkeys to block the bill - a bill that many Republicans in the Senate admitted is as good as they've seen in decades.

Because if they actually fixed the border crisis under Biden, they'd have nothing left to bitch and moan about. And if trump and his voters are great at anything, it's bitching and moaning.

Anyone who blames Biden for post-Covid, worldwide inflation that every country on earth experienced, and we are dealing with better than most, should be deemed too stupid to vote.

Record low unemployment under Biden, and oh yeah, he's not a fucking traitor who sucks up to foreign adversaries and shits on our NATO allies. Fuck trump and everything he represents.

The choice is beyond clear. It's America or trump.
No question Biden has my vote again, too.

Record low unemployment under Biden, and oh yeah, he's not a fucking traitor who sucks up to foreign adversaries and shits on our NATO allies.

. Originally Posted by tommy156
... So Biden "family money" $$$$ From the likes of Russia
and China somehow aint sucking up to foreign adversaries??

And of course Biden has yer vote again, mate...

#### Salty
... So Biden "family money" $$$$ From the likes of Russia
and China somehow aint sucking up to foreign adversaries??

And of course Biden has yer vote again, mate...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
First of all, that's just not true. But even if it was, why aren’t you concerned about Jared and Ivanka getting more than $2 billion from the Saudis?

Seems hypocritical to me.
TechPapi's Avatar
Exactly. Senile Biden was an utter joke .
Angry, demented, full of lies

1) Being forced to give an angry campaign speech to lock up your fringe base in March of the election year is a sign of profound weakness and 2) there was not even a moment of attempted eloquence in last night's speech.

Alas there unfortunately is a large group of ill informed folks who in cult fashion, just blindly vote for whatever Democrat is running. Originally Posted by berryberry

Exactly. Senile, convicted rapist daddy drumpf is an utter joke.
Angry, demented, full of lies

1) Being forced to give an angry campaign speech to lock up your fringe base in March of the election year is a sign of profound weakness and 2) there was not even a moment of attempted eloquence in last night's social postings while he tried to keep up and project his own failures.

Alas, there unfortunately is a large group of ill-informed folks who, in cult fashion, just blindly vote for whatever their stupid shit drumpf turd is running.[/QUOTE]
bambino's Avatar
Biden was medicated for the SOTU!!!

No shit!!!!

I had to delete the story by the Washington times.

Psychiatrist sees signs Biden was medicated for State of the Union performance. A psychiatrist who has worked with elderly dementia patients said President Biden exhibited signs of ********** use to mask cognitive decline in his amped-up, aggressive State of the Union speech on Thursday.
winn dixie's Avatar
More excuses. Biden lit up maga Republicans. The world knows it.
Pure knockout by Biden.
Rip. Magaism
... "The world knows it"... ... ...

... China surely knows it - they OWN Biden. ...

... And Russia surely knows it - Putin wants Biden! ...

#### Salty
TechPapi's Avatar
... "The world knows it"... ... ...

... China surely knows it - they OWN Biden. ...

... And Russia surely knows it - Putin wants Biden! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Then what's the problem? MAGAts should want Biden, since they love to gargle Putin's balls.